**Disclaimer. This is a fantasy story of two consenting adults engaged in fantasy fetish play**
So, it was a hotel match and after 30 minutes or more softening up with body slams, suplexes, back breakers, pile drivers, belly punches and face slaps, I pulled my petite jobber boy off the bed by his hair after my 3rd or 4th fake 2 l-count pin and stood him up into a full nelson facing the room’s full length mirror.
Hot little number he was. 5’ 5” of lean, sinewy muscle weighing in at 125 lbs., his body was naturally smooth and his very cute baby face was at this point contorted in pain and defeat. I just looked at both of us in the reflection and though I’m not a very big man (5’ 10” and a solid 195lbs) I marveled at the size difference and the complete control I had over his hot little frame.
With a sadistic smirk I pulled him up so his feet now dangled and I started to effortlessly thrash him side to side. His legs and pelvis were limp with resignation as I ragdolled him back and forth. He was in pain but I think more humiliated as he softly grunted on each abrupt change in direction of the rough pendulum swinging.
It was then I noticed a small bulge on the front of his size small, skimpy, neon-green, mesh bikini underwear (I wore the same brand but mine was black and size large).
I stopped the back and forth and decided to investigate. “What do you got going on in there young man?”, I teased.
“Looks like someone may be enjoying this as much as I am!” Mind you, I had a raging hardon during all this as I was humped up against his cute little bubble tush the whole time and you could easily see the traced outline of my at-attention cock through the thin mesh fabric my tight undies.
With that, I folded his two arms and locked them behind his back in an improvised, one handed double hammer lock and while still in on display, tapped the little nub on the front of his bikini bottoms. He yelped in what sounded like a mixture of pain and horniness (is that a real word?) A few more taps and the bulge started to thicken. “Hmmm, this may require a bit more research”, I said to him in the mirror with a wry smile. His return gaze was one of utter defeat and embarrassment. After saying that and while still locking eyes with my victim my face morphed to a mean scowl and I picked up my leg behind him, hooked my big toe onto the rear waist band of his then twisted underwear (I had really worked him - and them - over at this point of the match) and stomped down pulling the sexy garment down to his ankles, instantly rendering him nude for both of us to see. His dick was still a bit shrunken from instinctive protection I suppose but it was starting to “wake up” from the playful taps I had administered. It was still tangled a bit in his pubes though.
“Oh dear, my little jobber has his pee pee caught in a web” I mused, “Let’s see if we can free it up by playing some ‘flicky-dicky’”. I then loaded up my middle finger against my thumb to create some potential energy and snapped it hard onto his cock.
“Ouch!!”, he wailed. Indifferent to the protest, I proceeded to deliver more finger thwacks to his now growing member - with each one I looked at the target and then sadisticly at his face for the reaction. By this time, he was completely defeated and humiliated but I could easily tell that the discomfort and shame had given way to a slow growing ecstasy.
After about 10 snaps, he was erect as I was and it was time to play “speed bag” on his protruding organ. I started to slap it back and forth and got into a nice rhythm akin to what you would hear with a boxer working on a real life speed bag. Occasionally I’d pause and bounce his body up and down shimmy it side to side to watch the tortured penis swing to and fro....at this point, I was now completely manhandling him.
After about 10 minutes of this ‘foreplay’, I released his hands and put him in a very tight, uncomfortable reverse dragon sleeper hold with his nose jammed solidly into my armpit. Looking at us both again in the mirror and taking in the spectacle of my dominant posture over my smaller opponent, I couldn’t help but do a bicep flex with my free arm as I really cranked the dragon hold with my other arm. I started giggling with delight at the sight while he started gurgling. This caused jobber boi’s whole body to arch up and back to compensate for the pain I was inflicting and this by extension, drove his cock higher into the air at a near perfect 90 degree angle.
I then in very mean spirited fashion, took advantage of his helplessness in the hold and vigorously open hand slapped his toned pecs and abs leaving some nice temporary red handprints and of course his cock got a few last belts in before I kicked the back of knees forcing his body into a kneeling posture.
Then, with a vice-like grip on his narrow wrist, I manipulated his hand and forced him to grab his own package and commanded him to jerk off. With no complaints whatsoever, he complied and the little horn dog was so hot to trot that he came in about 45 seconds (I didn’t even need to lightly pinch his bare, button nipples or tickle his testes but I did anyway :)). I released him from the hold and he slumped to the floor in complete post evacuation cathartic exhaustion. As he breathed heavily, I gathered some of his surrendered gizz off of his smooth pulsing abs with my fingers and force fed him a sample of his nectar...he offered no resistance and happily lapped it up.
I then pulled him up by the hair and bent over and stumbling, he managed to keep up while in my grasp, as I dragged him into the bathroom. I ran the shower to a comfy warm temp and made him peel off my undies. My eager cock slapped him in his face as it broke free from its mesh constraint. I threw him in the shower, positioned him on his knees placed his hands on my glutes, grabbed him by the hair and fed him my rod. I face fucked him under he running water. I exploded all over his face. He was then commanded to wash me head to toe, inside and out with the butter soft soap and fresh wash ball pad. He did. And then I did the same to his beaten, dominated and oh so beautiful smooth body.
itriedtowarnyou (3)
6/29/2020 10:42 AMAmazing, wish i were a fly on the wall... or the jobber boy
FantasyHeel (1)
6/21/2020 3:56 AM**Disclaimer. This is a fantasy story of two consenting adults engaged in fantasy fetish play**
So, it was a hotel match and after 30 minutes or more softening up with body slams, suplexes, back breakers, pile drivers, belly punches and face slaps, I pulled my petite jobber boy off the bed by his hair after my 3rd or 4th fake 2 l-count pin and stood him up into a full nelson facing the room’s full length mirror.
Hot little number he was. 5’ 5” of lean, sinewy muscle weighing in at 125 lbs., his body was naturally smooth and his very cute baby face was at this point contorted in pain and defeat. I just looked at both of us in the reflection and though I’m not a very big man (5’ 10” and a solid 195lbs) I marveled at the size difference and the complete control I had over his hot little frame.
With a sadistic smirk I pulled him up so his feet now dangled and I started to effortlessly thrash him side to side. His legs and pelvis were limp with resignation as I ragdolled him back and forth. He was in pain but I think more humiliated as he softly grunted on each abrupt change in direction of the rough pendulum swinging.
It was then I noticed a small bulge on the front of his size small, skimpy, neon-green, mesh bikini underwear (I wore the same brand but mine was black and size large).
I stopped the back and forth and decided to investigate. “What do you got going on in there young man?”, I teased.
“Looks like someone may be enjoying this as much as I am!” Mind you, I had a raging hardon during all this as I was humped up against his cute little bubble tush the whole time and you could easily see the traced outline of my at-attention cock through the thin mesh fabric my tight undies.
With that, I folded his two arms and locked them behind his back in an improvised, one handed double hammer lock and while still in on display, tapped the little nub on the front of his bikini bottoms. He yelped in what sounded like a mixture of pain and horniness (is that a real word?) A few more taps and the bulge started to thicken. “Hmmm, this may require a bit more research”, I said to him in the mirror with a wry smile. His return gaze was one of utter defeat and embarrassment. After saying that and while still locking eyes with my victim my face morphed to a mean scowl and I picked up my leg behind him, hooked my big toe onto the rear waist band of his then twisted underwear (I had really worked him - and them - over at this point of the match) and stomped down pulling the sexy garment down to his ankles, instantly rendering him nude for both of us to see. His dick was still a bit shrunken from instinctive protection I suppose but it was starting to “wake up” from the playful taps I had administered. It was still tangled a bit in his pubes though.
“Oh dear, my little jobber has his pee pee caught in a web” I mused, “Let’s see if we can free it up by playing some ‘flicky-dicky’”. I then loaded up my middle finger against my thumb to create some potential energy and snapped it hard onto his cock.
“Ouch!!”, he wailed. Indifferent to the protest, I proceeded to deliver more finger thwacks to his now growing member - with each one I looked at the target and then sadisticly at his face for the reaction. By this time, he was completely defeated and humiliated but I could easily tell that the discomfort and shame had given way to a slow growing ecstasy.
After about 10 snaps, he was erect as I was and it was time to play “speed bag” on his protruding organ. I started to slap it back and forth and got into a nice rhythm akin to what you would hear with a boxer working on a real life speed bag. Occasionally I’d pause and bounce his body up and down shimmy it side to side to watch the tortured penis swing to and fro....at this point, I was now completely manhandling him.
After about 10 minutes of this ‘foreplay’, I released his hands and put him in a very tight, uncomfortable reverse dragon sleeper hold with his nose jammed solidly into my armpit. Looking at us both again in the mirror and taking in the spectacle of my dominant posture over my smaller opponent, I couldn’t help but do a bicep flex with my free arm as I really cranked the dragon hold with my other arm. I started giggling with delight at the sight while he started gurgling. This caused jobber boi’s whole body to arch up and back to compensate for the pain I was inflicting and this by extension, drove his cock higher into the air at a near perfect 90 degree angle.
I then in very mean spirited fashion, took advantage of his helplessness in the hold and vigorously open hand slapped his toned pecs and abs leaving some nice temporary red handprints and of course his cock got a few last belts in before I kicked the back of knees forcing his body into a kneeling posture.
Then, with a vice-like grip on his narrow wrist, I manipulated his hand and forced him to grab his own package and commanded him to jerk off. With no complaints whatsoever, he complied and the little horn dog was so hot to trot that he came in about 45 seconds (I didn’t even need to lightly pinch his bare, button nipples or tickle his testes but I did anyway :)). I released him from the hold and he slumped to the floor in complete post evacuation cathartic exhaustion. As he breathed heavily, I gathered some of his surrendered gizz off of his smooth pulsing abs with my fingers and force fed him a sample of his nectar...he offered no resistance and happily lapped it up.
I then pulled him up by the hair and bent over and stumbling, he managed to keep up while in my grasp, as I dragged him into the bathroom. I ran the shower to a comfy warm temp and made him peel off my undies. My eager cock slapped him in his face as it broke free from its mesh constraint. I threw him in the shower, positioned him on his knees placed his hands on my glutes, grabbed him by the hair and fed him my rod. I face fucked him under he running water. I exploded all over his face. He was then commanded to wash me head to toe, inside and out with the butter soft soap and fresh wash ball pad. He did. And then I did the same to his beaten, dominated and oh so beautiful smooth body.