Gutpunching give/take/trade

Turn-on Word(s)

Rocket (3 )

1/03/2018 12:55 PM

I need GUT
I will be GUTTED
GUT me

These have a sound like make me recall the days at the lake. I would gut the salmon..
Basic but my thoughts. I have seen gut me here so I am sorry I am not 100% original


OrlJockwrestler (5)

1/03/2018 12:29 PM

the key word for me is "bellybutton" right in the bellybutton punch that bellybutton yeah i'm going to punch that hot bellybutton grrrr so hot


punchmybelly (0)

12/26/2017 2:13 AM

I would love to hear a group of people laugh at me after I get a punch to the belly and hear them say as i am all doubled over and they are laughing, " he got it right in the belly"


GutPunchee46 (0)

9/28/2017 4:54 PM

right in the stomach is good and uppercut to the belly


DCabspunch (21)

9/27/2017 4:59 AM

Right to my belly or plant your fist in my gut does it for me..


solar (1)

9/24/2017 4:54 AM

i like the word stomach too. in boxing they usually say "body shot". once in a while they will add "liver" or "solar plexus" shot. but I wish they would use the word stomach, like "there is a hard left to the stomach"


abs007 (1)

9/25/2017 1:52 AM

(In reply to this)

Stomach is the word. Taking it in the stomach. Hit in the stomach. Yeah


lived eht (3)

9/23/2017 12:56 PM

Just the words . Belly button. Mmmmmm


JJTexas (6)

9/22/2017 8:48 AM

"Stomach" has always turned me on the most, though "Belly" is a close 2nd. I always hope for boxing commentators to say "punched in the stomach" or "working his belly"; that's an immediate turn-on. "Belly button" is also a keyword that gets me going. "Solar Plexus" and "Oooooffffffff " go together well and suggests a blow that knocks the wind out of you. Some others: "hairy chest / hairy belly".


GPNavelPuncher (0)

9/26/2017 2:33 AM

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Those are all hot words that you use🔥. I like them, too. For purposes of this site, the words "gut" and "gut punch" make sense, too👊✊. As someone who has a NAVEL FETISH, I especially like "belly button", also. I sometimes like to use the word "slug", in place of "punch", as it sounds like a deeper gut pounding.


abuster (79 )

9/23/2017 5:25 AM

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Seems like we would have alot of fun if we had a match then man ;)


guyaskinforit (0)

5/06/2016 5:20 AM

"Now I'm gonna really fuck your gut!"

- Any word that's forced out by a punch.


mtlman (4)

5/05/2016 1:17 PM

gut, stomach, you think you can make my guts submit, fuck those abs..all those words are a turn on. Sometimes the non verbal is a turn on,like when your opponent looks at you and challange you to keep on punching him harder and harder, this look is hot too.


PlanetCharr (0)

5/05/2016 10:39 AM

the best for me ...

is when the guy leans in ... and just whispers it in my ear ... "Punch me in the stomach..."

once in a while when i feel like taking a punch or two ... i do the same ... lean in ... and whisper: "punch me in the stomach.."

if the whisper pitch has a little loud relaxed breathing ... very sensual.


Prickler (12)

5/04/2016 9:53 AM

The work 'Belly' gets my attention really quickly. But 'stomach' turns me on too. Especially if the punchee uses them while begging for mercy


ruinurabs (42 )

5/03/2016 6:36 AM

The biggest turn on I got was from a guy I had been slugging for about half an hour, and he smiled and said "gut me." So, I ripped into him (of course.) To this day I've heard good taunts from my punchees, but nothing approaching that.


GruntOutLoud (0)

1/02/2018 8:26 PM

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Gotta remember that the next time I'm getting worked over. Like it a lot ... "Gut Me, fukkah!"


Rocket (3 )

1/03/2018 12:58 PM

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I just posted a thread about the words gut me here. I am sorry I took from you. Yours is much better with gut me FUCKAH


Rocket (3 )

1/03/2018 11:50 AM

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I could do that


hardabs1 (22)

5/03/2016 7:22 AM

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For many years, just the word "Stomach" made me quiver. I would type that word a hundred times, use a speech program that would repeat that word 100 times and get pretty excited :)


JJTexas (6)

9/22/2017 8:24 AM

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I too have always had that same reaction to the word "STOMACH" any time I hear the word. I often listen carefully to boxing commentators for them to say the word "stomach" and record it in .wav format to edit into as many phrases as possible, like "the shot actually hurt his stomach.", "he's taken a lot of punishment in the stomach." and "that was a legal uppercut to the stomach."


stomachpunch (5)

5/04/2016 11:24 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree with you, dear HARDABS1, the word "stomach" for me it is very exciting ,,, I love to give and receive punches in the stomach, and say the word love when I hit, and heard her when I get. (For example, immediately after receiving a punch, I love to hear phrases like: THE FEEL THE FORCE OF THIS FIST? FEEL AS SINKS IN THE CENTER OF YOUR STOMACH? FEEL THE WIND FROM THE STOMACH THAT DATES BACK TO THE MOUTH? FEEL LIKE THIS FIST TI "PENETRATES" IN sTOMACH? FEEL THAT POWER WITH MY FIST PRESSING and sinks AGAINST THE WALL OF YOUR sTOMACH? ?? ETC ...)


northerly (0)

9/30/2017 5:20 PM

(In reply to this)

you just gave me a boner :)


Luca Golpe (0)

9/29/2015 6:24 PM

guthole, gut slugg, slugging the gut, slug...


slimbut (5)

9/30/2015 12:27 AM

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i would love to be sparring and get a devastating blow to my gut and the puncher march around waving his fists and yelling 'FUCK YEAH' over and over


guyaskinforit (0)

10/01/2015 4:28 AM

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Yeah, if he kept doing it over and over...


guyaskinforit (0)

9/28/2015 4:21 AM

"Yer not gonna be able ta sit up fer at least a week!"

"Man, listen to the sound when I punch him!"

"Today's special - tenderized belly."

"You're not leavin' here till I'm done with ya!"


guyaskinforit (0)

9/28/2015 4:10 AM

"Watch me fold 'im!"


solar (1)

9/27/2015 4:46 PM

this isn't what you guys are looking for here, but I have always liked the word pummel


guyaskinforit (0)

9/25/2015 4:22 AM

Groaning..."My gut is fucked!"


Luca Golpe (0)

9/20/2015 7:55 PM

I like the words: gut, clocked in the gut, stomach, breadbasket.


Mich123 (33)

9/18/2015 10:20 PM

For me the word "gut" has always been a turn on for some reason. I would get a kick out of watching pro wrestling and the announcers would try to find there way around saying that word with phrases like "in the mid-section" or "in his wheel house". Love to tell a guy "I'm gonna bust your gut open" when gut punching or "I'm gonna dig down deep and get your spine" when doing a gut claw.


Dunla (2)

9/13/2015 10:50 AM

Usually not a lot of words turn me on. Punched in the stomach does have an effect, as well as just having an odd vibe that comes with the word stomach. I've never been into trash talk-but uttering the phrase 'hurt me' is probably my biggest verbal arousal. Otherwise I feel words do more harm than instilling pleasure. >_>


abs007 (1)

9/13/2015 2:52 PM

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Hit in the stomach–nailed in the stomach–there's something about that you feel deep inside when somebody says it. I think my body reacts (spasms up) when I hear it.


abs007 (1)

9/12/2015 3:50 PM

For me the hot word has always been STOMACH. Abs, gut, belly, midsection, all good. But there's something in "I got punched in the stomach" that is instant turn on.


thomthumb 2002 (0)

11/20/2017 5:35 PM

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Same here, man!


slimbut (5)

9/18/2015 3:16 PM

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i love the word 'stomach' any time i say it in a conversation . If they only knew lol. I also use it as my password for everything. I used to use 'gutpunch' but like 'stomach' better.


jed7720 (13)

7/08/2015 10:04 PM

Give me your hardest stomach busting belly punch"


andrewj (21)

7/06/2015 7:18 PM

You can go harder or you can go home...


borderman (5)

9/13/2015 10:35 PM

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yes bring it on!


ThickAbs (0)

7/06/2015 5:20 PM

Come On HARDER, Come on HARDER, come on Hurt me, Hurt me, make me feel it, Come on HARDER !!!!!!!


GPNavelPuncher (0)

9/26/2017 10:45 AM

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I agree. Or, the words I like hear from my Punchees: "HARDER, FASTER, DEEPER." Also "MORE, MORE."👊✊


GPNavelPuncher (0)

9/26/2017 2:38 AM

(In reply to this)

Good one, I agree. I like to add couple of other words...FASTER, HARDER, DEEPER. Also, MORE, MORE.


andrewj (21)

7/04/2015 3:17 PM

Hit the "ooooffff box" that spot just below the solar plexus which if hit right brings a deep ooofff even in the hardest of guts/abs


guyaskinforit (0)

9/18/2015 7:13 AM

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That's exactly right for me! I like to be "ooofed" till I'm hoarse and my gut muscles are aching and too weak to resist.


abs007 (1)

7/04/2015 3:33 PM

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The pit of the stomach...


guyaskinforit (0)

7/03/2015 7:08 AM

Stretch his gut, then double him over! Do it again! Keep doin' it!


abs007 (1)

7/02/2015 2:14 PM

Stomach always gets me going, even more than abs, gut, belly. Anyone else like that?


AbPuncher2 (1 )

7/03/2015 7:30 AM

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Yeah, I prefer stomach and abs. Love it when a guy says "i'm going to destroy that nice stomach"


GutJack (0)

7/03/2015 4:35 PM

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I drove right hook into him and nailed the base of his stomach


GutJack (0)

7/03/2015 4:31 PM

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gonna mess up your stomach man


abs007 (1)

7/04/2015 3:33 PM

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He took a shot deep in the stomach ...


abs007 (1)

7/03/2015 9:01 PM

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Do it. Deep in my stomach man.


abs007 (1)

7/03/2015 3:21 PM

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Yes. "Can't take any more in the stomach, man!"... that kind of thing coming from some hot guy.


Mark Hepburn (1)

7/03/2015 10:09 AM

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'Hammer my gut till I can't take any more'; 'Give it all you've got'; 'Get me boned buddy'; 'Go for it, and show no mercy'....all of these, plus the thrill of taking the punishment get me going. I just need a new GP buddy right now since my usual partner in give and take is out of commission.


hardabs1 (22)

7/02/2015 4:03 PM

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Absolutely! In the past, I would type a phrase like "punch me in the stomach" and then hit a key that would verbally repeat that phrase over and over on my laptop. Got me going every time!


abs007 (1)

7/03/2015 9:00 PM

(In reply to this)

Sounds perfect.


solar (1)

7/01/2015 5:32 AM

I always like the words to slug, slugging, or getting slugged..


sumabeast (7)

6/30/2015 7:52 AM

Love trash talking. And love in your face shouting being called Beast or Gorilla or big Ape.


DavidW (0)

7/23/2015 7:40 PM

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Trash talking is great. I love to piss a guy off while I am standing against a wall with my hands cuffed behind my back.


GutJack (0)

6/29/2015 3:28 AM

knuckle-up his gut! Make his guts churn. I'm gonna hollow you out stud


hardabs1 (22)

6/30/2015 5:53 AM

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Hmm, I like those biceps too. Maybe you have a lot of power behind your punches and I would love to see if my abs can take it :)


guyaskinforit (0)

6/30/2015 5:51 AM

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Looks like the power in those biceps of yours could easily churn mine.


guyaskinforit (0)

6/26/2015 6:28 AM

Any words or parts of words that come out during a deep punch.


hardabs1 (22)

6/22/2015 8:54 AM

Trash talking is always good! The phrase I like to use is, after a guy punches me 50 or 100 times, I tell him, "When are you going to start punching me?" or "When are you gonna give me your best punch?"


WMuesli (2)

4/08/2015 11:43 AM

"Teach him a lesson. Punch him in the stomach!"


guyaskinforit (0)

4/12/2015 4:53 AM

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Damn! I love the sound of him gettin' gutpunched!!

Lemme work his gut!

Don't let him eat anything. I'm really gonna pummel his gut tomorrow.


Mark Hepburn (1)

4/08/2015 1:32 PM

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Ich habe gerade dein Video gesehen! Aufregend und ganz männlich! Toll und gut durchtrainiert! Schade daß ich in England ansäßig bin!


WMuesli (2)

4/08/2015 11:41 AM

stomach punch, solar plexus punch


BigBhim (2)

4/05/2015 3:16 PM

Trash talking does it for me.


thomthumb 2002 (0)

1/03/2015 12:53 AM

Love all of the following words and phrases; gut,belly, stomach,punches,free shots,bang him in the belly, his stomach was expertly worked over by professionals,give it to him in the guts,use his stomach like a punchin bag,belly work,have you had enough punk or would you like some more,pin his arms behind his back, hold him, punish his abs, beat his stomach up,give him a boot to the guts,bully his stomach.


grapl (0)

8/28/2014 12:36 PM

Any of the words in the listed in the 13.06.2014 post by abs007 gets the pulse rate up a small amount. Anticipation when facing the other guy then gets the pulse faster, but when the punching starts the pulse gets even faster and as it goes on I get to feel so horny!


hardsluggo (2)

8/25/2014 3:59 AM

How about:

"Unflex them thug!", or "suck your gut in and brace for impact", or even, "I'm goin up into that chest cavity!"


DavidW (0)

9/29/2015 4:02 PM

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Would love to hear those words from you while I am standing against a wall with my hands cuffed behind my back and my head nicely twisted on strong "condiment".


fightjunkie (3)

6/29/2015 3:10 AM

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How 'bout "Gonna punch that gut in until you're spittin' up blood, punk!"


slimbut (5)

10/01/2014 5:04 PM

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dude bring that back to dallas :)


jed7720 (13)

8/15/2014 9:18 PM

If you havent ever had a stomach punching contest you should try it. Stand toe to toe up against a wall or something with a pillow behind your back and hands behind your back and put on a blindfold, and your partner/opponant
punches you in the stomach as hard as he can. 2 times w/5 second recovery times. Then switch the roles. Its hard to concentrate on punching when your stomach is churning and you have a bad belly ache yourself. The contest is won by making your opponnant double up and clutch his/her stomach. And all kinds of taunting is good as well.


slimbut (5)

10/01/2014 5:06 PM

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years ago I stumbled upon a video of a man to man chest slapping contest between two dudes . They got in some really hard backhands I would love to try that


jed7720 (13)

8/15/2014 7:25 PM

pouch that stomach out for me!
This ones gonna be your belly buster!


Prickler (12)

8/11/2014 7:36 PM

Belly! I love to hear a jobber crying about the pain in his 'belly'


punchmybelly (0)

1/01/2015 12:00 AM

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Wow and I love to cry about the pain in my belly!


Haarek (1)

8/15/2014 11:29 PM

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Make me gonna cry about the pain in my belly....


deepinmybelly2 (5)

8/07/2014 1:50 PM

In my fuckin gut
In ya belly boy
Grind it in my navel
Do his fuckin gut in


BoxerJeremy (0)

5/23/2015 6:07 AM

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I trash tall all the time i am punching, and like to use the word GUTS a lot–telling him how DEEP I am going aand and talkling about taking him to a KO!


Jim (0)

8/27/2014 9:20 AM

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yeahh man i luv gut punchin words - soft, hurt, bare, belly button, sweet spot, hurt button, solar pain-plexus, solar soft-plexus, drillin, spear-hand, front kick, soft spot, bare dude-plexus, belly strike, jab, soft pain toy, beggin for mercy, play with his gut, enjoy his stummick, right in the bare stomach, diggin, he's got belly all over his foot...


guyaskinforit (0)

9/10/2014 4:32 AM

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"I didn't think you'd ever stop fuckin' my gut with your fist, till you shot cum all over my beet red belly and smeared it in and around with your foot..."


Mark Hepburn (1)

8/07/2014 10:37 PM

(In reply to this)

Both the giving and the taking are a turn-on.Some words heighten the tension:
'Knock my lights out'; 'Give it all you've got'; 'Is that all you've got?'; 'Take it like a man, buddy!';'Thrash my gut till I drop';
It's going to the limit and beyond which I guess give the 'buzz'. And it gets the adrenalin and the endorphins flying. It's a male-bonding thing; the harder the better we all like it I guess


BeerGut52 (0)

8/07/2014 6:02 PM

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Where do you want it. In the Midsection or in the Belly.



8/07/2014 5:49 PM

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I will cave your gut in ANYTIME !!! You man enough?



7/30/2014 12:46 AM

I'm going to cave your gut in !


BeerGut52 (0)

7/30/2014 1:15 AM

(In reply to this)

Where you going to sink the one to cave me in?


BeerGut52 (0)

7/22/2014 1:21 AM



Abifighter (0)

7/21/2014 10:12 PM

Words that turn me on to gut punching...

"Bare Fist" "Belly" "punishment" "Pain" "Thud" Smack" "OOOFFFF" "Belly Button" "Abdomen" "Hair Line" "Solar Plexus" "Studded Gloves" Brass Knuckles" "Rack", "Where's the cuffs" and of course someone asking me what are you doing this afternoon?


DavidW (0)

8/04/2014 9:09 PM

(In reply to this)

Great words, Abifighter. I especially like "Where's the cuffs?"


CelticFire (26 )

6/25/2014 7:08 AM

Turn on? Nothing really.

However trash talking really makes me want to fight it out longer!


Gutboxer (48)

6/14/2014 3:39 PM

For me mostly GUT and BELLY. Throw in some trash talk like blubber, fat, tub of lard, and on and on for fun.


UrsineAvenger (1)

6/29/2015 10:18 AM

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basically same goes for me here lol


abs007 (1)

6/13/2014 9:28 PM

So what is THE word that gets your attention and turns you on talking about punching, punishment? STOMACH, GUT, BELLY, MIDSECTION, ABS, something else?


GruntOutLoud (0)

9/23/2017 5:40 AM

(In reply to this)

Not a "word" but once I'm restrained either by rope or a guy/s holding me - "Ok boy, I'm gonna Fuck ... You ... Up!"

Also like - "Let's get him good, boys!"

Enjoyed "ruinyourabs'" comment about the guy saying "Gut me!" Gotta remember that one.


GruntOutLoud (0)

9/23/2017 7:06 AM

(In reply to this)

Oh yeah, I forgot this one - "Son, I'm gonna make your shirttails fuckin' dance, boy!"

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