Gutpunching give/take/trade

Do you know of someone who died from practicing gutpunch?

halndallas (6)

8/26/2022 11:59 AM

i would hate to be held by one guy and repeatedly punched in the region by another in real life. That would be a fantasy gone horribly wrong


Timber (6)

8/25/2022 9:29 PM

Harry Houdini supposedly. But he could've survived had he accepted medical attention.


ruffnhard (108)

8/26/2022 12:50 PM

(In reply to this)

This has always been a bit contentious... he received 4 blows to the stomach and was in clear pain, he claimed he had not prepared for the punches.
Later he was found to be suffering acute appendicitis, ignored the medical advice and died of a ruptured appendix later.

He was most likely in the early stages of appendicitis when the blows were delivered hence the unexpected pain.
I don't think a punch could cause appendicitis, though I am no medic, and his appendix only ruptured later causing his death after not following medical advice.
So technically the punches did not kill him, and most likely the outcome would have been the same without being punched


Timber (6)

8/27/2022 12:33 PM

(In reply to this)


And if you stick to the gut (intestines) for unflexed punches the most dangerous thing that could possibly happen is a rupture to the abdominal aorta which is basically as deep as the spine. And that's only if you already have an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

I do wonder how all the abdominal organs would respond to full force unflexed punches. The diaphragm is a muscle, it'll spasm and be very painful but should be fine. The stomach, would probably expel some contents. The liver I hear is painful, but is probably the best at healing itself. The kidneys should be avoided, you'll probably piss blood. The bladder I imagine is most dangerous when it's full. Also, definitely be weary of the rib areas. They can break, especially for people who are osteopenic/-porotic. The appendix really shouldn't be affected too much by punches. The main reason it triggers is because of infection and lack of blood flow.


suckerpunch (0)

8/27/2022 10:17 AM

(In reply to this)

Makes sense. I'd have been dead a long time ago if gut punches could kill.


luis2083 (1)

8/25/2022 8:08 PM

old videos of people practicing gutpunch we don't know about them anymore. can lead to death? I have years in this.

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