
All Headscissors Lovers

BBWolfe (1)

9/09/2016 3:09 PM

I love being dominated with a headscissor or even a body scissor. Hard to find people near me that are into playing the heel for it though.


rasputanjenkins (5)

8/04/2016 4:52 PM

Why is no one ever in San Francisco that wants to be scissored?


fig4me (5)

9/06/2016 12:19 AM

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I can't understand how guys wouldn't want you to scissor them, especially headscissored by your thighs!!!!



8/04/2016 5:32 PM

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Move to Alabama and let's do this


fig4me (5)

9/08/2016 9:52 PM

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You could headscissor me any time!!!!


wibster74 (1)

8/03/2016 7:55 PM

South east scissor session would be cool!


WrestlerPunk (1)

9/10/2016 10:16 PM

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Love to feel your straight guy thighs wrapped around my head then trap you with mine.....bury your face in my crotch, watch you squirm


zbobsled (0)

9/16/2016 12:51 PM

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Sounds fun...


wibster74 (1)

9/10/2016 11:55 PM

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Ha! Bring it on wee man!


WrestlerPunk (1)

9/11/2016 12:20 AM

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I'll bring it......A hot scissors session with you is just what I need


Newfighter01 (0)

9/16/2016 1:44 AM

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Let me know and I'll let you both scissor me at the same time


wrestle fun (49)

9/16/2016 12:49 PM

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I'd happily exchange some head and body scissors with you if you'd like to meet up


fig4me (5)

9/16/2016 10:40 PM

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Your headscissors would be amazing


Newfighter01 (0)

9/16/2016 11:33 PM

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How about you both come to London and both have a go each? Take as long as you like


wrestle fun (49)

9/17/2016 12:07 PM

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message me know when your free newfighter01 and i'll travel up


Shapeshifter (30)

9/16/2016 8:17 AM

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A double scissor, now there's something I've never experienced - dishing out or receiving! Feeling the legs of two men squeeze and hold you down, or watching a guy swueezed between mine and another mans.


Newfighter01 (0)

9/16/2016 11:37 PM

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Lets make it happen! Do you want to take my head or body?


fig4me (5)

9/11/2016 12:51 AM

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Wish I could be on the receiving end....



8/04/2016 6:19 AM

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Come on over let's do it Please log in to view gallery photos.



8/01/2016 5:38 AM

I'll headscissor anyone


jurandi (1)

9/08/2016 5:45 PM

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wow..If I live close to you, I would ask u for a match. I would love to see how strong ur hot thighs are. lol.


rufffight1979 (2)

8/03/2016 4:29 PM

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If I was close enough I would fight my way to the front of THAT queue. Lol.



8/04/2016 6:22 AM

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I'm ready whenever you are


Mpg29 (4)

7/26/2016 2:43 AM

uk anyone?


wrestle fun (49)

8/05/2016 12:41 PM

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Bournemouth based. can travel or host for a friendly wrestle and to exchange some head scissors :-) if you'd like to meet up



8/05/2016 4:50 PM

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Headscissor exchange with you


GrappleBear (7 )

8/03/2016 6:58 AM

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love to exchange them with you



8/04/2016 6:22 AM

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Let's exchange


Shapeshifter (30)

8/03/2016 11:17 AM

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Go for it mpg29, you'd be a lucky fella to be all wrapped up in figure4leglock's thighs there.


GrappleBear (7 )

8/03/2016 5:17 PM

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That's very generous druid!



8/03/2016 12:51 PM

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Bring it on cuz


rasputanjenkins (5)

7/22/2016 10:00 AM

anyone in san francisco that needs to be squeezed?


wressinglet (16)

7/05/2016 4:07 AM

Looking for tight Headscissors/bodyscissors in northeastern Pennsylvania.


Riverwalker49 (3)

6/28/2016 9:18 PM

6'4, 280 with long legs to wrap around your heads or bodies....Come and get it in San Antonio, TX



7/01/2016 2:45 AM

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I'm at Fort Hood Texas at the Holiday Inn Express on August 5-8


Riverwalker49 (3)

8/02/2016 6:38 PM

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That would be fun but Ft. Hood is a long ways away from San Antonio. Hope you have some fun though with more local guys in Dallas/Ft. Worth.



8/02/2016 8:46 PM

(In reply to this)

It would be fun


chicagoburbswrestler (20)

6/27/2016 5:39 AM

I like to slap on a good crotch to face head scissors with my cock in my opponent throat Please log in to view gallery photos.


fig4headscizzor (0 )

9/02/2016 11:38 PM

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You do this with a fig4 headscissor?


WrestlerPunk (1)

7/22/2016 4:57 AM

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Oh yeah...nothing better....my head trapped between your thighs...forced to suck your cock.....I'm ready when you are



8/02/2016 6:05 AM

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Let's do this punk


WrestlerPunk (1)

9/10/2016 10:12 PM

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I'd love to. See how long I'd could take your headscissors before you weaken me enough to get me to submit. The longer the better


alpinisto (85)

7/23/2016 11:14 AM

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I'll probably have to queue in line!


fig4me (5)

6/28/2016 12:15 AM

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Why can't there be guys like you near me, wish you could get me between your thighs!!!!


Riverwalker49 (3)

6/27/2016 8:13 PM

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Hot pic for sure chicagoburbs...I love to trap a guy that way also. In San Antonio, TX here.


fig4me (5)

6/28/2016 12:17 AM

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If only you were near me, you could trap me any time!!!!


chicagoburbswrestler (20)

6/27/2016 11:59 PM

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Hey if ever in the Chicago area hit me up


rufffight1979 (2)

6/27/2016 4:11 PM

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Oh hell YES PLEASE!! Wish I was anywhere near you guys. I would be travelling all the time.


Coleman (112)

6/27/2016 12:30 PM

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Yeah, having a guy trapped is a great feeling. Need to trap somebody again real soon. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Fitirish (0)

6/28/2016 7:41 PM

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I wish it could be me Coleman


wibster74 (1)

6/28/2016 3:09 AM

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Too far away mate otherwise.......


fig4me (5)

6/28/2016 12:14 AM

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WOW!!!!! Wish that was my head between your thighs!!!


alpinisto (85)

6/27/2016 6:11 AM

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... and I would like to be on the receiving end! Deep down!


chicagoburbswrestler (20)

6/27/2016 6:44 AM

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And I'd luv to have ya there man!!


alpinisto (85)

6/27/2016 6:52 AM

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Good to hear! But I don't come to Chicago as often as I would like to! :-(


chicagoburbswrestler (20)

6/27/2016 7:01 AM

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well make it more often you have an incentive now


zbobsled (0)

6/26/2016 1:33 PM

I like to give and receive but love when I guy can really lock me down between his legs.


skweezhard (8 )

6/25/2016 6:42 PM

Nice to see this conversation wake up with another guy finding out how great it is to get a head/neck scissors locked on, and enjoy the challenge of keeping the scissors locked on.


wibster74 (1)

6/26/2016 2:20 PM

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I think we can agree this thread is awake heh


wibster74 (1)

6/25/2016 6:57 PM

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Challenge? Heh and then some......one of the reasons I latched onto the arm.....bit of leverage and trying to hold on....I was sweating like a fiend heh


skweezhard (8 )

6/25/2016 7:44 PM

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That was an excellent way to ensure you keep the head scissors locked on longer. Whether its an arm bar or other type of arm joint lock, you both reduce his ability to move, and with some pressure on his arm to add a little arm pain, you then can concentrate more on applying squeeze/pressure with your legs and get the pleasure from applying that squeeze. Want to keep that scissors on as long as possible! Because of the sweat making him slippery, its work to keep him locked in.


wibster74 (1)

6/25/2016 11:34 PM

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Definite work to keep him there....he was a big begger as well, honestly thought a couple of times he was gonna slip free but I held on tight. It was, as you said, a great feeling. Can't wait to do it again, try out some other scissors.


WrestlerPunk (1)

7/08/2015 6:01 AM

there are so many of us HEADSCISSORS lovers SCISSORORS and SCISSOREES. Me I'm more a SCISSOREE, but I also enjoy applying. Enjoy HEADSCISSSORS matches of all kinds. It's hot cumming up with different rules and scenarios for HEADSCISSORS matches.....like. If you submit to your opponents HEADSCISSORS...after a short break....you start again, but have to start back in the HEADSCISSSORS you submitted too....or during a submission break the winner gets to put you in any HEADSCISSORS he chooses for 5 minutes and he gets to punish you....and then you start again....back in the HEADSCISSORS you submitted to.....Then there are other HEADSCISSORS scenes that are a turn on. Personally...I like to try those my opponent likes that I haven't done before......How about you guys?


rufffight1979 (2)

6/26/2016 12:27 PM

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This whole conversation is hot as hell guys!! I love being caught in all types of scissors but head and neck are the best for me. A strong pair of legs is the ultimate turn on for me and to have them crushing my head and neck so I can't breathe drives me wild. (Bodyscissors that make me feel like they are going to snap my ribs are amazing as well.)


wibster74 (1)

6/25/2016 2:18 AM

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Only recently had my first match and was able to apply a couple of headscissors.......absolutely loved it and looking forward to applying more.......but would also love to see what it's like to have hem applied to me


WrestlerPunk (1)

7/31/2016 11:18 PM

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A Hot 3 way with the both of you would be fun.....Love to watch bad boys being squeezed and punished...taunt em a bit while they're trapped and struggling then enjoy their revenge


WrestlerPunk (1)

6/25/2016 4:29 AM

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Sorry I missed you in chat. Another time, will look out for you. Yeah, glad you liked the headscissors experience. Don't you love that control when you have a helpless victim trapped between your thighs, trash talking him and punishing him when he tries to escape and you tighten your thighs and let him writhe.


wibster74 (1)

6/25/2016 9:03 AM

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It was funny, as it was my first match I spent a lot of time focused on staying you of his way, I managed to get scissors secured and held on for dear life......but it felt great putting a squeeze on, having control, swearing when he seemed to be getting out......sweat all over the shop and felt him slipping out more than once


Newfighter01 (0)

6/28/2016 1:19 AM

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Well you are close by. How about trying it out again on me


wibster74 (1)

6/28/2016 1:21 AM

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Well that's a begger, I was in Hertford less than seven hours ago

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