For me it predates sex or sexuality. I can remember "enjoying" seeing punches on TV and wrestling as young as 5 or 6. As I got older it started to make sense and became a turn on although I thought I was a little deviant since it was rare, and scared a few folks on dating sites back in the day.
When my mother died I was 12 my life was in a tailspin. My dad knew I needed a release and also I needed to toughen up mentally and physically. He was afraid I was going to grow up a sissy, since I'm very slow to anger. He signed me up for the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness. I started training with him after he came home from work. I had to be able to do 1000 sit ups in 30 minutes and 50 push ups in 5 minutes. I won the city-wide contest two years in a row. Everyday after school I came home and did them and after about 6 months of this my muscles started to really harden and become defined. My stomach muscles became extremely strong and by age 14, I had an 8 pack and it was very visible. When I turned 14 my dad who had been an " All Fleet " Navy boxer started teaching me to box. He had gotten me in shape and now was teaching me everything he could. I was always a lot taller than my peers so I never had to prove my self with my friends. He would punch me in the stomach as hard as he thought my muscles could handle and he doubled me up until I learned how to breath and let my abs absorb. I found this to be a MAJOR turn on. When I can tighten up and take a lot of punishment. I liked it then and I like it now. When I turned 16, he signed me up for Golden Gloves and I boxed from age 16 to 24. I worked on a very physical Rail Road track maintenance crew with men who were tough as nails and who often settled disagreements with their fists. It was easy staying tough. At age 16 I wanted my friends to pound on my abs to toughen them. I have always been turned on by it. Like all teens, your peers always wanted to see if they could knock the wind from me. I would just tighten up and let them try. I did it often and loved it I was defiant and wanted to show them I could take it and I did.
I can still remember that my first major erection I ever got was as my friend was thudding his fist into my belly. At first I kept my belly fairly tight, but as he punched away at my 'tummy' but I could feel getting increasing aroused by what he was doing. I had often wondered what it would feel like, to really allow someone to punch me in the 'stomach'. He clearly wanted me to get the same thrill out of it that he got every time his sister punched him in his guts. His punches were robust enough to make me flinch with each hit initially, and the loud "Uffing" sort of came naturally. But it was so wierd, almost immediately I started to be aroused by this, I could feel myself getting harder and harder with each hit.
So as I became more aroused I started to relax the tension in my belly, and his fist just thudded deeper into my intestines. He moderated his punching strength when he sensed that I was getting softer in the belly. But I told him it was okay as I let his fist really slam into me. I felt his fist thump deep into my belly just under my navel. My intestines were tingling with this raw kind of excitement, I could feel it all the way to my stomach. My belly felt so alive and I could hardly believe how I wanted so much more of this. He was punching me through my T-shirt, so he could not see his target, so a couple of them went higher than he planned. The unintended punches to my stomach didn't hurt at all by that stage. And I enjoyed them just as much. I could even taste my intestines, and I was so aroused it felt so incredible.
When we took our shirts off, I looked at my belly covered in colour. He was just as aroused by this as I was, but I said nothing or indicated that I had noticed. I really relaxed my belly and changed my stance to a slight hunched over position, whilst leaning against the wall. It enabled me to just soak up his punches, as he pounded away, really digging his fists in quite deep, as I let him sink his fist into my soft belly. I was enjoying the wonderful sensations from each punch and my empty gutted hollow sounds that reminded us both of the movies.
We both really got a lot of enjoyment out of it, by the school holidays our role playing had evolved and were joined by a couple of friends. One fine afternoon we were entertained by his sister and one of her belly punching friends. They had an enjoyable afternoon punching three willing boys in the stomach. Nothing like it, laying on your back, with your legs under a bed, not really trying to escape to safety. Getting your stomach steadily massaged with a fist. I'm sure they noticed how turned on we were. They seemed to enjoy themselves as well.
I got turned on to it when I saw "Hard Times" when I was a kid and a few years later, took on a Samoan who was into it (he was into it both giving and receiving). Then "The Big Brawl" came out and then that cemented it for me. I like the contact of it.
I still remember the first time I stumbled on Hard Times on Cinemax. I was in high school, and neither I nor my boner moved until the movie was over. Some of those fights had a *hell* of an impact on me.
ive nvr see any youtube fights with much body punching. everybody going for the head. Whats up with dat? Even when i was in high school I can recall only one fist fight where one boy punched the other in his stomach. All us spectators uttered a resounding 'Ooooohhhh!' :) Just a few years later when i had my 2nd fistfight during basic in the Army did I get to experience a stomach punch which i still savor.
Like some of the prior comments, I was always turned-on by movies with bare-chested guys getting body punches, but the first time I saw it live really seared it into my brain as a fetish. I was at a summer camp and two brothers, who were Korean-American, were accomplished taekwondo students and offered a demonstration (I was in about 5th-6th grade at the time; they were older; one was a young counselor).
They did not have their gear with them, so the demo was in sweatpants and bare-chested. The older brother was bigger, beefier and the younger brother was really slim with a very visible six-pack. The older brother really worked over the younger one, including some hard kicks to the gut, followed by sharp punches to the ribs/lats when he doubled-over. I was turned-on by everything about it: the smack of the punches landing, the grunts, watching their torsos turn red from the impacts, seeing the sweat make their bodies glow. Besides great gutpunching, it was my first glimpse of jobber/heel as the older brother really worked over the younger one's tight body.
I regret not pursuing martial arts classes right away. I think I was bashful because I was worried it would be obvious i was turned on (I was mortified at the idea of a ill-timed erection)
I did, however, take-up wrestling. No gutpunching in the sport, but there is a move called a "tight waist" where you wrench the guy around by squeezing his waist hard. I loved having that done to me and doing it guys. Occasionally someone would forget their gear and would wear a shorts, no shirt, in practice. I had a big crush on one guy in my weight class and when he forgot his gear, it was like Christmas. He had a beautiful torso with tight abs and I got have my hands all over them as we usually worked out together being around the same size. I wish I had challenged him to take some punches, but again I was bashful.
I did not try striking martial arts until my late 20s. Too bad I missed so many opportunities when my peers and I were so f*cking fit! As they say, youth is wasted on the young.
Came across a very attractive beefy Latin bud on a leather fetish site.. He described what he was into with impact play (Gut punching)..i was curious and since we were both interested in a safe outlet that didn't include intercourse.. it seemed like a good match.. When I met him he was very dominant and very attractive with an amazing sexual chemistry.. He was a college student and i was a guy in his early 40's. Hard to say no to a little creative play with him.. He looked out for me,taught me about safety when it comes to this kinda play, and i trusted him.. the impact play built up to a very intense play scene and i did my best to take it... Part of me liked it of course, but mainly because i was into him... As time when on I kinda dreaded his call to play because it was kinda brutal... but it was hard to say no to him... Then as time went on my body got used to it and actually started craving it... Now i can't get enough... its been almost ten years and we got together on and off for years... Left me very well trained with abs of steel...
When I was a very young kid probably about 5 years old, my 11 year old brothers friend (a brother to a girl who use to babysit my brother and I), asked me if I wanted to box with him. He had two pair of box'n gloves and said we would be going easy and just play around with it. I liked watching box'n on the tv with my father, so I said ok and thats when it all stated. Our families where friends, and there where no animosities between the two of us guys, so we really just play fought with each other. I was to afraid to hit him because he was 6 years older then I, and he would only punch me in the stomach for fear of giving me a bloody nose. If that had happened, it would of surely brought an end to our fun because his parents would have killed him for hurting me. Any ways we did this for quit a some time (years) and I would never block the punches in-fact I started to lean into them to get more feeling from the punches as I was liking the effects they where having on me. With time we both got into it more, he started putting more behind the punches and we started doing it shirtless. I never ever really new if it was arousing him as it was me. Never the less we did this until I was about 10 years old and as our lives took different paths our punch'n sessions got less frequent until they just fissiled out completely. Of-corse I found other buddies to box with that would slug me in the gut for box'n training purposes, but I'm sure none of them new it was pushing buttons for me, until one day and the rest is history. Still talk to my first box'n buddy now and then over the years but the questions I'd like to ask him still remain and some-how I like it that way.
I always kinda figured I was into gut punching from things I saw in movies/tv when I was a kid, but I got my first taste around age 11. The middle school and high school kids shared buses where I grew up and for some reason we had assigned seating. I shared a seat with a guy who was a high schooler around 17 who lived in the same neighborhood as me. I'm not sure why but one afternoon we got on the bus and on the way to our stop he sucker punched me right in the gut out of nowhere. I was completely relaxed and unprepared and he didn't hold back, knocked the wind right out of me. The beating continued for the next 10 minutes until we got off the bus. The next day I was nervous but there was no bus beating. We got off at our stop, and once the bus was out of sight he dragged me into his house then into his room, backed me up against the wall, and proceeded to beat my lunch right out of me. Obviously it scared me but I realized that it was also thrilling and I enjoyed it. These beatings became a regular thing for the rest of the school year.
As a kid... Any Which Way But Loose/You Can used to turn me on so much when Clint Eastwood stripped his shirt off and balled up his fists... flexed his muscles and and an extremelt horny fight with all the guys he fought!! Any movie where guys would fight and punch each other was pure porn. There are so many ...
Then with arrival of Internet and BGeast and CanAm videos.. there were a few fights that really got me turned on... Hockey Fights was one... guys in Jeans.. rip n strip.. with lots of punching. Then a Wrestle Shack with rookie jobber Brad Rochelle taking a few good blows to his ripped abs... there was another with a boxer suspended in middle of a ring with two guys working him over front and back... wow.
No Mercy delivered the epitomy of gutpunching videos 6 or 7 years ago.. wish he would resurface!
And NRWrestling had a fight with Drake and Medlock in the woods... denims.. full of punches.. was so erotic!!
Just wish some of these gutpunching videos ended with an orgasm!! It is such an erotic aspect.. would it hurt for a guy to jerk off while he is punched!!??! 😉
when I was young, my parents went away on a trip and I was looked after by an older family member. I was doing sports and had a rough day of it, so when I got home, i went into my room and collapsed on my bed, and passed out. I woke up and discovered I couldn't move, my baby sitter had tied my wrists and ankles to my bed frame. They raised my shirt and started slapping my belly, and when I yelled at them to stop, they stuffed a sock in my mouth and tied it there, then proceeded to punch my gut, I don't know for how long, but I passed out from it. I know, I'm leaving out a lot of details. Anyway, as an adult, I stumbled across a bellypunching site and was hooked
Hey Bud enjoyed the read after which I wrote my starting experience down. I hope people enjoy mine as much as I enjoyed yours. Chat soon.
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My interest (fetish) goes all the way back about as far back as I can remember. I just remember watching fist fights on TV in various shows and always getting turned on (whatever that means to a kid) when one of the guys got hit in the stomach. I even remember as a 5 or 6 year old playing outside by myself and acting out fist fights. My favorite part was acting out the other guy punching me in the gut with my back against a tree. Who knew I was channeling Ed Norton in "Fight Club" when he thinks he's fighting Tyler but it's just him in the parking lot. Then as a 9 or 10 year old, my classmate Joey sucker punched me in the solar plexus as we passed each on the stairs in school. He kept going as I fell to my knees clutching my mid-section and gasping for breath. That had quite an impact on me as I still remember it... fondly!
Wow very similar to my beginning. Watching fist fights in movies tv. When guy would get gutpunched did something to me. Lol. I used to punch myself in gut double over like guy was punching me. I aldi has a softball size bed post I'd place in center of guy and lean ivervit seeing how deep I cud go
I remember watching a fight in school of these two Hot shirtless muscled teens and there were soo many body shots as it was mainly a ground fight.
The sound of the punch on solid abs and the grunting of 2 dude had me as had as a rock.
I started by punching myself to see how much I could take and as time went by I just couldn't hurt my 8pk abs enough so I found friends that liked to rough wrestle at lunch and body punches were the base of it. Soo good now some 35 years later I still ache for it.
seems very few real fistfights involve body blows. Most of the youtube stuff is practically all head shots. When i studied boxing we were instructed to devastate the body so guard drops then work on the head. Liver, kidney and upper stomach are soft tissue so punches there can really hurt especially with barefist since gloves numb the targets
What got me fascinated about it was witnessing a skirmish on the basketball court in high school. my buddy Anthony Bonila and another dude took their arguement to the next level. Anthony was taking his shirt off (wonder why guys about to fight do that ?) and b4 he could get the shirt over his head the other guy sucker punched him which made him get tangled up in the shirt . the yell he let out let us all know it must have really hurt. As Anthony was stumbling around, the puncher was trying to hit him again but others pushed him away. Although some of us felt sorry for him , we also wished the dude would have gotten another punch in :)
I think for me it was a mixture of toughguttedrewster from when he had his first channel, I thought it was so cool/hot/manly that he could take so many hits and with different object too, like balls, bats, and bricks; and the fact that I would sneak out in the backyard to work out (in the freezing weather) to do hanging situps on one of those clothes drying bars. I would do it after already hard, but the pressure of the intense sit ups really worked over my nerves below my belly button and stimulated the best feeling ever. I kind of associate gut punching and that, and have been obsessed with GP ever since. I think I've watched every good GP video on the net and have read every story.
How did you get into GP? Hopefully there's a good story behind it.
I am new on the site and initially got into gutpunching as a "filler" between regular fights. And then I found I liked it! It's kind of a combination of seeing what I can take, what I can dish out and just the notion of two men exchanging fists with each other, ramping up the power until someone has to give. Adds another dimension to my love of fighting. I plan to do more of it!
Kureitondesu (14 )
5/07/2018 11:19 PMFor me it predates sex or sexuality. I can remember "enjoying" seeing punches on TV and wrestling as young as 5 or 6. As I got older it started to make sense and became a turn on although I thought I was a little deviant since it was rare, and scared a few folks on dating sites back in the day.
SammyBoy (18 )
5/09/2018 7:58 PM(In reply to this)
Same situation although I was in my teens.
tough gut (6)
5/09/2018 5:38 PM(In reply to this)
Scared a few Hahaha that is so true and sadly still happens to me today
belly punching (0 )
5/07/2018 11:23 PM(In reply to this)
Cool that good
RadnerBearman (0)
5/09/2017 1:00 PMWhen my mother died I was 12 my life was in a tailspin. My dad knew I needed a release and also I needed to toughen up mentally and physically. He was afraid I was going to grow up a sissy, since I'm very slow to anger. He signed me up for the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness. I started training with him after he came home from work. I had to be able to do 1000 sit ups in 30 minutes and 50 push ups in 5 minutes. I won the city-wide contest two years in a row. Everyday after school I came home and did them and after about 6 months of this my muscles started to really harden and become defined. My stomach muscles became extremely strong and by age 14, I had an 8 pack and it was very visible. When I turned 14 my dad who had been an " All Fleet " Navy boxer started teaching me to box. He had gotten me in shape and now was teaching me everything he could. I was always a lot taller than my peers so I never had to prove my self with my friends. He would punch me in the stomach as hard as he thought my muscles could handle and he doubled me up until I learned how to breath and let my abs absorb. I found this to be a MAJOR turn on. When I can tighten up and take a lot of punishment. I liked it then and I like it now. When I turned 16, he signed me up for Golden Gloves and I boxed from age 16 to 24. I worked on a very physical Rail Road track maintenance crew with men who were tough as nails and who often settled disagreements with their fists. It was easy staying tough. At age 16 I wanted my friends to pound on my abs to toughen them. I have always been turned on by it. Like all teens, your peers always wanted to see if they could knock the wind from me. I would just tighten up and let them try. I did it often and loved it I was defiant and wanted to show them I could take it and I did.
belly punching (0 )
5/06/2018 4:07 AM(In reply to this)
I loved it from when was a little boy my friend punched my belly once I loved it
Haarek (1)
5/08/2018 2:10 PM(In reply to this)
How old was you then, Belly Punching ? Did you have a crush on this boy who punched you in Your belly ?
belly punching (0 )
5/08/2018 3:23 PM(In reply to this)
Yes i did he passed out
belly punching (0 )
5/08/2018 3:24 PM(In reply to this)
I was 13 when did this
Mutz (0)
5/02/2017 5:12 PMWe were both just eleven years old…
I can still remember that my first major erection I ever got was as my friend was thudding his fist into my belly. At first I kept my belly fairly tight, but as he punched away at my 'tummy' but I could feel getting increasing aroused by what he was doing. I had often wondered what it would feel like, to really allow someone to punch me in the 'stomach'. He clearly wanted me to get the same thrill out of it that he got every time his sister punched him in his guts. His punches were robust enough to make me flinch with each hit initially, and the loud "Uffing" sort of came naturally. But it was so wierd, almost immediately I started to be aroused by this, I could feel myself getting harder and harder with each hit.
So as I became more aroused I started to relax the tension in my belly, and his fist just thudded deeper into my intestines. He moderated his punching strength when he sensed that I was getting softer in the belly. But I told him it was okay as I let his fist really slam into me. I felt his fist thump deep into my belly just under my navel. My intestines were tingling with this raw kind of excitement, I could feel it all the way to my stomach. My belly felt so alive and I could hardly believe how I wanted so much more of this. He was punching me through my T-shirt, so he could not see his target, so a couple of them went higher than he planned. The unintended punches to my stomach didn't hurt at all by that stage. And I enjoyed them just as much. I could even taste my intestines, and I was so aroused it felt so incredible.
When we took our shirts off, I looked at my belly covered in colour. He was just as aroused by this as I was, but I said nothing or indicated that I had noticed. I really relaxed my belly and changed my stance to a slight hunched over position, whilst leaning against the wall. It enabled me to just soak up his punches, as he pounded away, really digging his fists in quite deep, as I let him sink his fist into my soft belly. I was enjoying the wonderful sensations from each punch and my empty gutted hollow sounds that reminded us both of the movies.
Haarek (1)
5/05/2017 7:32 AM(In reply to this)
Did this happen often, or just once ?
Mutz (0)
5/08/2017 4:08 PM(In reply to this)
We both really got a lot of enjoyment out of it, by the school holidays our role playing had evolved and were joined by a couple of friends. One fine afternoon we were entertained by his sister and one of her belly punching friends. They had an enjoyable afternoon punching three willing boys in the stomach. Nothing like it, laying on your back, with your legs under a bed, not really trying to escape to safety. Getting your stomach steadily massaged with a fist. I'm sure they noticed how turned on we were. They seemed to enjoy themselves as well.
BigBhim (2)
3/20/2017 6:50 PMI got turned on to it when I saw "Hard Times" when I was a kid and a few years later, took on a Samoan who was into it (he was into it both giving and receiving). Then "The Big Brawl" came out and then that cemented it for me. I like the contact of it.
Mutz (0)
5/02/2017 5:18 PM(In reply to this)
Well guys it's on You Tube…Here is one of the fight scenes.
Mutz (0)
5/02/2017 5:18 PM(In reply to this)
Well guys it's on You Tube…Here is one of the fight scenes.
power559 (8)
3/29/2017 4:48 PM(In reply to this)
I still remember the first time I stumbled on Hard Times on Cinemax. I was in high school, and neither I nor my boner moved until the movie was over. Some of those fights had a *hell* of an impact on me.
solar (1)
3/30/2017 5:45 AM(In reply to this)
that movie is a series of fist fight beat downs really, and done very well. I'm turned on just thinking about it....
halndallas (6)
3/30/2017 12:29 PM(In reply to this)
ive nvr see any youtube fights with much body punching. everybody going for the head. Whats up with dat? Even when i was in high school I can recall only one fist fight where one boy punched the other in his stomach. All us spectators uttered a resounding 'Ooooohhhh!' :) Just a few years later when i had my 2nd fistfight during basic in the Army did I get to experience a stomach punch which i still savor.
Magneto (13)
3/29/2017 9:19 PM(In reply to this)
Going to have to check that movie out ASAP!
BigBhim (2)
3/29/2017 9:02 PM(In reply to this)
I know man. Especially Big Pearl.
braffertyg (23)
3/20/2017 4:45 PMLike some of the prior comments, I was always turned-on by movies with bare-chested guys getting body punches, but the first time I saw it live really seared it into my brain as a fetish. I was at a summer camp and two brothers, who were Korean-American, were accomplished taekwondo students and offered a demonstration (I was in about 5th-6th grade at the time; they were older; one was a young counselor).
They did not have their gear with them, so the demo was in sweatpants and bare-chested. The older brother was bigger, beefier and the younger brother was really slim with a very visible six-pack. The older brother really worked over the younger one, including some hard kicks to the gut, followed by sharp punches to the ribs/lats when he doubled-over. I was turned-on by everything about it: the smack of the punches landing, the grunts, watching their torsos turn red from the impacts, seeing the sweat make their bodies glow. Besides great gutpunching, it was my first glimpse of jobber/heel as the older brother really worked over the younger one's tight body.
I regret not pursuing martial arts classes right away. I think I was bashful because I was worried it would be obvious i was turned on (I was mortified at the idea of a ill-timed erection)
I did, however, take-up wrestling. No gutpunching in the sport, but there is a move called a "tight waist" where you wrench the guy around by squeezing his waist hard. I loved having that done to me and doing it guys. Occasionally someone would forget their gear and would wear a shorts, no shirt, in practice. I had a big crush on one guy in my weight class and when he forgot his gear, it was like Christmas. He had a beautiful torso with tight abs and I got have my hands all over them as we usually worked out together being around the same size. I wish I had challenged him to take some punches, but again I was bashful.
I did not try striking martial arts until my late 20s. Too bad I missed so many opportunities when my peers and I were so f*cking fit! As they say, youth is wasted on the young.
Ruffboy (4)
3/19/2017 4:02 PMCame across a very attractive beefy Latin bud on a leather fetish site.. He described what he was into with impact play (Gut punching)..i was curious and since we were both interested in a safe outlet that didn't include intercourse.. it seemed like a good match.. When I met him he was very dominant and very attractive with an amazing sexual chemistry.. He was a college student and i was a guy in his early 40's. Hard to say no to a little creative play with him.. He looked out for me,taught me about safety when it comes to this kinda play, and i trusted him.. the impact play built up to a very intense play scene and i did my best to take it... Part of me liked it of course, but mainly because i was into him... As time when on I kinda dreaded his call to play because it was kinda brutal... but it was hard to say no to him... Then as time went on my body got used to it and actually started craving it... Now i can't get enough... its been almost ten years and we got together on and off for years... Left me very well trained with abs of steel...
tough gut (6)
3/19/2017 7:13 AMWhen I was a very young kid probably about 5 years old, my 11 year old brothers friend (a brother to a girl who use to babysit my brother and I), asked me if I wanted to box with him. He had two pair of box'n gloves and said we would be going easy and just play around with it. I liked watching box'n on the tv with my father, so I said ok and thats when it all stated. Our families where friends, and there where no animosities between the two of us guys, so we really just play fought with each other. I was to afraid to hit him because he was 6 years older then I, and he would only punch me in the stomach for fear of giving me a bloody nose. If that had happened, it would of surely brought an end to our fun because his parents would have killed him for hurting me. Any ways we did this for quit a some time (years) and I would never block the punches in-fact I started to lean into them to get more feeling from the punches as I was liking the effects they where having on me. With time we both got into it more, he started putting more behind the punches and we started doing it shirtless. I never ever really new if it was arousing him as it was me. Never the less we did this until I was about 10 years old and as our lives took different paths our punch'n sessions got less frequent until they just fissiled out completely. Of-corse I found other buddies to box with that would slug me in the gut for box'n training purposes, but I'm sure none of them new it was pushing buttons for me, until one day and the rest is history. Still talk to my first box'n buddy now and then over the years but the questions I'd like to ask him still remain and some-how I like it that way.
HeavyBag (0)
3/18/2017 8:43 PMI always kinda figured I was into gut punching from things I saw in movies/tv when I was a kid, but I got my first taste around age 11. The middle school and high school kids shared buses where I grew up and for some reason we had assigned seating. I shared a seat with a guy who was a high schooler around 17 who lived in the same neighborhood as me. I'm not sure why but one afternoon we got on the bus and on the way to our stop he sucker punched me right in the gut out of nowhere. I was completely relaxed and unprepared and he didn't hold back, knocked the wind right out of me. The beating continued for the next 10 minutes until we got off the bus. The next day I was nervous but there was no bus beating. We got off at our stop, and once the bus was out of sight he dragged me into his house then into his room, backed me up against the wall, and proceeded to beat my lunch right out of me. Obviously it scared me but I realized that it was also thrilling and I enjoyed it. These beatings became a regular thing for the rest of the school year.
AbPuncher2 (1 )
3/19/2017 6:54 AM(In reply to this)
Wow. Wish that would have happened to me!
dabbler1973 (17)
3/16/2017 7:59 AMAs a kid... Any Which Way But Loose/You Can used to turn me on so much when Clint Eastwood stripped his shirt off and balled up his fists... flexed his muscles and and an extremelt horny fight with all the guys he fought!! Any movie where guys would fight and punch each other was pure porn. There are so many ...
Then with arrival of Internet and BGeast and CanAm videos.. there were a few fights that really got me turned on... Hockey Fights was one... guys in Jeans.. rip n strip.. with lots of punching. Then a Wrestle Shack with rookie jobber Brad Rochelle taking a few good blows to his ripped abs... there was another with a boxer suspended in middle of a ring with two guys working him over front and back... wow.
No Mercy delivered the epitomy of gutpunching videos 6 or 7 years ago.. wish he would resurface!
And NRWrestling had a fight with Drake and Medlock in the woods... denims.. full of punches.. was so erotic!!
Just wish some of these gutpunching videos ended with an orgasm!! It is such an erotic aspect.. would it hurt for a guy to jerk off while he is punched!!??! 😉
Magneto (13)
3/17/2017 3:13 PM(In reply to this)
No Mercy was amazing! Wish he'd come back too!
Prickler (12)
3/18/2017 9:38 AM(In reply to this)
You can find him on FaceBook
dabbler1973 (17)
3/18/2017 10:06 AM(In reply to this)
Seems to be inactive though... im on facebook as Gutta puncha and have sent him a few messages but no reply.
power559 (8)
3/29/2017 4:52 PM(In reply to this)
He talks to me on FB sometimes, tho VERY rarely.
Complicated dude.
(But gods that body)
braffertyg (23)
3/30/2017 4:27 PM(In reply to this)
I love those videos. What is his name on Facebook? I did not find a "No Mercy" page.
power559 (8)
5/20/2017 2:13 PM(In reply to this)
Ben James Arriva.
bellyinpain (0)
3/07/2017 11:42 PMwhen I was young, my parents went away on a trip and I was looked after by an older family member. I was doing sports and had a rough day of it, so when I got home, i went into my room and collapsed on my bed, and passed out. I woke up and discovered I couldn't move, my baby sitter had tied my wrists and ankles to my bed frame. They raised my shirt and started slapping my belly, and when I yelled at them to stop, they stuffed a sock in my mouth and tied it there, then proceeded to punch my gut, I don't know for how long, but I passed out from it. I know, I'm leaving out a lot of details. Anyway, as an adult, I stumbled across a bellypunching site and was hooked
tough gut (6)
3/19/2017 7:22 AM(In reply to this)
Hey Bud enjoyed the read after which I wrote my starting experience down. I hope people enjoy mine as much as I enjoyed yours. Chat soon. Please log in to view gallery photos.
AbPuncher2 (1 )
3/19/2017 6:55 AM(In reply to this)
again wow! why did something like this never happen to me?!
ExcentricPuncher (8 )
3/08/2017 4:07 AM(In reply to this)
Oh wow that's a very interesting way to get into it haha. Would love to know more details about that ;)
JayPuncher (12)
1/26/2017 5:35 PMMy interest (fetish) goes all the way back about as far back as I can remember. I just remember watching fist fights on TV in various shows and always getting turned on (whatever that means to a kid) when one of the guys got hit in the stomach. I even remember as a 5 or 6 year old playing outside by myself and acting out fist fights. My favorite part was acting out the other guy punching me in the gut with my back against a tree. Who knew I was channeling Ed Norton in "Fight Club" when he thinks he's fighting Tyler but it's just him in the parking lot. Then as a 9 or 10 year old, my classmate Joey sucker punched me in the solar plexus as we passed each on the stairs in school. He kept going as I fell to my knees clutching my mid-section and gasping for breath. That had quite an impact on me as I still remember it... fondly!
csato444 (0)
3/08/2017 12:39 PM(In reply to this)
Wow very similar to my beginning. Watching fist fights in movies tv. When guy would get gutpunched did something to me. Lol. I used to punch myself in gut double over like guy was punching me. I aldi has a softball size bed post I'd place in center of guy and lean ivervit seeing how deep I cud go
Southniner (0)
1/25/2017 3:14 PMI remember watching a fight in school of these two Hot shirtless muscled teens and there were soo many body shots as it was mainly a ground fight.
The sound of the punch on solid abs and the grunting of 2 dude had me as had as a rock.
I started by punching myself to see how much I could take and as time went by I just couldn't hurt my 8pk abs enough so I found friends that liked to rough wrestle at lunch and body punches were the base of it. Soo good now some 35 years later I still ache for it.
halndallas (6)
1/26/2017 4:03 PM(In reply to this)
seems very few real fistfights involve body blows. Most of the youtube stuff is practically all head shots. When i studied boxing we were instructed to devastate the body so guard drops then work on the head. Liver, kidney and upper stomach are soft tissue so punches there can really hurt especially with barefist since gloves numb the targets
halndallas (6)
1/23/2017 10:48 PMWhat got me fascinated about it was witnessing a skirmish on the basketball court in high school. my buddy Anthony Bonila and another dude took their arguement to the next level. Anthony was taking his shirt off (wonder why guys about to fight do that ?) and b4 he could get the shirt over his head the other guy sucker punched him which made him get tangled up in the shirt . the yell he let out let us all know it must have really hurt. As Anthony was stumbling around, the puncher was trying to hit him again but others pushed him away. Although some of us felt sorry for him , we also wished the dude would have gotten another punch in :)
Timber (15)
1/22/2017 1:10 PMI think for me it was a mixture of toughguttedrewster from when he had his first channel, I thought it was so cool/hot/manly that he could take so many hits and with different object too, like balls, bats, and bricks; and the fact that I would sneak out in the backyard to work out (in the freezing weather) to do hanging situps on one of those clothes drying bars. I would do it after already hard, but the pressure of the intense sit ups really worked over my nerves below my belly button and stimulated the best feeling ever. I kind of associate gut punching and that, and have been obsessed with GP ever since. I think I've watched every good GP video on the net and have read every story.
How did you get into GP? Hopefully there's a good story behind it.
Bikerguy516 (32 )
1/23/2017 5:17 AM(In reply to this)
I am new on the site and initially got into gutpunching as a "filler" between regular fights. And then I found I liked it! It's kind of a combination of seeing what I can take, what I can dish out and just the notion of two men exchanging fists with each other, ramping up the power until someone has to give. Adds another dimension to my love of fighting. I plan to do more of it!
ruffguystuff (1)
1/24/2017 6:59 PM(In reply to this)
great description!