Gutpunching give/take/trade

Brothers gut punching each other.

Challenge3 (49)

12/13/2024 1:19 PM

I used to wrestle 2 brothers in my neighborhood. We would eventually pin one another and then give the loser a pink belly. That was when it all started for me. The one brother who happened to be the oldest and fittest seemed to lose often? Then he got his abs worked over by rest of us. Everyone got to punch, slap, or tickle his gut.


braffertyg (23)

12/13/2024 7:47 AM

The moment when I realized that gutpunching turned me on was a summer camp when two older boys–teenage Korean brothers–did a taekwondo demonstration. They did not have uniforms with them so they did it in sweatpants shirtless. The older brother was pretty muscular and the younger one was more thin, but ripped with no body fat. They sparred for several rounds, but the demo ended when the older brother did a really hard kick to the younger one's stomach and he fell to all fours. Watching him on the ground trying to catch his breath was probably the first time I got a boner watching hot guys fight.


stomachpunch (5)

12/12/2024 5:25 PM

one of the fantasies that I think I will never realize is that of having sex and punching in the stomach with two mature, masculine and plump brothers, just the way I like them.


NewRassler (0)

12/12/2024 6:13 AM

I was the middle child of 4 brothers. Two younger twins very smart. Non athletic. Two older who beat on me all the time. Dad didnt want any facial marks, he didnt want to deal with child protective. All of my body blows were to my chest and stomach. The punishment I took toughened me. Then at15 i started working out and one day I fought back. Both of them went to them went to the hospital. I never had them gang up on ne again


Challenge3 (49)

12/12/2024 12:11 PM

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Wow, so they left you alone after that. You must have grown muscles fast.


NewRassler (0)

12/12/2024 1:36 PM

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I had a retired Marine Master Sgt helped me get in shape and then teach me offensive and defensive combat skills. He added muscle. To me as well as an attitude, confidence and self worth. Hundreds of push ups and sit ups. Yes he toughened me up


Challenge3 (49)

12/12/2024 1:38 PM

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That's awesome man, so the brothers never gut punched you again?


NewRassler (0)

12/15/2024 7:11 PM

(In reply to this)

They did but it was wrestling around as brothers will do. But by this time at age 17 i liked showing offand being in shape to take punishment


Challenge3 (49)

12/11/2024 12:50 PM

Anyone experience brothers gutpunching each other? I would have loved to have a brother close in age to gutpunch with.
I had a few friends who would trade gut punches with. But a brother would have been much better.

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