
Rules to guarantee a Knock Out boxing…

jeff20 (35 )

1/09/2021 11:22 AM

Like it man



3/19/2020 4:03 PM

boys come to spain.

write me. whatsapp: +34 638 86 34 63


little rJ (17)

3/18/2020 9:27 PM

Can someone fight me like this?!? Please!!!


IllWIll (3)

8/31/2019 3:10 AM

Fuck that sounds badass. Would be down to try this with MMA striking rules too. Added option for ground and pound or the forced standup


RuffFightChallenge (77)

8/31/2019 7:24 PM

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Perfect! Loser plowed raw


cookie0 (0)

8/31/2019 2:28 PM

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Like that idea


glovelover (4)

7/25/2019 9:03 PM

I am in Michigan and love the idea, I just don't get to Florida very often at all. Maybe someday sir! My dream would be to fight to fuck our respective hotwives! winner takes all, of course!


thunder64boxer (8)

7/27/2019 11:25 PM

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Id love to wear your woman out, after I take you out. My F wants in for the champ


glovelover (4)

1/08/2021 8:32 PM

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a KO dream cum true! Punch and punish a pug until he is finished off and then creampie his sexy hotwife right over his face as he lays there in the ring! I'm in! <> play with the punch target and make sure he enjoys the show that follows his utter KO defeat !!!


DanielChub (1 )

3/10/2018 5:22 PM

Anyone wanna get knocked out?


wrestlerspig (14)

3/10/2018 8:44 PM

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I would love to if I were local.


DanielChub (1 )

3/15/2018 6:28 AM

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I do cyber.


glovelover (4)

3/09/2018 2:27 PM

YES, be helpful to the human punching bag so you can lay your leather into him, drape him in the corner and keep him up for your most effective punches, tease him with your fists, make him kiss the glove that is about to knock him out, and bomb him until he is out cold!


KnockOutBoy (0)

2/05/2022 4:08 PM

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I’ve had that done before and it is very hot


hantsgut (5 )

2/25/2018 2:26 PM

sounds like hot stuff


Rocket (3 )

2/25/2018 4:29 AM

I have to say this... I can not wait for my first knockout...


TxFighter (2)

2/26/2018 3:59 AM

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Fuck yeah bro


Rocket (3 )

2/24/2018 8:00 AM

Oh ya.. This would be great fun and I would like to be involved.


glovelover (4)

2/24/2018 10:10 PM

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It's all good and every boxing match should end with a solid, stone cold KO! No points, no TKO, no stoppages, no draws, no quitting! If a boxer is helpless and can't punch back, hand him on the ropes or in the corner and have at him until he is completely out. If he slumps to his knees or falls, the other boxer id allowed to help get him onto his feet and continue the boxing as brutally as he wants, to a final finish.


glovelover (4)

1/09/2021 7:56 PM

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a Polite Pug helps keep his opponent's chin up so that he can hammer it with multiple uppercut punches to finish him! <>


Bamafight (0 )

3/15/2018 5:42 AM

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Damn buddy.... you are my kind of man!,,, would love to glove up with you!


glovelover (4)

7/27/2019 5:35 PM

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KinkBoxing is all about sexual domination in every aspect! Ciao


TxFighter (2)

2/26/2018 2:37 PM

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100% agree


guy321 (18)

1/19/2015 4:31 PM

that is such a cool rule!
love the story!


ChiFight (6)

1/14/2015 4:29 AM

The two times I fought mandator KO fights, we did unlimited untimed rounds (a round ended after one man scored a knock down) in 6oz gloves. In both fights the winner swept every round and scored a KO by the 4th/5th round.


fireball (7)

6/21/2016 6:23 AM

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I'd be down to do this with you!


toughguyabs (0 )

9/02/2012 3:49 PM

fuck, you are tough as nails and a real fighter. I would enjoy taking you on. Please log in to view gallery photos.



2/14/2017 5:53 PM

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I would like to fight with you.


bifighter (0)

4/10/2012 8:34 PM

Several weeks ago a friend send me one of his fantasy fight stories about female boxing, and while the story was great, it was the rules set up in his story fight that sounded really interesting to me, and I am sure for all of us that seek a KO kind of ending boxing…

So I mentioned this story to another friend who was in town and explained the rules that I had read about and how I wished I could try that sometime…and while he is no longer an active fighter he did have friend with him that was into boxing…and while there had been no prior set up to box, my friends friend was eager to give that a try if I would fight him, so they got back to me and we gave it a try the next day…in our version the rules went like this…five minute rounds, one minute rests, no count out if you were down, and after a set amount of time which amounted to a long count of 20 seconds or more and you were not unconscious and still not back on your feet, then the third person or the reff (which we had) could pull the downed fighter back to his feet and push him back into the fight…of course either fighter could quit if they wanted to, but if they did not quit and kept fighting then the fight when until one of the fighters was unconscious or out cold…

After having tried it…do it if you can find others into it...long rounds that are each like mini fights, lots of punching and knock downs, it is too long to go into all of it here, but in my case both of us spend time on the ground and the fight was forced to continue because of the no count out rule, and keeping things moving by being pulled back up to your feet and shoved back into the fight. And a fight that would have only lasted a little while turned into 9, 5 minute rounds (47 plus minutes) of boxing mayhem, which I won, but barely…So the secret is to have that third guy, regardless of the length of the rounds (the length of the rounds is not important)…Just have a guy there that will get you or the other fighter back up and back into the fight when you go down, and do not allow for count outs…it is exhausting and brutal but if you like that kind of a fight…try it out, hopefully you will wind up in a long fight that can only end with someone giving in or being knocked out cold…it is all good…


glovelover (4)

3/20/2020 5:23 PM

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Love it! That is the right way to box to a KO, always help your victims get up and then KO them over and over again without mercy! Finish him!


TxFighter (2)

3/20/2020 6:55 PM

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thunder64boxer (8)

3/20/2020 6:50 PM

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You know I'll do that to you. In the clinch, cock to cock, talkin shit as the leather flys


Boxer1957 (0)

3/17/2018 1:56 AM

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The same must be a boxing match. I like to box according to these rules. And if the opponent still goes down so often, it does not matter. The fight is only over with Ko.
It is very nice to fight according to these rules in a very small boxing ring (250cm x250cm). Nice to put a lot of combinations. Left in the stomach, right hand as uppercut, left hand on the liver.
As small as possible boxing gloves.


glovelover (4)

7/01/2016 1:47 PM

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if you can't find a 3rd guy, just have the other boxer pull you to your feet and continue boxing, helping you get back on your feet is one way to keep up the punishment until the final KO finish!


puncheescott (1)

7/02/2016 6:42 AM

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That sounds like great fun. Please do that to me!


Boxer Daddy (46)

6/22/2016 6:55 AM

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THESE are GREAT rules... I will HAVE to try them with an eager "Punch Chump!"


GlovesUpGuy (44)

8/31/2019 1:18 PM

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👀 (Daddy's Boy looks on over.) Hmmmmm🥊🥊 I like the sounds of that


glovelover (4)

2/27/2018 3:05 PM

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PLEASE DO! the best boxing is a mandatory KO to end the match


toughguyabs (0 )

9/02/2012 3:57 PM

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I love your rules, guy on the ground gets pulled up to his feet to fight some more/take more of a beating - it's all good


glovelover (4)

7/23/2019 9:55 PM

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Be a polite pug and fight with courtesy! If you punch him down, help him get back up for more brutal blows, if he is hanging on the ropes or on his knees, just keep on punching him until he is out cold! If he is standing there helplessly, arms hanging at his sides, my fave punch is to hold his chin up with one glove while battering his face with the other until he is ready for the final finishing uppercuts that put him away. It's all good fun and fitness! Play hard to stay hard!


KnockOutBoy (0)

2/05/2022 4:44 PM

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I prefer being the guy knocked out… it is particularly cool to start coming to, laying on the floor and get cold cocked a second time before I can defend myself.


CuriousBoy (0)

7/25/2019 3:07 AM

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Can't disagree with that. Especially if the jobber is whimpering for you to finish him (or stop)! Wouldn't mind being on your end!


glovelover (4)

7/25/2019 9:01 PM

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the best boxing is the nasty from the floor uppercut that sends a chump flying, without mercy, a total KO finishing!


thunder64boxer (8)

7/24/2019 11:07 AM

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You and I have to step in the ring. We've danced around each other for too long.....and April wants to see this finally happen


glovelover (4)

7/27/2019 5:39 PM

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How, when, where? You would probably kill me with your KO punches, but I am fine with that! Pound away champ!

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