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Member since 10.8 years
Age 41
Height 5'8" (173 cm)
Weight 205 lbs (93 kg)
Gender Male
Looking for Male
Gear speedos, shorts, breifs.
Last login today
Last update 11/27/2022



Show on map
  1. USA - Virginia, Harrisonburg
    Place of residence

I am willing to travel 500 miles
I am willing to host. (Bed and Breakfast)

Past opponents


Submission Submission
No holds barred No holds barred
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling
Boxing Boxing

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Practicing techniques, Workout partner, Outdoors fights, Phone chatting, Looking to coach, Competing (tournaments)

Specific wrestling styles: Brazilian ju-jitsu, Wrestling with body punches, Promission

Stand-up fighting: UFC/MMA style matches

Miscellaneous interests: I have access to a ring, I have access to mats, Friendship, Relationship

Followers of Fighter1983J


Hey I am laid back guy who is also Autistic and who loves life. I am a boxer, learning submission wrestling and pro wrestling. If your over 45 and i am not interested in fighting you. I make expectations to the rule. But very few.
Also i am currently
21-3 as a amateur boxer. I will give you my all in a match. You will get a tough match, I can travel some. I do Sub, box, and some pro. Also body shots. I got boxing gear, and mma gloves, speedo. So let's lock up and make it happen. Also love to learn from more experienced guys. I got lots of energy and determination. I might win, I might lose, to me it’s all about having fun, meeting new people and being safe I have wrestled for Movimus.. Also when it comes to stakes will do them but for me its the fight. its 2 men proving who is alpha.


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Fighter1983J has no cyber opponents.