Gutpunching give/take/trade

Gut Punched in Restraints

Mortadelo (11 )

3/23/2020 11:30 PM

Any of you, punchees, got a pincher here, in Alicante (Spain). Should any of you come here or just pass by for a while, contact me and I will blast your guts either restrained or free. I don't care as long as we both enjoy the beating.


ruffguystuff (1)

3/14/2020 1:35 AM

I like being put up against my heavy bag, hands tied around the backside....and ankle spreader bar can be a fun addition Please log in to view gallery photos.


jimmyterrific (56)

3/14/2020 5:02 PM

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I am totally with you on that hands tied behind my back, and a ankle spreader, with guy punching you, and you cannot stop him, also another guy to keep you upright so he can give you alot of uppercutts


Rt ND Guts (4)

3/29/2020 3:51 PM

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This is a great way to go about it


jimmyterrific (56)

3/29/2020 4:57 PM

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If we meet up, I would love for you to beat the crap out of me, tear down abs, totally destroy my abs, so you can sink your fist deep inside my abs


Punchfitguy (1)

3/14/2020 5:13 PM

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Yes I like the sound of that too. Hands tied. Legs spread and a guy behind to make sure abs are always stretched and you cannot bend ovee


FistsInGut (10)

3/29/2020 9:28 PM

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You on me...someday...


jimmyterrific (56)

3/29/2020 5:02 PM

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Wish you were here in States so you couldrip into my abs and sink your fists deep inside them


ruffguystuff (1)

3/14/2020 5:09 PM

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Good training & good fun!


luis2083 (1)

3/13/2020 6:43 PM

You can see my friend's fist marked on my navel while I am tied arms up and I can feel its strength in my soft belly and many blows leave my navel like a jelly while my muffled screams oouuhhhgg oouuhgg are heard on the walls. I'm from Mexico and was one of the first to upload gutpunching videos Please log in to view gallery photos.


Punchfitguy (1)

3/13/2020 12:53 PM

who likes to be stretched out, and then gut punched while in restraints so you are totally helpless to the punishment being given?

For me this is an amazing feeling to be totally helpless and have a hot guy pound my abs till I beg to stop, but then he just sadistically carries on.

What is your favourite position for being tied up?


Otter sub (6)

4/05/2020 6:18 AM

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Oh yeah, this is actually my favourite way.


Rt ND Guts (4)

3/30/2020 12:10 AM

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Stretched out and bent back to make my whole belly a target and blindfolded so they become sucker-punches


Wccycleman (1)

3/29/2020 3:42 PM

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Fuck yeah buddy. Ever in the San Francisco Area let me know and I’d love to work you over.


jimmyterrific (56)

3/29/2020 4:49 PM

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I need a real work over, I am from Ohio, wish i was in San Franisco so you could work me over, my abs need someone who could destroy them, so your fist could sink deep inside them, taking all the air out of me


punchmybelly (0)

3/23/2020 7:34 PM

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Now that is really hot! I would just love to be all tied up like a T or a X so I can't double over and hold my beaten fat pot belly! I also love the idea of when I beg them to stop, thay just laugh and give me one hell of a belly busting.


Combatsportsfun (4)

3/16/2020 3:16 AM

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One thing that I’ve always thought would be interesting to do is to tie or handcuff both hands up above the head on some type of beam or something and get punched in the abs for a while.


jimmyterrific (56)

3/29/2020 3:12 AM

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I am eith you on that


GruntOutLoud (0)

3/14/2020 6:39 PM

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Definitely into being stretched out for it. It adds to it a lot for me. Also cool to be arched with my abs presented "front and centre" for it. I'm into being strapped/flogged on them in this position too.


Punchfitguy (1)

3/14/2020 6:43 PM

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I would happily punch and flog you in that position


Armybob (59)

3/29/2020 12:41 PM

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What about a gutpunch challenge / competition where the loser will be flogged?


Punchfitguy (1)

3/29/2020 4:53 PM

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Sounds good. Loser flogged and fucked


alfra (12)

3/14/2020 6:49 AM

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Why to tie the punchee?
I prefer to apply some holds during punching the guy.
I really like the idea to pound your abs untill you ask for to stop, but then I just sadistically continue to punch your abs.


GutPuncher89 (1 )

3/14/2020 11:16 AM

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If they’re tied then they can’t try to block your punches, or put their hands in the way. For some of us, we like a punchee to be restrained so we can go all out pounding and sinking our fist in deep into their abs.


jimmyterrific (56)

3/14/2020 4:45 PM

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I work with a personal trainer who is training me for overall strength, he is big on gutpunching, he has been training me for 3 years, so I have been taking punches, building my abs up, hope I get to meet you and you can work on them, tear them down, like you and start out with mild punches, and build up stronger punches till your punches break through and sink in deep and deeper


ruffguystuff (1)

3/14/2020 4:57 PM

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great description of a good challenge session! Cool you have a trainer into GP

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