Gutpunching give/take/trade

What gets you off about gutpunchinng?

matttmann (0)

5/03/2022 8:50 PM

Never thought much about this although I can see it being a turn on for some. Now this was until I caught this video of this shirtless young man with his arms up in the air exposing his luscious arm pits, and his friend just stood there pounding away. The guy was moving w every punch yet in a way, loving it. Clearly the receiver was in agony and all of a sudden,mit clicked for me. The fact that this kid only kept his arms up to show his buddies he could withstand the pain was a huge turn on. Now of course it didn’t hurt that this guy was a looker and had NO idea he was supplying such primal entertainment for us in this group. I can no longer find this video but it’s on my all time wish list. I can on,y imagine that the guy took it down but what a first exposure to this cruel and sexy world. If anyone recognizes the video I’m referring to, or even better, can locate it, give me a shout. Consequently I donno which “category I belong to but interesting topic. Thx


GPNavelPuncher (0)

5/02/2022 4:59 AM

A nice big, deep, "innie" NAVEL to use as target.👊💥🥵


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

5/01/2022 6:49 PM

All about fun and intensity for me, but gets some of my opponents off, lol.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

5/02/2022 2:33 AM

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Yes, intensity is what I like. My victim's stomach skin turns RED, as my gut slugs continue relentlessly...harder, faster, deeper.💥🥵🔥


big belly art (0)

5/02/2022 12:32 PM

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thta sounds like fun love you to fo that to me ! get back to me


Zander (1)

4/28/2022 7:29 PM

Good question, and honestly I don't know. I know I like the intense stuff more, I get really excited if I know the guy is going to give me good session and enjoy it. I like seeing how much I can take and my stomach turn red. But as for turn on deep punishment is the best as I think there is a biological reason i.e. pressing on a particular nerve.

My ideal session would be a long session where my abs are pummelled into submission before pushing and playing deep in my guts. I am hoping one day I can get my partner to do this full session for me, but obviously he won't want to hurt me. I guess it's more exciting a stranger punching me especially if they want to go for a good long session, however as I have a partner meeting up with someone I think is out, I assume. (Though I have never been brave enough to ask him).


GPmale (0)

4/28/2022 7:30 AM

The humiliation and thrill of getting hit in the stomach, grunting audibly and automatically holding my battered guts.


big belly art (0)

4/28/2022 12:10 AM

I'm into all three of the things you wrote about


guts4sluggin (1)

4/27/2022 8:45 PM

I have often said there are three types of gutpunchers.
1) Sadists that enjoy giving pain to others. They revel in watching and hearing the sounds of their fists (or whatever) destroying guts and the pain they inflict. It excited them.
2) Guys who enjoy pain (masochists). They pain caused by being slugged in the stomach releases endorphins, which kicks in the sex drive.
3) Guys who get sexually aroused by gutpunching. The force of the punches (or trampling) travels through the guts and bladder and puts pressure on the prostate which causes sexual arousal. The giver can also get aroused by giving the gut punches, or just kneading the guts like bread dough because the feelings psychologically transfer back (if that makes sense). I have found that these are the guys that are the most fun to interact with. There is nothing like erotic gut punching and trampling, or finding ways to squeeze the guts like bearhugs etc. I know one guy that as soon as you push a fist in his guts he starts to shake like he's having a seizure, but he really just so aroused he shakes with pleasure.
There is, of course a 4th type of gutpuncher, and that would be a combination any of the above three.
Anyone in Minnesota with a complete profile wanting to play HMU.


slimp (0)

4/28/2022 4:54 AM

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I'm almost a 4th type, except I've no interest in causing pain. My interest in receiving pain is pretty much limited to what can be done to the gut. However, to see a sadist, or anyone get off on causing me pain, really excites me. It's not just sadists that enjoy the sound of "fists or whatever" destroying guts. I love hearing those sounds as my gut's being worked on. I also love the grunts and groans that are forced out of me.

#2 above isn't really a type of gutpuncher, as the description includes nothing about actually punching, only receiving gut punishment. So, I guess I'm not a 4th type either. Maybe I'm a #3.775th type.


guts4sluggin (1)

4/28/2022 5:25 AM

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And you don't have to be one or another. I thoroughly enjoy an erotic gutpunching session, with some mutual give and take. I agree the sounds are enjoyable.
On the other hand. I occasionally get a message from some guy that says he wants me to totally destroy his guts. Offering to let me just beat the hell out of his guts until he drops. I would certainly like to experience that, but not once has any of those guys been for real and agreed to actually meet. It would be fun to ram my fist into some guy and feel the fist sink in, and see the painful reaction, again and again.
I love the sounds and feel of my fist punching a guys guts.
I used to have a friend who liked to get totally drunk, then let me punch his beer bloated belly. The sound of my fist hitting his belly combined with this hollow thud as the liquid in his stomach sloshed around was unique.
Wish I could find another local guy like that.


stomachpunch (5)

4/28/2022 7:08 PM

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Just reading you turns me on and makes me the hard dick.


slimp (0)

4/28/2022 5:07 AM

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As far as givers go, my heart and desire goes out to the guy who enjoys working on the gut in creative ways, such as manipulating my insides with a fist, use of knees, elbows or feet, reaching around from behind and pulling a blunt object into the gut, stuff like that.


guts4sluggin (1)

4/28/2022 8:18 AM

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I have steel orbs that are great for that. Wish we were closer


slimp (0)

4/26/2022 5:48 AM

I've posted about it before, but I should've blogged it instead. My interest parallels Marquis419, except he seems to enjoy punching more. I'm also married and I suppose bi, in the form of hetro and this fetish. I've made a gender association with it, with the fist being male and the gut, female. As far as "why" I get off, it has to do with both the visual and the feeling of it. I didn't identify it as such at the time, but I distinctly remember the feelings I had from about the age of six, that later evolved into the fetish. I think it involves a degree of "sexual imprinting," that happens when a child isn't informed about the birds & bees until after a lot of sex drive has manifested.

By the time I was ten, I already had a lot of sexual feelings invested in gut punishment of various kinds. Being raised in a shame and guilt culture, encouraged me to direct the gut punishment drive toward myself. I call it gut punishment because I fantasized about all manner of gut pain inducing things happening to me. When I was six - seven, my parents made a regular stop at a gas station, and spent time visiting the manager. I think the guy was working part time for my Dad's sleazy magazine sales operation.

Anyway, they left the three of us brothers sitting in the car. There was an attendant working there that for some reason (probably no good reason), both my brothers took an instant disliking to. They rambled on about how they would/could beat him up, which was of course impossible because they were only 10 and 12 years old. Maybe my brothers resented him out of jealousy. I still have a mental photograph of this guy, and glad of it. He was slim and nice looking, and in the heat, went around with his shirt open, and as a common style in those days, his short sleeves were rolled up high. I still love to dress that way now. It's always triggered erotic gut punishment thoughts, and still does.

Continued below...


slimp (0)

4/26/2022 5:48 AM

It seems kinda weird, but I ended up looking quite a bit like that guy as an adult.

My fetish seems to be based on a convergence of factors, and it may even include the influence of DNA. Early on, I associated gut punching/punishment with pre-programmed shame and guilt. It's not that it was shame and guilt that led to the fetish, but that's how I adapted to it. When my brothers pointed to that attendant as needing to be beaten, I automatically visualized him being gutpunched. In my child's mind, I reasoned that if I was like him, I too would be perfect for gut punching or other kinds of gut punishment.

I'm super gentle, and literally won't squash a bug if I can help it. I have no interest in being a puncher.

The thing is, my strongest eroticism is triggered by being in the role of a "bad guy," whom someone can take pleasure in punching without regret. I get even more out of it if the punches come along with verbal abuse. I guess I consider the verbal abuse to be "psychological gut punches," to accompany the physical ones.

So, there it is. Should I be embarrassed? Considering my predispositions, there's no wrong answer.


big belly art (0)

4/25/2022 10:49 AM

what gets me off is the pain & pleasure feeling I feel deep in my lower gut every time I 'm punched now when i'd doing the punching what gets me off is the expression on there face as my sist slams deep and hard into thre lower gut


GPNavelPuncher (0)

4/25/2022 8:38 AM

The things that I like most about Gutpunching a guy are (1) listening to his moans & groans of pain & ecstacy..."bring it on"; (2) watching a guy's stomach skin turn red as my slugs continue relentlessly; (3) aiming for his NAVEL with every slug, my favorite body part/fetish.


BobsFolly (0)

4/24/2022 4:40 AM

Primarily, transfer of control. Being gut punched, I have no control over what happens. I may be pushed against a wall, tied, blindfolded, and punched without let up for an extended time. I could be thrown around, ball busted, and even punched in the head. And while we would have agreed upon limits, within those constraints, I have no control. And of course, for days afterwards, I have reminders, both visible and otherwise, of the session.


NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)

4/24/2022 1:55 AM

Curious about why other guys get off on getting punched or punching another man.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

5/02/2022 5:03 AM

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As a Heel, I definitely prefer Punching a guy's Gut. Watch his stomach skin turn red. Test his limits. Aim for his NAVEL. Listen to his moans & groans of pain & ecstacy...MORE, MORE! 👊💥🥵


ruinurabs (42 )

4/26/2022 6:03 PM

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For me, it's about dominating a guy by breaking down his physical (and mental) core. A nice set of abs (and pecs) just BEG to be slugged.


big belly art (0)

4/27/2022 11:50 AM

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i'd love to take you on!


marquis419 (0)

4/24/2022 5:00 PM

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"Curious about why other guys get off on getting punched or punching another man"

Great question. Man, I wish I knew; I've been wondering about it for about 60 years. As I wrote in another post, I have always thought of myself as heterosexual. I've dated and have had sex with only women. But I've always had this – homoerotic, I guess you could call it – interest in gutpunching. I've recently decided I might be bisexual. Sex with the women was definitely satisfying, even hot, but nothing – NOTHING – gets me more turned on than talking about gutpunching, reading about gutpunching, writing my own stories about gutpunching, watching gutpunching (i.e., videos), and last but certainly not least, GUTPUNCHING, though sadly I don't have a lot of actual experience.

As much as I like it, I have to admit I find this fetish kind of odd, largely because of its specificity. Why is it hot to punch a guy in the stomach but not hot to punch him in the face? I have no idea, and I can't think of anything in my past that might have triggered this interest. Also, for me there's specificity within specificity. I wouldn't turn down a GP experience if my particular interests weren't met, but I do have my preferences. The guy has to be shirtless. I like a punch to sink into a guy's belly, knock the wind out of him, and make him double over. I've always had a fantasy of having a guy in restraints (hands tied over his head) and using his gut for a punching bag. Though, even more weirdly perhaps, I am a gentle, nonviolent person. It amazes me that, through this site and other resources, I have learned that there are guys who want to get punched in the gut just as much as I want to punch them in the gut.

Outside of GP "environments" – like posting here or communicating with the few guys I've talked with or done cyber with or actually punched – I've never discussed this with anyone, not even therapists. Sometimes I think that maybe all my other (unrelated) problems would go away if I were able to unburden myself of this . . . shame, kind of, but I'm not willing to take the risk.

If anyone wants to follow up and discuss aspects of this (I'm not necessarily suggesting such a discussion be erotic), feel free to write to me.


stomachpunch (5)

4/26/2022 12:16 PM

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I fully agree with everything you wrote. I felt like an alien, and I still feel a little bit like that, thinking about how it turns me on sinking my fist into a man's stomach, and sinking his fists into my stomach. the internet has opened my eyes, but of course the fact remains that this is a fetish. I am also selective ... stomach and not belly ... mature man and not young .... soft abdomen to sink and not hard abdomen, .... abdomen with a few more kg and not flat abdomen ...! I do not understand and will never understand why all this .... and I would be happy to learn more.


NorthwestGPer (2)

4/25/2022 5:40 AM

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Wow, thanks for your honesty and frankness. It really resonates with me. I have one answer about the difference between hitting a guy in the face and in the abs. Unless it's self-defense, hitting a guy in the face with no protection is going to cause damage, and maybe lots of it. I think you cojld also say that it's sadistic.

Punching abs is more of a test of endurance. Maybe there is a homoerotic element to it. Who knows.

I hope MF will get you some good opponents.


Cylus (5)

4/24/2022 6:12 PM

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Thanks for sharing this! I am happy to be your gut punchee if you ever come up my area.

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