

Txwresl (283)

8/22/2023 5:25 PM

I guess I am a good teacher:-)

Anyway, congrats to all the centurians.....How about a day just for Centurians at next wrestlefest?


Txwresl (283)

8/22/2023 4:19 PM

Welcome! Watch out for that guy in the pic next to you...likes to break rules :-)


Sunny DeLeon (157 )

8/22/2023 5:16 PM

(In reply to this)

I learned it by watching you, Dad! I learned it by watching YOU!


Sam (203)

8/22/2023 4:22 PM

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Hahaha 🤪🤪🤪


Sunny DeLeon (157 )

8/20/2023 6:16 PM

Welcome our newest Canadian Centurion Kicksands! 👏😁


Julian Chang (141 )

8/21/2023 10:20 PM

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Delighted to join the ranks 😁


mattz4fun (644)

8/22/2023 8:05 AM

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We are too :)


Sam (203)

8/21/2023 5:18 AM

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Very deserving new member!


SeattleFight (511)

8/21/2023 5:18 AM

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Welcome Kicksands!!


Alan2005sg (263 )

8/21/2023 4:25 AM

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👍 nice. & welcome


Spruceman (55)

11/09/2018 5:11 AM

I don't have 100+ opponent notches in my belt; so I will post once and not be active in the group, unless explicitly invited or until the day, if ever, I reach that magic 100 number (or whatever is required) :). Posting here merely to invite anyone here visiting the Washington DC - Arlington VA area to contact me about meeting me for a match. Surely want to learn more holds, tactics, etc. Have 10 x 11 matroom with padded walls. Full info about me is in my profile, with recommendations from nearly all my past opponents.


Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2/11/2020 12:43 PM

(In reply to this)

I, too, am just 10 matches shy of the noted 100 requirement, yet 90+ is also a noted entrance statistic. ALANG....invited me and suggested that my 90 was adequate especially in view of this place as being an opportunity to finally get over the 100 hump. I've, therefore, joined but am willing to step back if there is substantial disagreement to my membership. I'm honestly flattered thatcALANG invited me and want to express my admiration for and of each of you other members.



calwrestler (146)

4/13/2020 12:59 AM

(In reply to this)

Hey George
90 is cool.....close enough to 100 ! It made me more adventurous to find that last 10! And that didn't take very long !
Welcome, dude


Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

4/13/2020 3:38 AM

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Thanks Terry...now let’s hope this virus thing abates snd they find a vacvine


Alan2005sg (263 )

4/13/2020 6:15 AM

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Yes, George, the COVID 19 is a very annoying. Seeing many people dying is very depressing. Hope this could be gone very soon.


Alan2005sg (263 )

2/27/2020 7:29 AM

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Hi, George,
Just noticed your message. You have a great profile & I'm quite sure that the group welcome more people like you.


hugefan (79)

2/11/2020 3:28 PM

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You're very welcome as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't want anyone to feel excluded, I'm a yoyoer going above and below 100 depending on people leaving or staying. Don't start me on my favourite rant about how unfair that is ha ha. I'll just say welcome


Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2/11/2020 12:56 PM

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I just found out that editing my own comment produces an error so I want to correct the ALANG references above tomALAN2005SG.


Alan2005sg (263 )

3/10/2020 5:06 PM

(In reply to this)

Hi, George,
You have a great profile & I'm quite sure that the group welcome more people like you.


Ben skull stephens (185)

7/09/2017 7:53 AM

Maybe stop concentrating on 50 here 100 there and just celebrate the fact that if a guy even has one opponent it is an achievement I meet guys who are genuine men who some times feel under confident , I think this system may cause guys to feel inferior


redlandguy (199)

7/10/2017 3:49 PM

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I can't help people feel confident but I am happy to wrestle them.

I don't think this is an issue. I think there are thousands of users of this site and most of them do not know or care about this group's rules.

I see this as a form of validation that guys are real. This site has some fake profiles, and profiles from people who talk about wrestling but will not actually wrestle anyone. The men on this list have wrestled 100 or more people so we know:

– All of us are real
– All of us actually wrestle people

So, If you are a new person looking to wrestle someone who is real and will wrestle people, this list is a good starting point in your search.

So if anyone is feeling insecure about not having enough opponents, WRESTLE ME. I am conveniently located in NYC near Times Square and I am looking for work so I have a lot of time on my hands.


Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2/11/2020 12:58 PM

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I'd wrestle you Red in an instant...getting to NYC is a formidable hurdle to address.


Ben skull stephens (185)

7/11/2017 9:59 AM

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I wrestle all level of guys and it is great I have met guys who sometimes find it difficult to get meets


Torrnado (130)

7/11/2017 10:06 AM

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Me too, BritProHeel, but there are some guys out there who don't bother to answer or follow up our messages and have no intention of meeting anyone. They use our profiles as their entertainment without putting anything back in.
Maybe they should start a "Zero" opponents after 2 years club?
As for those who are trying to meet, then, yes, we must encourage them by meeting them.


calwrestler (146)

4/13/2020 12:57 AM

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The "zero" club is a good idea. It might weed out the imposters


Ben skull stephens (185)

7/11/2017 10:08 AM

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Well I agree but I also experience made that some wrestlers are very choosy about who they wrestle


Torrnado (130)

7/11/2017 9:54 AM

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You make a very valid point, Redlandguy. I agree.


scotsgrappler (114)

7/11/2017 7:14 PM

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I agree. My membership of this Interest Group doesn't signal "hey, don't dare approach me still less be kind enough to ask me to wrestle if you ain't a Centurion!" but rather just enjoying a spot on a busy site where guys who meet up and do so without drama and fuss and enjoy grappling in its various shapes, forms and intensities can readily look out similar guys - many of whom will be fun past opponents or interesting new opponents not least, perhaps, given shared or divergent past opponents.


scotsgrappler (114)

7/09/2017 11:01 AM

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Hi Ben,

Well as it was my idea to start this Interest Group (which is just one of many) perhaps I best respond. The intention was to allow a forum for guys who meet the requirements of the Hundred Club, plain and simple. It isn't meant to be exclusive - we all have wrestled lots of guys who haven't joined the 100 Club (yet), may never do and may have no interest in doing. But just as with other interests groups guys who do might pop in and out and chat/meet like-minded guys. Through this and the other Groups too.


Ben skull stephens (185)

7/09/2017 11:07 AM

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i think it is a good idea , ive met lots of guys recently who struggle to get meets and I feel for them that was why I put that it wasn't to cause offence of a good idea
I feel for guys in that situation
kind regards for your reply


scotsgrappler (114)

7/09/2017 12:20 PM

(In reply to this)

no offence meant or taken


scotsgrappler (114)

7/04/2017 7:07 PM

Out of 71 members we have at present 3 members who do not qualify as Centurions. They have been asked to consider the membership requirements of this Group and told they will be welcome once they have been accepted by the Hundred Club. I don't think 3/71 is a huge problem so I suggest we just see how things go. One member has suggested all group Members who are Centurions should block any guy who persists in membership when not a Centurion but , aside from causing upset, I think that might prove hard to police. Any views, guys? Anyone feel strongly?


redlandguy (199)

7/08/2017 2:18 PM

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Happy to be the 100th match for any man with 99.


scotsgrappler (114)

7/09/2017 1:15 AM

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He's all heart, guys - when not wrenching your arms out their sockets:-).


hugefan (79)

7/08/2017 3:21 PM

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Well I would bump off a few past opponents to have you as my new 100th ha ha


redlandguy (199)

7/08/2017 11:00 PM

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That would be fun


Ironbull (96)

7/07/2017 10:02 AM

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I would not want to be part of a group that operated an exclusive or elitest door policy or even appeared to do so unless that group had a very distinctive and active life of its own, such as tournaments or training camps which required evidence of experience.

As Hugefan suggests, there are plenty people who don't have 100 members on this site but are undoubtedly very experienced fighters who can point to a similar track record either here or in martial arts clubs around the world.

Then there are people who may have had hundreds of fights but happen to concentrate on a smaller group of opponents. Having 100 fights says nothing about the quality of those fights, their duration or style.

Then there are people who hit 100 only for one of their opponents to leave the site and they go back to 99.


hugefan (79)

7/04/2017 7:24 PM

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I just think why worry. It's not a secret society and we all have our star when we reach 100 so no one is going to be confused as to who has met a lot of people. I happen to know one of the 3 and he has met well over 100 anyway, just not all here.


scotsgrappler (114)

7/04/2017 7:47 PM

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Tend to agree. Not least as now 2/70


scotsgrappler (114)

7/02/2017 9:29 PM

Incidentally, and with thanks to fighterguyy for pointing it out, if you hit the Hundred Club button on your own profile or any other Hundred Club fighter it will list ALL guys who have 100+ verified past opponents.


scotsgrappler (114)

7/02/2017 10:54 AM

It wasn't intended that this Interest Group should be elitist or exclusive - just a forum for guys with over 100 verified opponents. There are ample alternative fora for guys with other interests. But we cannot stop other site users joining up even if they do not meet the sole criterion for membership of the Group. We can only rely on most guys accepting this Interest Group for what it is but members will have noticed we have guys signing up who have just ignored or perhaps not noticed its USP. Rather than expend a lot of time "policing" membership I expect most Group members would prefer to fix bouts! I propose we just monitor how the participation of non-Centurions affects the operation of the Group. If it is incidental in its effects we should welcome interest but if not, such that the purposes of the Group are defeated we might want to revisit the matter. Views?


hugefan (79)

7/02/2017 11:25 AM

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Well presumably the non 100 joiners have an interest in us or perhaps they didn't read the blurb and think we all look like roman soldiers ha ha. I think you are right just to see how things go. It will help reaching the numbers required anyway.


scotsgrappler (114)

7/02/2017 4:09 PM

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We reached 60 a few days ago, I am pleased to say.


scotsgrappler (114)

6/28/2017 8:01 PM

Hi guys,

Today I raised my concerns with Meetfighters Admin about our group risking being deleted under the rule that an Interest Group must have 60 members within 90 days. The reply is undernoted. I guess Admin is able to search by number of past opponents. Might I ask all current members to think about any other Centurions and invite them to join us or, if you prefer, tell me and I will do so? Let's not choke the group - save that for an opponent!

Reply from Admin:

"Hello scotsgrappler,

Interest Groups need to gather 60 members in 90 days to make sure that they are sufficiently "interesting". There are 110 members on the site today with 100+ past opponents, so let's wait and see if they get involved with this group.

Best regards, 


scotsgrappler (114)

6/27/2017 12:28 AM

Hmm. Looks like we now need 60 members in 90 days. I'm not convinced that there ARE 60 Centurions on the site but if you notice/come across other 100+ guys do please invite them. I would hope the Admin guys might think a group like this merited a dispensation from that cut-off or might suggest a way it may be overcome.


hugefan (79)

6/27/2017 1:05 AM

(In reply to this)

Maybe you should open it up to 50+ meets. The name wouldn't be quite as apt ha ha but it would help reach the target


scotsgrappler (114)

6/27/2017 1:18 AM

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It is a thought. I'm not sure setting the bar much higher would get us over 60 and I guess Centurions need to start somewhere:-). I propose we see how numbers stand in say 2 weeks. We might then check out the position with the Administration guys. It would seem a bit odd that an interest group of guys who clearly meet AND fight should bite the dust. Any other suggestions, guys?


scotsgrappler (114)

6/25/2017 12:26 PM

Great. We have reached 20 - that's 4,000+ fights accounted for:-)


scotsgrappler (114)

6/25/2017 1:45 AM

So, brothers, we need TWENTY (20) centurions signed up in the next month. Over to you guys to invite other 100 Club men.

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