Gutpunching give/take/trade

How was your first gutpunch session?

TakeThePunchesAI (13)

11/20/2020 3:49 AM

I meant to add, I intend to experience my first with me joining today. So, I'll soon be able to elaborate more properly on that.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

11/20/2020 12:20 AM

Well, I just started punching my own. I was going to middle school then. I had started running track and was really good at it. It's also that first time I started wanting to get some abs. So I was doing scrolling abs stuff came across gut punching. And I started self-gut-punching along side my ab workouts. I grab the hammer we had beat every individual ab until my abs were red and in pain.



11/09/2020 3:47 PM

I'm thinking you personal feelings on your first Gut Punching exchange would be affected by "want sex",,,or "Dont want sex". My first session was a very real 4 on one beating at the local park, big crowd watching, but didn't interfere. I was 13 I think. My new g/f's ex, a known bully and little tough guy, caught up with her and I at the park together, his three buddies grabbed me from behind, he ripped my shirt open and put fists into me for what seemed like a hour, my Becky right up front, watching the punishment, seemingly enjoying the fight happening over her affections. She left with him, seemingly impressed that he beat up a rival in order to gain her affections. My first true beating, a black eye but mainly in my belly and chest, truly humiliated and dominated, my pride and ego crushed.


Punchee1300 (6)

11/09/2020 2:24 PM

My first gut punching session was when I turned 18. I met a someone in FB and he was into gp as much as I was. He was solid puncher and we became fast friends. We still meet up on occasion. Obv not this year because of Covid.


PJBoxxxer1 (7 )

10/16/2020 10:52 AM

When I began taking boxing lessons as a teenager, I found give & take body punching wearing boxing gear in a proper environment (gym/ring) to be a turn on! Recreational/Erotic Boxing is great fun, especially recording videos of my sessions! Please log in to view gallery photos.


hardabs1 (22)

10/16/2020 7:09 AM

My first GP session was in a tent on a Boy Scout camping trip. I was 13 and got this fellow Scout to punch me a few times. I was so turned on, but I guess he couldn't tell, thank goodness :)


Timber (15)

10/23/2020 9:09 AM

(In reply to this)

Did you ask him to punch you, or was it his idea?


hardabs1 (22)

10/24/2020 3:43 AM

(In reply to this)

I punched him lightly in the stomach with the hope that he would punch me back. Sure enough, he punched me. I said he couldn't hurt me. So he tried. Again and again. Very hot!


renk23hd (0)

10/15/2020 5:46 AM

My first session was when I had 13 years old with a fríend in my house, he punched me so hard in my abs, we was in boxer


roughouser (14)

10/16/2020 1:56 AM

(In reply to this)

As a teenager I was working out at the pull-up bars in the park and the neighborhood guys who frequented the bars saw me there. I was just starting and was just skinny. They said my abs looked good and asked if they could test them, so I let them. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed punching some of them, too. The calisthenics scene was sure very fun where I grew up.


renk23hd (0)

10/16/2020 2:48 AM

(In reply to this)

thats so cool


renk23hd (0)

10/15/2020 5:44 AM

Tell your anecdotes and sessions of how they were and with whom

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