Gutpunching give/take/trade

MMA Body Shots

Stmbt797 (2)

8/03/2023 5:29 AM

🥵 hot shots to the body


RandyinATL (17)

11/11/2021 11:23 PM

Check these out…especially at 1:10


Redneck (2 )

8/03/2023 1:53 PM

(In reply to this)

Hot as hell…


Stmbt797 (2)

8/03/2023 8:33 AM

(In reply to this)

Yeh dude thx for posting this - nothing like a hard shot to the gut to turn the tide of a match or weaken the opponent


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/03/2023 7:40 AM

(In reply to this)

Very nice, Randy, thanks! I like the Top in the first round best...he is HOT! 🔥 Most of these rounds look more like boxing matches than wrestling. I like it! 👊💥🥵


ikf (24 )

8/02/2023 7:30 PM

(In reply to this)

that's a lovely solar plexus punch indeed

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