Got Stood Up For The First Time

commandertc (76)

8 days ago

Happens to me often, it's there loss my friend. Stay optimistic brother


JiminQueens2 (61)

8 days ago

(In reply to this)

I'd never stand you up, buddy! Missed you at Fest this year!


Redmond40 (157)

12 days ago

Yes, it has happened to me in (getting stuck with hotel bills) in Philadelphia more than once and Boston once. Sometimes it’s a guy you’ve met and has been around. No excuse for bad manners. We all know life intervenes. Ghosting, or blocking or deleting membership. That last one is somewhat common especially with new guys. The idea of wrestling or fighting is exciting, but when the rubber hits the road to commit they get cold feet or shriveled …. My general rule of thumb now is not to contact new guys for a few weeks to see if they stick. If they reach out fine, but the melt factor is high there too.


Juggernaut (0)

9 days ago

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Finally somebody gets it. We're all destined to go through disappointment now and again, but what determine your character is what you get out of it. Always include what you've learned from the experience. Otherwise, you're destined to repeat the same mistake again, and again.


GutPuncher89 (1 )

8 days ago

(In reply to this)

I learned to be more careful planning meets with someone from another country. I feel I'm more likely to meet with someone in New York, that Canada.


Budbro13 (3)

10 days ago

(In reply to this)

that is soo f'd up. that happened to me kinda but luckily I did not go to another city just to wrestle. I had other plans too, I hate f'n flakes, sorry dude.


Dom Michaels (14)

12 days ago

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100% agree... Dominic


GutPuncher89 (1 )

12 days ago

So we had been planning this meet since January and today was the day to meet. I paid for the hotel reservations for two nights. We'll, I went to check our messages and saw that he was no longer a member. And when I got a response from the number he gave me they said wrong number...

I told him things come up that are out of our control and I wouldn't be upset if he couldn't make it. However I am disappointed of the nature to which he couldn't make it by flat out deleting his whole membership to avoid having to say anything to me.

So now I've got a hotel for two nights by myself and it's non-refundable -_-

I can't even give him a negative recommendation and so he doesn't pull this on someone else.

Has anyone else had this happen?


Budbro13 (3)

10 days ago

(In reply to this)

that is soo f'd up. that happened to me kinda but luckily I did not go to another city just to wrestle. I had other plans too, I hate f'n flakes, sorry dude.


JiminQueens2 (61)

10 days ago

(In reply to this)

Had a guy ghost me yesterday - messaged him twice over the weekend to confirm, but no response. Didn't mind so much because I'd already planned to stay until today anyway and I fortunately had an "alternate" lined up, but it was annoying.

On the flip side, my match on Sunday accused ME of standing him up - when he showed up half an hour early and left after 4 minutes when I missed his messages.


GutPuncher89 (1 )

9 days ago

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Some people are just impatient and have no concept of "I'm driving, and can't respond now."

But to leave after only 4 minutes is next level...


JiminQueens2 (61)

9 days ago

(In reply to this)

Well, to be fair, he was the one driving. I was at my hotel, in an area in my room where I don't generally bring my phone.....

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