If you value your health over the long term, taking any drug, especially a recreational one) is not such a good idea. Consider poppers a drug, as what they do defines a drug. Is having temporary euphoria worth the downsides later on in life?
"Inhaling poppers can cause severe effects, and may be fatal.
Taking the drug in this way can cause irregular and rapid heart rhythms and result in a syndrome called “sudden sniffing death.”
Also, poppers can have other complications that are potentially fatal.
For example, the drug can cause methemoglobinemia, a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body produces too much methemoglobin, a substance in red blood cells.
Taking poppers may also lead to serious brain or eye damage and risky sexual behavior.
For example, researchTrusted Source in rats indicates that the chemicals in poppers may be toxic to the brain and inhibit learning and memory.
It is also possible for poppers to cause temporary or permanent vision loss. This may occur because the drugs’ chemical formulations cause retinal damage.
Some experts suggest that using poppers may lead to risky sexual activity, increasing the chances of contracting HIV.
Also, research from 2017 links long-term poppers use in men who have sex with men to a higher risk of cancers related to viruses and sexually transmitted infections. The participants did not have HIV.
Some people mix poppers with erectile dysfunction medication, such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis). This can increase the risk of cardiovascular complications, which can be fatal.
Mixing poppers with alcohol is also unsafe and can result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure. In addition, alcohol can increase the risk of adverse effects such as dizziness and lightheadedness."
Bottom Line: Is it really worth it? I've seen too many people screwed up from using a variety of drugs, legal or illegal.
Poppers been named "Rush Poppers" or just "Rush" in China. It being used in gay sex sessions mostly because it can make the anus loosed much more and increase the pleasant being fucked. I ever met two gutpunchees who like to sniff it when been gutpunched, they sniff it much more been punched to cum especially. But when I tried to sniff it, I just giddy a little, the feeling not good :(.
In my estimation, poppers and real fighting have nothing to do with one another. For some people, like myself, gut punching is an erotic experience, intense in nature and deeply satisfying. If you've never used them, then all these comments re: their relative merits are probably confusing to you. Don't confuse drugs with poppers; they are not the same. Drugs will disorient you and prevent you from being able to concentrate. Poppers do not do this; if anything, they heighten your sense of concentration. Unlike a real fight, gut punching is not a competition in the traditional sense. For some it's a test of strength and stamina; others, a connection to masculinity and controlled "violence." Still others (perhaps most) simply like the way it feels to punch a guy or get punched in the stomach. It's for this purpose poppers can be used.
Not to start a fight, but just to register another opinion.
I think you're drawing a distinction without difference.
Poppers sure as hell can prevent you from concentrating (many, many people experience anywhere from mild to splitting headaches with popper use), and disorientation is like the #1 desired effect of poppers - when that rush kicks in, and then when it fades away, that is kinda exactly being a little out of your gourd - how is that not disorientation?
YMMV, of course, and, before you assume otherwise, I think adults have the right to knowingly (i.e., with informed consent) sign up for just about any ride they choose, but that belief means I can't pretend or bullshit away the truth: chemicals affect both our senses and our decision-making machinery. If someone can't admit that, sober or not sober, I'd question much more any decision they make and worry how it will affect me.
Poppers can infact affect you aversly. Esp if you have any heart problems. I feel that the eroticism of punching and getting punched in the stomach is all based on chemistry and how far each individual wants to take it.
The name poppers comes from the original chemical Amyl Nitrite (Illegal or controlled in most jurisdictions) used for the treatment of heart conditions like Angina, they came in glass vials which were crushed/smashed make a "popping" sound, inhaling the fumes would increase blood flow to the heart and brain, decreasing the effects of an angina attack and creating a Euphoric effect for a short period of time.
It's the euphoric effect which which led to their usage as a recreational drug. whilst being non-addictive (no chemical dependency build up in the body) they are habit forming and a habit cam be just as hard as an addiction to break.
When Amyl Nitrite was made a controlled substance, other chemical which provide a similar effect were adopted for over the counter sales, however in the UK a new law comes into effect 1st April which targets the effect of the chemical rather than the substance it's self, thus closing the loophole in the law.
Thanks for the post Andrew. The link amply explains the dangers, especially if one is susceptible to arrhythmia. The danger here is that one could be and not be aware of it. Seen enough of those in the morgue back in the day. There was this slogan used in the UK back in the day as well, "Only mugs do drugs." Says it all.
So if you do use uppers etc, again caution should be adhered to as you just never know, until you know, and then it might be too late.
Best just leave them be, and stick with the basics.
Your welcome, my knowledge mostly comes from 20 years working in Pharmaceuticals.
With regard to dangers, your health could be A1 with no intrinsic issues, however if your using something illicit the chances are there is little or no quality control and this is where the main risks are.
Even in pharmaceutical grade medications, the actual dosage can be up to 15% lesser or grater than that stated, so in the case of paracetamol 500mg, each tablet has a range of 425mg to 575mg and can still be legally sold as 500mg, so if big pharma can be this far out on the dosage, imagine how wide of the mark your illegal drugs lab might be, and that's before we look at what bulking products they might be using.
right, sorry, I did not mean a proper fight as a competition fight or athletic fight... I meant it as something where there is kicks, knees and punches getting thrown into each other, so one needs good feel of aim and balance and speed.
I think this could only work in a one-sided session, if the striker becomes uncoordinated, not only does his strikes become ineffective the risk of injury for both is greatly increased.
Well said. I've used enhancements for a few of my fights - I always do one-sided with me as jobber - and no matter how mellow a match is going, set between two people with trust and history, blah blah, it doesn't change the fact that if the heel has *any* chemical add-ons, even a (lol) wine cooler, there is now a non-zero chance that he can't aim as well as he did a minute ago, or gauge intensity of punches as well anymore, etc. Jobbers and heels both can feel effects that take them away from the immediacy of the moment, the monitoring.
This isn't a "just say no" post (adults are free to choose risk for themselves as long as informed), but don't ever kid yourselves: whether it's the heel or the jobber or both, whether it's crack or a piss Budweiser, ANY chemical add-ons are risky and can jump out and bite you.
Technically, it's not a drug but rather an inhalant. You can buy it at most any head shop/adult bookstore/online/smoke shop and it costs anywhere from $15 to $25 depending on the size bottle. It's harmless although some people report getting a slight headache from using it. You hold the bottle to your nose or mouth and inhale. It gives you a temporary rush which enhances sex. Some states won't allow you to ask for "poppers." You have to call it something like "video head cleaner" or "room deodorizer." Stupid laws made by stupid legislatures.
I think it is a kind of chemical that you sniff the vapour of out of a small bottle and it quickly gets into your blood stream and your brain and gives you a kind of "high" I think.
voyageur 66 (0)
1/08/2024 7:16 AMOccasionally use poppers while watching wrestling; I try to be cautious and not overdo it.
NorthwestGPer (2)
1/09/2024 6:56 AM(In reply to this)
If you value your health over the long term, taking any drug, especially a recreational one) is not such a good idea. Consider poppers a drug, as what they do defines a drug. Is having temporary euphoria worth the downsides later on in life?
from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324000#safety
"Inhaling poppers can cause severe effects, and may be fatal.
Taking the drug in this way can cause irregular and rapid heart rhythms and result in a syndrome called “sudden sniffing death.”
Also, poppers can have other complications that are potentially fatal.
For example, the drug can cause methemoglobinemia, a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body produces too much methemoglobin, a substance in red blood cells.
Taking poppers may also lead to serious brain or eye damage and risky sexual behavior.
For example, researchTrusted Source in rats indicates that the chemicals in poppers may be toxic to the brain and inhibit learning and memory.
It is also possible for poppers to cause temporary or permanent vision loss. This may occur because the drugs’ chemical formulations cause retinal damage.
Some experts suggest that using poppers may lead to risky sexual activity, increasing the chances of contracting HIV.
Also, research from 2017 links long-term poppers use in men who have sex with men to a higher risk of cancers related to viruses and sexually transmitted infections. The participants did not have HIV.
Some people mix poppers with erectile dysfunction medication, such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis). This can increase the risk of cardiovascular complications, which can be fatal.
Mixing poppers with alcohol is also unsafe and can result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure. In addition, alcohol can increase the risk of adverse effects such as dizziness and lightheadedness."
Bottom Line: Is it really worth it? I've seen too many people screwed up from using a variety of drugs, legal or illegal.
12/06/2023 5:33 AMSome for taking Poppers and Box or fight mma?
gutboycn (3)
4/06/2017 9:28 AMPoppers been named "Rush Poppers" or just "Rush" in China. It being used in gay sex sessions mostly because it can make the anus loosed much more and increase the pleasant being fucked. I ever met two gutpunchees who like to sniff it when been gutpunched, they sniff it much more been punched to cum especially. But when I tried to sniff it, I just giddy a little, the feeling not good :(.
hardpunch (20)
2/15/2016 5:39 PMIn my estimation, poppers and real fighting have nothing to do with one another. For some people, like myself, gut punching is an erotic experience, intense in nature and deeply satisfying. If you've never used them, then all these comments re: their relative merits are probably confusing to you. Don't confuse drugs with poppers; they are not the same. Drugs will disorient you and prevent you from being able to concentrate. Poppers do not do this; if anything, they heighten your sense of concentration. Unlike a real fight, gut punching is not a competition in the traditional sense. For some it's a test of strength and stamina; others, a connection to masculinity and controlled "violence." Still others (perhaps most) simply like the way it feels to punch a guy or get punched in the stomach. It's for this purpose poppers can be used.
power559 (8)
2/17/2016 8:25 AM(In reply to this)
Not to start a fight, but just to register another opinion.
I think you're drawing a distinction without difference.
Poppers sure as hell can prevent you from concentrating (many, many people experience anywhere from mild to splitting headaches with popper use), and disorientation is like the #1 desired effect of poppers - when that rush kicks in, and then when it fades away, that is kinda exactly being a little out of your gourd - how is that not disorientation?
YMMV, of course, and, before you assume otherwise, I think adults have the right to knowingly (i.e., with informed consent) sign up for just about any ride they choose, but that belief means I can't pretend or bullshit away the truth: chemicals affect both our senses and our decision-making machinery. If someone can't admit that, sober or not sober, I'd question much more any decision they make and worry how it will affect me.
Punchmyguthard (0)
4/07/2017 10:27 PM(In reply to this)
Poppers can infact affect you aversly. Esp if you have any heart problems. I feel that the eroticism of punching and getting punched in the stomach is all based on chemistry and how far each individual wants to take it.
ruffguystuff (1)
2/15/2016 7:12 PM(In reply to this)
Couldn't explain it any better myself~
hardpunch (20)
2/16/2016 1:57 AM(In reply to this)
Thanks, ruff. Hope you're doing well.
andrewj (21)
2/15/2016 10:37 AMThe name poppers comes from the original chemical Amyl Nitrite (Illegal or controlled in most jurisdictions) used for the treatment of heart conditions like Angina, they came in glass vials which were crushed/smashed make a "popping" sound, inhaling the fumes would increase blood flow to the heart and brain, decreasing the effects of an angina attack and creating a Euphoric effect for a short period of time.
It's the euphoric effect which which led to their usage as a recreational drug. whilst being non-addictive (no chemical dependency build up in the body) they are habit forming and a habit cam be just as hard as an addiction to break.
When Amyl Nitrite was made a controlled substance, other chemical which provide a similar effect were adopted for over the counter sales, however in the UK a new law comes into effect 1st April which targets the effect of the chemical rather than the substance it's self, thus closing the loophole in the law.
More info here http://www.talktofrank.com/drug/poppers
Mutz (0)
2/16/2016 3:00 PM(In reply to this)
Thanks for the post Andrew. The link amply explains the dangers, especially if one is susceptible to arrhythmia. The danger here is that one could be and not be aware of it. Seen enough of those in the morgue back in the day. There was this slogan used in the UK back in the day as well, "Only mugs do drugs." Says it all.
So if you do use uppers etc, again caution should be adhered to as you just never know, until you know, and then it might be too late.
Best just leave them be, and stick with the basics.
andrewj (21)
2/16/2016 6:40 PM(In reply to this)
Your welcome, my knowledge mostly comes from 20 years working in Pharmaceuticals.
With regard to dangers, your health could be A1 with no intrinsic issues, however if your using something illicit the chances are there is little or no quality control and this is where the main risks are.
Even in pharmaceutical grade medications, the actual dosage can be up to 15% lesser or grater than that stated, so in the case of paracetamol 500mg, each tablet has a range of 425mg to 575mg and can still be legally sold as 500mg, so if big pharma can be this far out on the dosage, imagine how wide of the mark your illegal drugs lab might be, and that's before we look at what bulking products they might be using.
ikf (24 )
2/15/2016 12:05 PM(In reply to this)
And why would one use this in a fight (either gut punching "fight" or in proper boxing/kickboxing)?
andrewj (21)
2/15/2016 1:45 PM(In reply to this)
In a proper fight, they have no place.
I would think in an erotic session, the feeling of euphoria would enhance the session, maybe someone who does this could comment.
ikf (24 )
2/15/2016 2:00 PM(In reply to this)
right, sorry, I did not mean a proper fight as a competition fight or athletic fight... I meant it as something where there is kicks, knees and punches getting thrown into each other, so one needs good feel of aim and balance and speed.
andrewj (21)
2/15/2016 3:53 PM(In reply to this)
I think this could only work in a one-sided session, if the striker becomes uncoordinated, not only does his strikes become ineffective the risk of injury for both is greatly increased.
power559 (8)
2/17/2016 8:02 AM(In reply to this)
Well said. I've used enhancements for a few of my fights - I always do one-sided with me as jobber - and no matter how mellow a match is going, set between two people with trust and history, blah blah, it doesn't change the fact that if the heel has *any* chemical add-ons, even a (lol) wine cooler, there is now a non-zero chance that he can't aim as well as he did a minute ago, or gauge intensity of punches as well anymore, etc. Jobbers and heels both can feel effects that take them away from the immediacy of the moment, the monitoring.
This isn't a "just say no" post (adults are free to choose risk for themselves as long as informed), but don't ever kid yourselves: whether it's the heel or the jobber or both, whether it's crack or a piss Budweiser, ANY chemical add-ons are risky and can jump out and bite you.
Hyede (5)
2/14/2016 8:51 PMAs I recall, a "popper" is what Hannibal Lecter offered Mason Verger just before some rather unpleasant things happened. Basically, drugs.
hardpunch (20)
2/15/2016 6:02 AM(In reply to this)
Technically, it's not a drug but rather an inhalant. You can buy it at most any head shop/adult bookstore/online/smoke shop and it costs anywhere from $15 to $25 depending on the size bottle. It's harmless although some people report getting a slight headache from using it. You hold the bottle to your nose or mouth and inhale. It gives you a temporary rush which enhances sex. Some states won't allow you to ask for "poppers." You have to call it something like "video head cleaner" or "room deodorizer." Stupid laws made by stupid legislatures.
BeerGut52 (0)
2/11/2016 7:10 PMNobody has said what a popper is.
ikf (24 )
2/11/2016 9:23 PM(In reply to this)
I think it is a kind of chemical that you sniff the vapour of out of a small bottle and it quickly gets into your blood stream and your brain and gives you a kind of "high" I think.
ruffguystuff (1)
2/11/2016 5:14 AMpoppers are a great way to move past inhibitions to the next level....
ikf (24 )
2/11/2016 2:56 PM(In reply to this)
what kind of inhibitions?
borderman (5)
2/11/2016 8:38 AM(In reply to this)
Totally agree
BeerGut52 (0)
2/10/2016 7:08 AMWhat are poppers?
borderman (5)
2/10/2016 1:54 PM(In reply to this)
Poppers are great fun if you are having an erotic bout
JayPuncher (12)
2/09/2016 10:28 PMJust wondering if anyone uses or used poppers during a fight.