Gutpunching give/take/trade

Serious conversation about a Gutpunching gathering some time in April (Spring Break)

malegutpunching (15 )

5/02/2023 2:50 AM

Hello everyone!

I put together a clip for people to see from the Vegas Gutpunching Gathering. Check it out!

Las Vegas Gut Punching Gathering - April 2023


Punchee1300 (2)

5/02/2023 5:29 PM

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Awesome! Wish i could have joined >.<


stomachpunch (5)

5/02/2023 3:25 PM

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My God....what did I miss...!!!! stomachs soft, fleshy and belonging to mature and masculine men!!!! Why wasn't I born in America????😔😔😔😔😔😔


hardpunch (17)

5/02/2023 5:18 PM

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Come visit. I'd love to punch you.


malegutpunching (15 )

3/08/2023 2:05 AM

The event has been posted on MeetFighters.


malegutpunching (15 )

3/04/2023 8:17 PM

I have booked my flight and hotel for Las Vegas. Arriving Thursday April 13 and leaving Sunday April 16th. Looking forward to meeting you guys and having our first Gutpunching gathering!


Gutboxer (46)

2/25/2023 5:31 PM

GPers!!! WE HAVE A PRIVATE RING for our GutPunch Gathering. The ring is BOOKED APRIL 15th from 2pm -6pm in Henderson NV. It’s 30 to 45 minutes trip from the strip so those going will need an Uber or carpool with others. Participants are asked to chip in for the cost ($200 so far) and will collect money at the door. I ask you post in the Attendees List a put “I’m in the RING!” so I can gather that list as well.


N0ahW01fang (4)

3/03/2023 2:16 AM

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Is it $200 in total for the ring? Or $200 per person?


hardpunch (17)

3/03/2023 3:34 AM

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It's $200 total, $80 for the first hour and $40/hour after that. So, it's $200 for the 4 hours total. If 20 of us attend, then each would pay $10. Your share would simply depend on how many go; the more people, the less per person.


jed7720 (13)

2/27/2023 10:33 PM

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Have you guys considered making a facebook page for this event? Communicating on here leaves a lot to be desired. Just a thought.


Gutboxer (46)

3/01/2023 12:28 AM

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I don’t Facebook either.


playfulwrestler (20 )

2/28/2023 12:41 AM

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Alas, some of us (well, me, at least) have abandoned Facebook several years ago.


GPjock (3)

2/26/2023 4:00 PM

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What’s the name of the venue and its address? I’m asking so I can plan my accommodations accordingly.



Gutboxer (46)

2/26/2023 7:36 PM

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I don't have that information yet until I get the release info from the owner.


bellyboi (0)

3/12/2023 12:09 AM

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I don't understand why you can't give out the name of the venue and the address. I'm very thankful for the efforts you are making.
Pretty sure not having that information might be what's holding some people back from making their full plans.


Gutboxer (46)

3/12/2023 7:24 PM

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The Ring Information will be given out to those that are attending and will chip in to pay for the ring. It's a private event at a private location and waivers will be signed there with each participant.


bellyboi (0)

3/12/2023 9:35 PM

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Thanks for the update Gutboxer.



2/26/2023 2:50 PM

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Fantastic. So, all fights will be in front of the group of attendees, inducing anything that incurs erotic punishment or submissions? At one point, I thought there was additional rooms available for a fee, a space for the winner of a stakes match to collect his prize.


Gutboxer (46)

2/26/2023 7:38 PM

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I think our event there will be private but for all to watch.
Prize collecting I suggest be done in your own hotel rooms,


Jitsfighter (9 )

3/02/2023 10:51 AM

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Will folks becoming from the general public or just us ?

If it’s open to the public then hat bout recording from phones . I wouldn’t want this to be on the web of me getting gut punched


neck428 (14)

3/08/2023 6:21 AM

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Hi. Again just responding to you. I like your profile, photo, and comments. I’ve done gutpunching, as noted on my profile which you can view. I’m only interested in being with you, no one else, and only want to ram my fists into your gut, privately. If you’re interested in being just with me, for 3 hours or so, I’ll drive to Vegas, we share a room for one night. Please let me know.
Name is Bob.


hardpunch (17)

3/02/2023 4:38 PM

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No, this is just for people interested in the gathering. I definitely feel there should be an agreement that no recording of any kind should be allowed without the approval of the recipients since a lot of us have to fly under the radar when doing this and need discretion from everyone.


Gutboxer (46)

3/02/2023 3:02 PM

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It will be just us Attendees and we should ask each one about filming.


albyboxfight (36 )

2/26/2023 8:35 AM

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very good idea having a ring!


malegutpunching (15 )

2/23/2023 2:43 AM

Gutboxer and GPJock...I am ok with either of those options. Can either of you schedule the space for the afternoon of Saturday April 15th since you are in contact with someone?


Gutboxer (46)

2/23/2023 7:06 PM

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Yes I will check on that. Do you think two hours is long enough or more or less?


playfulwrestler (20 )

2/24/2023 2:35 AM

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Gutboxer: probably more time would be good. Maybe 4 hours? Send me a direct message; I can help with the funding.


Gutboxer (46)

2/20/2023 11:08 PM

I am in contact with a ring owner that will rent it for $80 the first hour and $40 each additional hour.
It is 30 - 45 minutes from the strip in Henderson and those who are interested could carpool or share an Uber and split the cost.
I think that Saturday would be a good time to do this


malegutpunching (15 )

2/20/2023 8:08 PM

Hello all,

There is another thread for those to identify if you are coming to the GutPunch Gathering in April. Here is the link: It would be nice to get people to let us know if they are coming and what your preference is: giver only, receiver only, or give and take. Thanks everyone.


bellyboi (0)

2/13/2023 4:56 AM

Ok guys, I'm definitely out of the loop.
I'm not in the Chat room. My bad.
It has been suggested maybe each other's Hotel rooms.
Maybe that is the direction we are headed toward.
Carry on good folks.
And thank you for all responses.
Sorry about the long windedness down below.
bellyboi, out...


playfulwrestler (20 )

2/12/2023 8:41 PM

Found this space: - requires wrestling shoes or boxing shoes on mat space. Other than that, it looks interesting.


bellyboi (0)

2/12/2023 12:40 AM

Need to ask a question of everybody and the more feedback we get the better.

If we end up with a facility that doesn't have a boxing ring, is that a deal breaker for anyone?
A boxing ring would be great for mutual fights. Multiple people standing around watching the fights.
And multiple people standing around giving and taking punches.

Malegutpunching has contacted multiple facilities in Las Vegas Nevada that have boxing rings. But with no responses back to him. I'm sure our combined efforts will continue attempting to securing a facility with a boxing ring.
If anyone else wants to call some of these facilities please do so. We might still find a ring that will give us a response with a reasonable price.

The question is, what if we don't find a facility that has a boxing ring?

What if it's just a glorified gay bath house in the seedy commercial center with no boxing ring?
But with private rooms where we can do gut punching on each other?

The reason I pose these questions and the reason we need feedback from as many as possible at this time is simple: We have people who are thinking about making flight plans to come out here. And who will make reservation plans for a weekend in Vegas.
We have other people who will drive a good distance to get to Vegas. Spend good money on Hotels. And drive back home.

Need to know if everyone is on board with what we've got so far.
We will still hunt for a boxing ring if that's what everyone wants.
Just need to know some more of your thoughts at this point.
Bellyboi, out...


Jitsfighter (9 )

2/27/2023 11:35 AM

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Will our fights and our gut punching be where the general public will watch?


hardpunch (17)

2/12/2023 8:37 PM

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Not a deal breaker for me although part of the fun is being able to stand around and watch when not participating yourself, which is harder to do in a hotel room. On the other hand, hotel rooms can provide a more intimate (private) experience. But I'm game either way.


Gutboxer (46)

2/12/2023 4:35 PM

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A boxing ring would be great, but not necessary.
It's like Malegutpunching said in GP Chat. We can meet at people's rooms like Wrestlefest does. Uber is available to go to other guy's rooms which doesn't seem like a big deal especially if we are lets say in the new area of Vegas in different hotels.


Jitsfighter (9 )

2/27/2023 11:37 AM

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Could you all rent a mat room at a local martial arts studio that perhaps does BJJ


BearPounder (9)

2/12/2023 12:16 PM

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For me, a boxing ring wouldn’t be necessary.


Timber (6)

2/12/2023 9:46 AM

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Idk if it's too late to suggest this but I assume most people who chose Vegas are from California since there wasn't an option to vote for a California city in the survey and Vegas was the closest option. Perhaps changing the location to Los Angeles can help alleviate the boxing ring problem while also making the trip easier for more people.


GutsGoBoom (10)

2/23/2023 6:34 AM

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But isn’t the gathering in Las Vegas?


hardpunch (17)

2/23/2023 7:05 AM

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Yes, it's in Vegas.


GutsGoBoom (10)

2/09/2023 7:56 PM

This is a great idea definterested


malegutpunching (15 )

2/08/2023 3:26 AM

Hello all,

Currently having issues finding a location that will respond or accommodate our "event". Is there anyone in the Nevada (Las Vegas) area who could help with this? Or should we do the suggestion from @bellyboi's suggestion and do Hawk's Gym and Spa, which is a bathhouse venue? Any help would be appreciated.



2/10/2023 1:49 PM

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Does anyone know if Hawks have a boxing ring?? Private rooms would be great for some, curious how many fighters would prefer to fight while other's watch, and visa versa.


bellyboi (0)

2/11/2023 3:04 AM

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When I called Hawks two days ago I did inquire as whether they have a boxing ring. And I was told no, they do not have a boxing ring. Private rooms yes, but no boxing ring.


bellyboi (0)

2/10/2023 12:57 AM

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Malegutpunching and all concerned parties, both of those links posted by ikf down below do look interesting for what we want. I clicked into each link and thought we might have some hope with either one of those. But I have been busy and not had any opportunity to call them. Not expecting any opportunity through this entire weekend. If someone wants to call them please do so and report here.

Yesterday I was able to call Hawks Gym and found out some info.
Hawks Gym has 5 bathrooms, 2 of which are ADA compliant.
Cost for a locker is 10 dollars.
Then a charge for private rooms. No one really gets into Hawks without purchasing a locker and a private room. Pricing is 20 dollars for a regular room, 30 dollars for a room with a tv and 40 dollars for a premium room which has a sling. Which I don't think anyone really needs. But if anyone wants it, there it is.

Probably the 10 dollars for a locker and purchase for whatever kind of room you want. I think the rooms do have some kind of bed and a key to lock each room when you are out of the room. Plenty of privacy for gut punching.
I looked online at different reviews and people said sometimes the credit card machine isn't working at the entrance. So best to bring a card, plus a little bit of cash in case their card reader isn't working. Other people said they have had no problems with the card reader.
Also said the rooms have an 8 hour time limit, which I think is more than enough time for us, at least in the first session !!

No matter what we decide I still hope we will have either a late breakfast or Brunch somewhere on Saturday the 15'th, as a Meet and Greet. But first to nail down where and what time for our Gut Punch 2023 Event...

We need to know who is all in on this event.
Plane tickets will need to be purchased. And the longer you wait the higher the hotel costs will be. Because the rate increases with the occupancy levels going up.
Myself, I'm all the way in with this Event. I'm going if even one other person shows up.
My motel is not any of the bigger Hotels, I am staying to the north of the bigger places. Because of the high prices.
If anyone wants to, please contact me privately and I will direct you to cheaper motels. Already, the "cheaper" motels are charging 99 to 149 a night. And if anyone plans on staying at Excalibur Hotel or down that way south, there is a ton of noise at night because of the construction at Tropicana bridge.

That's all for now and sorry for the long windedness.
Hope some or any of this was helpful.
Bellyboi, out...

If anyone is going to GP CON 2023, it is getting time to declare so if possible. Or at least make the plan to do so.


FistsInGut (10)

2/17/2023 7:05 AM

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I’m thinking about this and, a room or private no ring space, with a bunch of you guys watching me…damn…🤛👍🏼


ruinurabs (40 )

3/01/2023 7:42 AM

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Coming to Las Vegas? 🤛😈😏


Gutboxer (46)

2/17/2023 4:23 PM

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Be great to be punching with you Buddy 🥊!


N0ahW01fang (4)

2/11/2023 11:23 PM

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So for the rooms. Do we pay for the rooms in advanced together? I'm usually ok with being at someone's or at my hotel room for meets. The bath house is a great idea, just curious if a ring is something most of us wants?


bellyboi (0)

2/11/2023 11:54 PM

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We just pay for the rooms individually when we enter the facility.
Like you I'm also curious if a ring is something most other people want. Or if it's a deal breaker for some that we of course don't want to lose.
The issue about a ring might need some discussion so I'll post up on top where everyone will see it. If people are willing we need feedback on this issue.


ikf (24 )

2/08/2023 12:59 PM

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Are you having difficulty finding a fight space to rent in general? Because I found for example. Or .

Or are you worried they might not allow this kind of activity?

Maybe you can contact them and have them recommend other places if they themselves are not willing to take you guys?


malegutpunching (15 )

2/09/2023 1:41 AM

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I have contacted most places in Vegas. None have responded.


malegutpunching (15 )

2/04/2023 6:08 AM

Hello Gutpunchers/gutpunchees:

Now that we have dates and a location, I am now looking into venues that have been suggested here in the thread for the event to take place on Saturday, April 15th. I have reached out to one gym this evening that is not open to the public and only for private use. I will contact other places and get an idea of the cost and availability. I could also look into contacting different hotels and asking about group rates if I can get an idea of who can confirm they will be there. Please reply and I will keep you posted.



2/05/2023 6:45 PM

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This is getting VERY interesting,, just imagine the possibilities of such a like minded gathering!! Especially if a gym with a boxing ring is found. I'm thinking this could be a once in a million opportunity to meet up and enjoy a smorgasbord of belly punching domination with some humiliation for exotic pleasure, or just to see who is the better man, whatever trips your trigger. Yeah,, this is good.


N0ahW01fang (4)

2/04/2023 11:29 PM

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I've been wanting a meet like this for awhile. Wrestlfest was one thing, but a gutpunchfest would be a dream. We could see if we share rooms with fellow mates too


bellyboi (0)

2/05/2023 10:27 PM

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You're right, if this can be pulled off it will be super awesome.
I'm not really a fighter, I just wanna be punched in the stomach by gut punchers.


Gutboxer (46)

2/05/2023 5:24 PM

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I'd like to trade Gut Punches with you for Sure!!!


Gutboxer (46)

2/04/2023 4:05 PM

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Thank you for getting the ball rolling on the GP Gathering. I am asking people I’ve punched with as well as promoting it in the GP chat room.


DavidRichardson (0)

2/04/2023 5:45 AM

Wish I could make Las Vegas. If there is ever a group meeting in Atlanta - I am definitely in!


stomachpunch (5)

2/02/2023 12:10 AM

Enjoy, I'm very envious, I would have liked to be with you.


bellyboi (0)

2/02/2023 1:57 AM

(In reply to this)

Wish you could be here. I would love to meet you but I know it's a long ways to come....peace my brother...


bellyboi (0)

2/01/2023 7:51 AM

I've already been looking at Hotel rates in Las Vegas Nevada for the weekend of April 14-16'th.
The rates are high everywhere and for this reason alone I normally I would not go on a weekend at all.
But the truth is I want to meet some of these good folks. I want to get my stomach punched and worked over by some of these folks I've been talking to for the past few years.
Some are givers, some are receivers and some are both.
These are gut punch lovers and I think it will be great to finally meet a few of you in person.
I do not want to miss this event and I am going to do my best to be there.
Now–having said that, I do not know where everyone will stay, or where we will go to meetup, or any of the logistics.
There are some various rings in Las Vegas. I honestly don't know the first thing about any of them, whether they can be rented, or do we all just show up at one, etc.
What I do know about, is there is a place called Hawk's Gym and Spa.. It is a gay gym which has lots of big space for what we want.. There are also lots of private rooms. Plus other rooms with workout equipment. Pretty dark inside, which might be a good thing for some of us. It might also have a ring, I can't remember. It costs around 27 dollars for entrance, maybe a bit more on weekends. Also has lockers. They probably wouldn't care what kind of activity we would be doing, gut punching each other, etc. I don't think they would care anyway.
The cost might not be as much as if we rented another place.
But there probably are other places we can rent. I don't know them.
Maybe that idea is offensive to some and don't get on my case please, it's only an idea.
I'm open to other ideas and there is time to plan.
The main thing is I want to get my stomach punched and worked over by any gut puncher who comes to Las Vegas for this event.
GP CON April 14'th -16'th, 2023
Vegas or bust.


hardpunch (17)

2/09/2023 6:58 PM

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Are the larger spaces at Hawk's also private or do they have windows where anyone could see us? I certainly don't want that. I think the rooms, even if they're a little smaller, would be preferable as long as they are private.


bellyboi (0)

2/10/2023 4:00 AM

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Hi hardpunch,
I just saw your question to me.
There aren't any windows in the larger spaces that I remember. Some of the larger spaces are more well lit than others. Some are darker and the hallways are definitely dark. And the private rooms certainly don't have windows. Pretty good for private gut punching.


bellyboi (0)

2/01/2023 6:51 PM

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Several more notes,
Hawks Gym is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So we could go there anytime we wanted to, even a Saturday afternoon if we wanted.

And if anyone shows up to this shindig, I think we should all go to breakfast Saturday morning. A meet and greet type of thing. That's if we didn't already go to dinner Friday night. But people might still be getting into town on Friday afternoon or night.

As for me, I am already thinking about staying somewhere off the strip to avoid those crazy hotel prices. I love all those hotels but not their weekend prices. If most of you are together in another place I am ok with that.
So let me know guys.
A very special thankyou to MaleGutpunching for doing the survey and starting this idea rolling. I hope we can make this event happen if at all possible.
It's all about fists pounding into bellies and testing limits for fun.
It takes all of us and I would love to meet some of you guys.


FistsInGut (10)

2/01/2023 4:45 AM

I’m gonna try…


GutPunch562 (17)

2/01/2023 12:15 AM

Oh im definitely interested. Count me in for the GP gathering.


hardpunch (17)

1/30/2023 6:08 AM

Sounds good to me.


malegutpunching (15 )

1/28/2023 11:18 PM

Hello gutpunchers and gutpunchees,

I have data from the Google Form. I have put the information in a Google Doc here:

Here's the breakdown:

28 people responded.

89.3% is interested in attending if possible.

Las Vegas received 48.1% of the votes, Chicago 14.8% and Other option 37%.

46.2% of responders chose the dates Friday April 14 - Sunday April 16th.

It looks like Friday April 14 - Sunday April 16th in Las Vegas works the best for the majority of responders. Let me know what your thoughts are on the data. And thanks to everyone who responded.

53.6% of responders are Versatile (can punch or receive one-sided), 28.6% are Punchers only, 14.3% are Receivers only, and 3.6% are Give and Take only.


Gutboxer (46)

1/29/2023 5:08 PM

(In reply to this)

Sounds like Las Vegas April 14-16th will be our first GP Gathering.
Next figure out hotel and if possibly a private boxing ring for use.
Any Las Vegas GP members available to help with this?


ruinurabs (40 )

1/29/2023 8:27 AM

(In reply to this)

First, thank you for floating the idea and doing the survey! Great initiative. Now to figure out logistics. An affordable hotel with rooms on the same floor?


mikey3458 (25 )

1/23/2023 12:18 PM

If you want something on the East Coast my wrestling warehouse is available, it has a 16x16 professional wrestling ring (gut work-overs in the corners) and a 14x14 raise mat which has a solid wood wall behind it, so a good place for lots of guys to stand and take punches 👊. Located in Claymont Delaware. Available weekdays and any time weekends.


wa rassler (4)

1/21/2023 10:29 PM

I'd like to see something in Florida. I'm sure there's lots of other punchers who are in Florida too.

FWIW, how does everyone like to do this? Stand and take a certain number (5 or 10) before handing it to the other guy? Stand and deliver like a gut boxing match where both guys just try to throw as many punches as possible? Do you like to punch until submission or one guy drops and can't stand up or what?


malegutpunching (15 )

1/22/2023 9:33 PM

(In reply to this)

I am trying to make this happen for as many people as possible. This is why I started the conversation trying to find out who might be interested. Then, I steered the conversation to possible places. When I did that, the places that got the most comments were Las Vegas and Chicago. That is why I put those two places on the Google form. I also started this conversation in January so that everyone who may be interested can start to do whatever they need to do to attend (including determining what they may need for travel and accommodation). I am sure that planning something in the state the live would be beneficial to all people in this thread. However, I think that I have tried to allow everyone a voice making this happen and given plenty of time for people to make suggestions. Right now, Chicago and Las Vegas are the two places on the Google form. I am not opposed to having two events (one on the east coast and one on the west coast). However, I cannot be the only person doing the heavy lifting to make that happen. If anyone else would like to volunteer to help make that happen, please let me know. I would appreciate it.

Let me know, guys.


ruinurabs (40 )

1/23/2023 6:49 PM

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Thank you for doing this. Completed the survey.

When do you anticipate posting the results?


malegutpunching (15 )

1/26/2023 1:54 AM

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I am hoping to post the results this weekend. If you guys are in the chatroom, if you could try to get a few more people to respond...that would be GREAT!


hardabs1 (23)

1/21/2023 2:48 PM

I'm going to have to pass due to my work schedule. Sorry, guys. Have fun!


FistsInGut (10)

1/20/2023 6:30 PM

Completed it!🥊


hardpunch (17)

1/20/2023 7:54 AM

I submitted the form but thought it might be better if people could choose more than just one option. I could have chosen pretty much any of them but selected only one. So, other dates in April would also work for me.


jed7720 (13)

1/21/2023 5:16 PM

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In throwing a gathering of this magnitude there will be costs associated. Im game for paying a fee. I dont expect "someone else" to always foot all the bill.


jed7720 (13)

1/21/2023 4:24 PM

(In reply to this)

Dido this comment. Im flexable.


malegutpunching (15 )

1/20/2023 3:48 AM

Hello all,

In an effort to gather data on who is interested, I have prepared a short survey. This is a Google Form I created with 4 questions regarding your availability, preferred location, timeframe, and participation level. Please complete the form at your convenience, but sooner rather than later to analyze the data for planning purposes.

Thanks guys.


bellyboi (0)

1/24/2023 7:29 AM

(In reply to this)

I filled out and submitted form.
Thanks for your efforts on this project.
I had to put down Vegas and marked Monday April 10'th, although I am open to other dates as well. I liked that a lot of midweek dates were available.
Thanks again.


hardpunch (17)

1/20/2023 7:56 AM

(In reply to this)

Check my message and see what you think about allowing more than one option.


bellyboi (0)

1/19/2023 3:31 AM

After reading these multiple comments, just throwing this idea out there.
Maybe we should even consider two of these events, One for the West coast, Las Vegas, Los Angeles San Francisco etc. And one for East coast. Not sure what might be a good idea for everyone back there, Chicago New York, Miami, Dallas.
Just an idea. And if not viable, then discard it.
But maybe a good idea for brainstorming.
And I think during mid week ,might have lower hotel/motel rates to help folks with expenses.


Boxer1990 (12 )

1/17/2023 12:49 AM

I'd be down. Recommend doing it during not a peak travel time just for cheaper cost travel


mikey3458 (25 )

1/16/2023 2:11 PM

I can host here at my fight warehouse, have a 16x16 pro wrestling ring and a raised platform 14x14 mat. Let's pick GP day and have some east coast fun! Claymont Delaware. Close to trains, buses, and the not far from the Philadelphia Airport. Lets hear some dates!


punchingxxbag (0)

1/16/2023 2:05 AM

I would definitely be down! Let me know when and where!


mikey3458 (25 )

1/14/2023 1:16 PM

Hosting in Claymont Delaware, looking to host for gp party or one on one. I can punch but rather be punched.


stevecleveland (17)

1/14/2023 4:42 AM

I'm in the Cleveland area and can travel to nearby states with reasonable planning. Very flexible on dates generally


ikf (24 )

1/12/2023 1:15 PM

Years ago I have read there are some boxing gyms for rent in Las Vegas.


NorthwestGPer (2)

1/14/2023 9:15 AM

(In reply to this)

That's not surprising as you almost call LV the boxing capital of the US.


N0ahW01fang (4)

1/13/2023 4:41 AM

(In reply to this)

Maybe there still is.


hardpunch (17)

1/12/2023 6:31 AM

Vegas works for me since I have a friend who lives there I can visit at the same time. 2-3 days would work best for me.


Rt ND Guts (4)

1/12/2023 12:56 AM

Let me know if you guys decide it's happening


malegutpunching (15 )

1/11/2023 1:59 AM

Excellent! I am glad to see this idea is getting some traction and people seem very interested. Judging from the responses...Las Vegas seems like the best location for now, although Chicago is not a bad idea either. I do agree that airport- and hotel-wise, Vegas seems the best option but I would love to hear more from people who may have an issue getting to the west coast. Another question would be going forward: how long of an event should we try to plan for? 2 days? 3 days? What are your thoughts?


Punchee1300 (2)

1/13/2023 3:03 PM

(In reply to this)

Ah west coast is practically impossible for me *sigh*


jed7720 (13)

1/12/2023 12:49 AM

(In reply to this)

Im game for it in Vegas.


Gutboxer (46)

1/11/2023 6:49 PM

(In reply to this)

How about three day event like Friday - Sunday? That would give some people more options. Also do you have dates in mind?


Grizzledjobber (2)

1/13/2023 8:07 AM

(In reply to this)

I have an appointment on Apr 6 so after that is good for me.


malegutpunching (15 )

1/13/2023 5:28 AM

(In reply to this)

No dates are in mind yet. Let's start throwing some dates out there so people can start looking to see if they are available. I will start: I am off work the first two weeks of April. So any of those dates would work very well for me. Who else?


Jyrob (5)

1/14/2023 9:04 PM

(In reply to this)

I'm in for this too! Great idea, and I would be interested in attending both East and West coast potential events...


Jyrob (5)

1/14/2023 11:45 AM

(In reply to this)

I could make it happen for an event on either coast happen -
Excited for the April onward dates.

Would it be crazy for me to put a up spreadsheet link here and everyone can mark With what dates and cities work for them? I can summarize and se dan th everyone si we can unitedly decide inxa
Spot foooooooor - GGGGGg PPpPPPpP …. CoooooNNNNN 23!!!! Punch


malegutpunching (15 )

1/14/2023 8:19 PM

(In reply to this)

That would be great if you are willing to do that. Thank you Jyrob.


Gutboxer (46)

1/13/2023 4:25 PM

(In reply to this)

The first weekend I will be at CLAW in Cleveland OH but the following weekend would work after Easter by the way.


jimmyterrific (60)

1/17/2023 9:49 PM

(In reply to this)

I also like gutpunching and wrestling, also bondage, and sex, hope I can make it to CLAW also, I do not live far from there


PunchingBag (1 )

1/13/2023 5:52 AM

(In reply to this)

I can do any time with enough notice!


bryanburnsbp (0)

1/09/2023 5:14 PM

This sounds like an interesting event! LA would be great.


bellyboi (0)

1/09/2023 7:03 AM

Las Vegas has so many hotels, it would be a great location. Great airport as well.
Los Angeles is another great location. But more congested.
Gut punch Con.


hardpunch (17)

1/09/2023 6:10 AM

I'm totally down for this. Gutboxer and I tried to organize a similar event several years ago but it didn't work out. Come up with a time/place. It would be great fun.


BrianBeat (11)

1/09/2023 6:04 AM

I would also be very interested, depending on the location chosen as well. If it were on the West coast I'd be much more likely able to do it.


bnjifghtr (2)

1/09/2023 6:44 AM

(In reply to this)

Yeh man def dude
I still wanna punch your abs bro


N0ahW01fang (4)

1/09/2023 3:08 AM

Count me in. This sounds like a dream come true. We can call it GP Con. Like comic con for gut punchers


bnjifghtr (2)

1/09/2023 3:09 AM

(In reply to this)

Yeh bro . . A good name !


hardabs1 (23)

1/09/2023 2:39 AM

I'm definitely game for this, but my work schedule is problematic as I work weekends. You mentioned April as a possibility. April 1-2 or 21-23 I will be in L.A. area. Maybe I can work something out 😀


Wolfman65 (6)

1/08/2023 3:52 PM

I'm game ...
This would be epic no doubt 👊🤛🤛🤛💪 ... But I strongly suspect, many of us are gonna be sore 'AF' after 'getting passed around' among several punchers 🤣

Ummmpppfff 😖


GutPunch Boss (1)

1/08/2023 3:43 PM

I agree…this sounds like a terrific idea.


dave1701 (3)

1/08/2023 3:42 PM

Maybe there could be multiple places set up west coast area central and east coast..


Punchee1300 (2)

1/08/2023 1:41 PM

That sounds like a great idea. I'm in the Pocono area of Pennsylvania and that has a lot of hotels.


PunchingBag (1 )

1/08/2023 1:29 PM

Sounds like a lot of fun, location dependent like a lot of other guys here of course, but I'd definitely be up for something like this!


ruinurabs (40 )

1/08/2023 5:45 AM

Chicago, Las Vegas, maybe Dallas?


Gutboxer (46)

1/07/2023 8:05 PM

Thank you Malegutpunching for getting this long needed GP Gathering. I am totally interested but hope we can plan a date and where?
Chicago could be another option being central USA.


FrankTramplee (1)

1/07/2023 7:45 PM

Come to Berlin! There will be two GP/trampling parties during Easter.


expat (9 )

1/08/2023 5:19 PM

(In reply to this)

Really? Where? Quälgeist? Böse Buben?


solar (1)

1/07/2023 3:07 PM

Las vegas would be a good choice (i hear they have a few hotels there), along with good flight coverage


bellyboi (0)

1/09/2023 7:00 AM

(In reply to this)

I would love it to be in Vegas, I would be there and wouldn't miss it.


bnjifghtr (2)

1/07/2023 4:38 PM

(In reply to this)

Yes Las Vegas is good choice


bnjifghtr (2)

1/07/2023 3:33 AM

Somewhere maybe mid region of the country -Florida would also be awesome


bnjifghtr (2)

1/07/2023 3:20 AM

I am down
When and where
Maybe I start with wolfman65
We been wanting to punch for a while


Wolfman65 (6)

1/06/2023 10:58 PM

"Ab"solutely 🤛🤛🤛🤛🤛💪


malegutpunching (15 )

1/06/2023 5:22 AM

Hello gutpunchers and gutpunchees!

Every year (excluding the Covid-years) we have heard of wrestlers having the opportunity to get together for a Wrestlefest. It should be possible to do something similar but with only our gut punching fetish, don't you think? I am currently in conversations with some people to plan to get together for a weekend of gut punching fun some time in April. I have 2 weeks off for Spring Break as a teacher (woo hoo!) So, I am posting this topic to see if there is any real interest in getting our gut punching community together somewhere (at an AirBNB or something) to get to know each other and do some gut punching. This should be open to anyone with the interest (including if you participate as a puncher / receiver / or both, or if you just watch because you're not ready to participate, yet). It's all good. Let's have a real discussion about if people are available, where would be a good location. Let's talk about it and see what we can come up with. Happy 2023, everyone!


actiondudenj2 (11 )

1/16/2023 12:42 PM

(In reply to this)

Im intetestesd.


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

1/10/2023 12:11 PM

(In reply to this)

Ufffffffff...que pena vivir tan lejos...
Me apuntaría sin dudarlo!!!!
Un fin de semana, recibiendo en mi "pobre" estómago!!!!


N0ahW01fang (4)

1/08/2023 5:43 PM

(In reply to this)

This sounds amazing. Which state will it take place?


stomachpunch (5)

1/08/2023 10:25 AM

(In reply to this)

it would be great....if only something like this could be organized by me in Italy...but here unfortunately, this fetish is not particularly loved.


bellyboi (0)

1/09/2023 7:32 AM

(In reply to this)

Hey stomachpunch, if they hold this in Las Vegas Nevada, come over here if you can. This would be your chance to punch me in the stomach. And I would let you do it. It would be so great to meet you.


ikf (24 )

1/08/2023 1:12 PM

(In reply to this)

if only something like this could be organized by me in Italy...but here unfortunately, this fetish is not particularly loved. – well, I would drive to the northern part of Italy to participate. Maybe open a new thread for it, so that we don't hijack this US thread.


Cylus (4)

1/07/2023 7:42 PM

(In reply to this)

Im down for this, depending on the location decided.


suckerpunch (0)

1/07/2023 10:33 AM

(In reply to this)

It would be great if this event could happen near San Francisco


Grizzledjobber (2)

1/07/2023 12:44 PM

(In reply to this)

I'm good with SF, driving distance for me.

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