Gutpunching give/take/trade

Any punchee in UK.

hantsgut (5 )

8/15/2017 11:38 AM

Give and take here. Contact. meet up, do it ...


lived eht (3)

8/14/2017 11:17 AM

Hi I love taking punches .
I've not got six pack though. More a one pop belly. Lol but your welcome to beat it as hard as you like.


puncher for gut punch (1)

5/01/2017 6:21 PM

I have free time from 12th May. Any punchee in UK wanna have a gp session plz message me.


BPDan17 (0)

8/13/2017 9:14 AM

(In reply to this)

I am a punchee in the UK and would love to help out

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