Gutpunching give/take/trade

Safety - gutpunching

Stoic (20 )

5/20/2021 1:53 PM

'Love savoring a session for days' is IT for me, it's the best. I enjoy gp and it's erotic AF but the feeling after is even better. Does last for days in the right hands. Always brings me back for more 👊👊


halndallas (6)

5/20/2021 12:06 PM

definitely have to take some solar shots during a session . Love the pain but cant be more than one at a time for me then back to mainly gut slugs sneaking in a good SP punch . My main thing is taking every punch tensed so my muscles will be sore for days. Love savoring a session for days ! Always wanted to end the session with me seeing my puncher out at the door but he tells me to take my shirt back off for a final solid SP punch but I've always chickened out . Got close once. The guy told me to hold the shirt in front of my face so I couldnt see it coming . I held the shirt up but backed out at the last second.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

5/19/2021 2:59 PM

Yeah, nobody wants to die or increase the chances. My recent match I got punched a lot (over 300 punches to my abs in the mach). He was punching me all over my abs to find my weak spot to wear me down. He seemed to focus on punching the where my ab crack is, and really focused on the solar plexus area of my abs and the belly button. But it was safe fun. I was sore AF after, but that's because I took a lot. And I would have been disappointed other wise, lol.

The match I had before this, I got turned in an awkward way and my ribs were punched (guys like to tag my ribs for some reason). It left me with a sore discomfort afterward. Got better after a week. So leading up to my recent matched, I focused more on building the muscles on my sides and around my ribs. That incident did not happen again.


andrewj (21)

5/16/2021 10:18 AM

SP not so much of an issue (as others have said) some like to be pounded on the sides and this can cause problems for kidneys, liver and floating ribs particularly from hooks, if you want to lay some hooks into a punchee and avoid these issues, stand 90 degrees to the punchee and position yourself at a distance so your fist/glove lands in the navel or just above, of course this means you can't land reciprocating hooks, but you should be able to work out how to get that reciprocating energy into one side.


RadnerBearman (0)

5/16/2021 2:02 PM

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The main reason this is happening is because most hobby and recreational combatants, DO NOT work their obliques and intercostal muscles properly or at all. As far as I am concerned they should be worked just as hard if not harder especially if you wrestle. Every move you make is CORE based and the obliques are right in the middle of that. I do seated Russian twists with a 25 pound plate on my chest 4 sets of 40 in conjunction with wide swing Alphabet leg raises. I also do twisting crunches with a 25 pound plate in my arm pit as I twist to the right and left. Most guys dont know how to train their bodies to get the most out of their muscles. There are plenty of great tutorials out there that show you the right way. I train on a BOSU Balance trainer which really kicks in the Obliques and Intercostals. As always if you have a question Il try and answer it or send you to someone who can.


andrewj (21)

5/16/2021 4:32 PM

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I think you missed my point.


Challenge3 (49)

5/12/2021 12:54 PM

Gymrat, im ready for a rematch. We had a good intense exchange that was safe and fun at the same time.


gymrat (40)

5/12/2021 10:18 PM

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LMK if you are ever you know i'm game, but it has to work out with my hectic life..


PoundMyAbs (2)

5/11/2021 9:06 AM

Make sure that you CONFIRM he's open to and WANTING to take any "nut taps" or pec hits, as some here have suggested you include. The nut hits, especially, are very different from gut hits –– and some of us here are only into taking blows to our abs and stomachs!


NorthwestGPer (2)

5/12/2021 6:02 AM

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I'll echo @PoundMyAbs comments. It seems like a common courtesy to have all parameters established ahead of time. No surprises!


gpau1900 (6 )

5/03/2021 11:13 PM

There's always a small amount of risk, but so long as you communicate well and respect each other's limits you should be ok. As a general rule I avoid kidneys, bladder and bone, which I think everyone else has already mentioned.

Now go and destroy him. Nothing hotter than the perfect punch that makes him double over, gasping for breath, ooouuuggghhh 🔥🔥👊👊🥊🥊


celtwrestle (47 )

5/03/2021 11:28 AM

Apart from other areas of play like the pecs or balls, keep gut punching to the gut. Leave the solar plexus alone.


expat (6 )

5/12/2021 3:20 PM

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I also avoid the solar-plexus. I have heard it was a dangerous target but I know some punchees love to be hit there. I usually stick to the navel area and slightly below


celtwrestle (47 )

5/15/2021 2:46 AM

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@Expat Yeah, I was challenged about this earlier on this thread, and have to admit it's what I had heard and – more importantly – told by a hardcore punchee. So I listened and remembered.
I thought about this since and personally would only take a punch to the SP at half power and a straight shot; no angles. I think it has the effect of instantly collapsing the frame as opposed to the navel where the abs soak up the blow.
Did a tiny bit of googling about this, but only came across sites where it was proposed as debilitating spot to punch in a real fight and a last resort.


gymrat (40)

5/15/2021 3:04 AM

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absolutely - its gonna hurt. But its can also be sweet if you have the upper abs to resist it and still have the underling the satisfaction of withstanding it..


celtwrestle (47 )

5/15/2021 3:18 AM

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Short-term buzz great; long-term concerns about internal injuries, less so. Unlike the bruising, welts and other marks that show with GP directed at the belly, we never quite know what's damaged inside.
Anyway, don't want to detract from the enjoyment you guys have. I'm not a hardcore GP-er - but enjoy it now and again but with those limits.


gymrat (40)

5/03/2021 2:59 PM

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Avoid solar plexus? Why? Not particularly dangerous (unlike, say, kidneys). And some like it. Me for instance....under the right circumstances


Jojete (0)

5/12/2021 8:56 PM

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I think the biggest danger to the solar plexus is that in adults, your xyphoid process (the pointy bit at the base of your sternum) is calcified. That means there's always a risk of it getting broken off and giving you a poke in the lung.

Otherwise, it's just a huge nerve center


celtwrestle (47 )

5/15/2021 2:48 AM

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@Jojete Thanks for pointing this out. I was advised to avoid SP hits and there was good reason.


gymrat (40)

5/12/2021 10:23 PM

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interesting observation. But wouldn't that only come into play if one hit, uppercut, right at the very top? and at which point the puncher is also messing with breaking ribs. SO yea, avoid that!


GutpunchMexico (11 )

5/12/2021 7:27 AM

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gymrat: I'd love to put your solar plexus to the test. It's one of my favorite places to punch


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

5/04/2021 1:55 AM

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Me gustan mucho los puñetazos en la boca del estómago


Punchmygut (0)

5/03/2021 7:11 PM

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I need u in my life🤤. Haha.
Love solar plexus blows


gymrat (40)

5/03/2021 8:37 PM

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See! :-)

Yea, tho, you're right around the corner.....not


Punchmygut (0)

5/03/2021 10:23 PM

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Haha. Wish I was right around the corner.


Ellos00 (2)

5/03/2021 8:56 AM

Thanks all! Super helpful :)


Kureitondesu (14 )

5/03/2021 8:22 AM

Definitely vary the intensity, build up to more as you both become comfortable. Make sure the receiver is able to breathe and breathes as normally as possible, it makes it less intense and you can generally take more. Mix up the target areas and go for lighter shots when they're relaxed, gyves the abs a break and the receiver makes a great noise when it's unexpected.


Punchmygut (0)

5/03/2021 7:12 PM

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Haha. Love how u put that last part.


Stoic (20 )

5/03/2021 7:36 AM

Stay midline, mix it up a little, vary intensity and placement, throw in some pec shots, yeah some nut taps and sack grabs are nice, throw elbows and knees if your target is ok with them. Be careful with knees, it can be challenging to precisely place them. Some tit work gives the gut a break, but keeps the target on his toes (sometimes literally haha.)
Anybody want to try any or all of that on me, message me direct. I'm up for it. As much as I can take.


ruinurabs (42 )

5/03/2021 5:54 AM

Generally pretty safe. Just remember that you're not looking to put someone in the hospital.


Ellos00 (2)

5/03/2021 1:19 AM

Just wondering how safe it is to actually punch someone else in the gut? I come from a kink place so I wanna assess the risks before punching a jobber friend of mine


gymrat (40)

5/03/2021 3:02 PM

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So h obvious has not been mentioned.

1. Fixed offers lot sof protection, unfelt, while good for kink, less so. here are organs in there, b careful.

2. Kidneys are not something to mess with

3. careful of lower ribs. Ask me how i know. (not from GP, but similar)

4. As noted, build up carefully.

If its long enough and intense enough, you can develop welts. These are painful, but not dangerous. Surface damage to the casing around the abs.


gymrat (40)

5/03/2021 10:29 PM

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"fixed" = flexed". Damn auto-correct. Which means "auto, mess it up"


BobsFolly (0)

5/03/2021 6:11 AM

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I recently went though close to an hour of gut punching. It took about two weeks for the bruises to go away, but there was not damage. Just stay away from the ribs and kidneys. And it won't hurt to pop the balls every once in awhile during the session. I think I'm ready for another session.

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