Sounds like Cut Throat Boxing with 3 opponents. Fighters A, B and C. Fighters A and B fight the first round. Second round...A steps out and C steps in to fight B. Third round...B steps out and A comes back in to fight C. At that point, all 3 will have fought 2 complete rounds and the rotation continues until there is only 1 fighter left. Everybody continues to fight 2 consecutive rounds with a 1 round rest. Could wind up being a long contest with a lot of good fight action for all.
Check out TFC, Team Fighting Championship on YouTube.
It's basically boxing teams of like around 8 fighters per team from various countries. When the bell rings they all pair off and start fighting each other in a large ring all at once. If a fighter is down or eliminated the remaining fighters continue and even gang up on the losing teams members. It's interesting and definitely different.
So I recently had an idea of creating an a match in England. How it would go is there would be three or more of us all in gear standing on the outside of the boxing ring, two people would go in, and have a match without any breaks, just a continues bout, until one of the fighters in the ring gets tired and needs a break, they then tap out and the next person on the outside steps in the ring in their place and fights the first guy, they then fight continuously until one get's tired and the next person steps in, it's really cool because it means if you're good enough, you could potentially permanently stay in the centre ring and fight everyone, plus if you're on the outside when everyone's had a go you can step in again when it's your turn and try for revenge, also the fact that this whole match could last hours of continues boxing, both fighting and watching from the sidelines
Fighter1983J (19)
6/20/2018 11:00 PMThere is a ring in claymont Delaware we can rent. Lets do it
Toughsnowflake (11)
6/21/2018 12:49 AM(In reply to this)
I was thinking Walthamstow in London
JayPuncher (10)
6/10/2018 12:01 AM
ringtech (2)
6/09/2018 5:10 PMSounds like Cut Throat Boxing with 3 opponents. Fighters A, B and C. Fighters A and B fight the first round. Second round...A steps out and C steps in to fight B. Third round...B steps out and A comes back in to fight C. At that point, all 3 will have fought 2 complete rounds and the rotation continues until there is only 1 fighter left. Everybody continues to fight 2 consecutive rounds with a 1 round rest. Could wind up being a long contest with a lot of good fight action for all.
scubawrestler (91 )
6/10/2018 5:52 AM(In reply to this)
We do that as round robin training.
hvywght blk bxr (7)
6/11/2018 12:29 PM(In reply to this)
Exactly what this is.
Toughsnowflake (11)
6/09/2018 8:36 PM(In reply to this)
A B C D E F and G haha
Toughsnowflake (11)
6/09/2018 8:35 PM(In reply to this)
That’s what I mean but with more people
PunchingBagWanted (5)
6/10/2018 2:29 AM(In reply to this)
Check out TFC, Team Fighting Championship on YouTube.
It's basically boxing teams of like around 8 fighters per team from various countries. When the bell rings they all pair off and start fighting each other in a large ring all at once. If a fighter is down or eliminated the remaining fighters continue and even gang up on the losing teams members. It's interesting and definitely different.
TheDynamo (0)
6/10/2018 4:03 AM(In reply to this)
I'd be down for this.
CelticFire (26 )
6/09/2018 7:16 AMDid something like this once. It was me vs two brothers, tag team (them) vs me boxing.
Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me, but not before giving them some marks to rememeber me by.
PunchingBagWanted (5)
6/09/2018 5:28 AMSearch Tag team boxing on YouTube.
Toughsnowflake (11)
6/09/2018 8:35 PM(In reply to this)
I never knew that was a thing this is exactly what I’m talking about but with more people
James (12 )
6/09/2018 5:18 AMLove this idea~
Toughsnowflake (11)
6/08/2018 4:10 PMSo I recently had an idea of creating an a match in England. How it would go is there would be three or more of us all in gear standing on the outside of the boxing ring, two people would go in, and have a match without any breaks, just a continues bout, until one of the fighters in the ring gets tired and needs a break, they then tap out and the next person on the outside steps in the ring in their place and fights the first guy, they then fight continuously until one get's tired and the next person steps in, it's really cool because it means if you're good enough, you could potentially permanently stay in the centre ring and fight everyone, plus if you're on the outside when everyone's had a go you can step in again when it's your turn and try for revenge, also the fact that this whole match could last hours of continues boxing, both fighting and watching from the sidelines