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EssexUK Brit Pro


Member since 12.9 years
Age 73
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 179 lbs (81 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Looking for Male
Gear speedos, trunks, singlet, ankle boots or barefoot
Languages spoken English
Last login today
Last update 4/12/2024


Show on map
  1. United Kingdom, Colchester, England

I am willing to travel 50 miles

Past opponents


Pro wrestling Pro wrestling
Just watching Just watching

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques, Like cyber wrestling

Specific wrestling styles: Brit pro wrestling

Miscellaneous interests: I have access to a ring, I have access to mats, I'm a heel, I'm a jobber

Followers of EssexUK Brit Pro


Pro style is where I'm at! I have a passion for Brit Pro; promission; pro fantasy; give & take and role play where I'm equally at home in the ring as either a heel or jobber, depending on your preference!
I've been wrestling on & off for a number of years. Reasonably fit. The itch to pull on the gear and get on the mats or in the ring just never goes away...even with my advancing years!
I love using the ring at Walthamstow, and can also get to other locations in the wider -London area from time to time. I also have access to mats in a friend's home in my area, subject to advance planning and at times when convenient with the host.
I'd like to think that I'm friendly, relaxed and fun and seldom, if ever, into full-on competitive action. I am very happy to consider occasional easy-paced WoS style bouts with trusted guys. Am also up for chatting on here, Skype, Trillian or WhatsApp, and to engage in pro-based cyber matches from time to time.
I have some recent experience as a ref and can be "the main in the middle" for your bouts if you fancy this anytime. Just let me know.


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