Pin lovers

How long do you like to pin for ?

vonsueno (8)

7/19/2019 7:19 AM

My fellow lovers of pins and what they represent obviously look to more than asserting their dominance in wrestling, which obviously is not the case for many, notably those who are jobbers. I am not sure how these gentlemen view jobbers. On the one hand they might be considered weak because they are desirous of losing. On the other hand, they might see in jobbers a significant ability to receive the infliction of discomfort and even pain

I am not here to praise or denigrate jobbers. I would observe however that in many instances they are heroic, willing to "take it" as these who have commented would feel ashamed to do so. And, my observation has validity as even these commentators I am sure would admit.

I do wonder why this activity is added on to the inner conceived agenda? That is, causing an opponent to be detained and even sexually abused. Of course, I am not suggesting that this is a certain schadenfreude that is engaged in frequently by teenagers. I mean, after all, these are men, not boys. In the vast majority of cases what transpires is something that both seek to inflict on the other, and besides these are often stakes that are agreed to prior to the match.

On the contrary, I think the crux of the whole matter centers around the meaning of manhood. A man who deigns to engage in combat is wise not to short change his opponents abilities. He has respect for him because of what he may well recognize as the opponent's capability. If he has not respect for his opponent, then the victory is essentially meaningless because he knew with confidence that his opponent was foreordained to lose to him. Such a victory would be a hallow one. In engaging an opponent for whom the outcome is in doubt, or wherein the nature of the combat is that of an alpha versus an alpha, then any victory is by nature an assertion of ones manhood, and the victory is sweet.

Of course, manhood to some may be a crass synonym for their anatomical appendage whose stimulation by virtue of a pin leads to an inevitable arousal, erection, and very possibly ejaculation.

I think the commentators are men who engage in matches for the exercise and the joy that victory can mean to them. I would not criticize them nor, for the moment, can I praise them. However they would define "manhood" as it relates to them personally is for them to consider and perhaps judge themselves.

For now, I withdraw from this discussion. I hope these remarks will bring some clarity and appreciation to what is important, as well as what motivates these commentators. I urge any reader NOT to make a judgment of them. It would be, I suggest, a mistake, and possibly bring about an unintended insult.

I leave with this question: what is meant by "spoils" and what really is spoiled?


commandertc (76)

7/19/2019 12:48 AM

Love dick to dick , stomach, to stomach chest to chest arms pinned to side or above opponents head for as long as it takes to grind loads out of both regardless of who fums first winner makes both blow !


handto 2000 (11)

7/19/2019 4:14 AM

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commandertc, you are absolutely right on! I can tell you have been involved in that kind of pin before.


commandertc (76)

7/19/2019 6:33 AM

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I have and it is absolutely amazing!!!!!!


LisbonWrestler (39)

7/19/2019 1:01 AM

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Afro Warrior (21 )

7/18/2019 12:01 PM

I love to sit on my opponents crotch or stomach/chest (If hes tall) and pin their arms next to their head and hold them there for hours as they are unable to break free and beg for mercy until I feel like letting them up.


DarkFighter001 (0)

7/19/2019 6:14 AM

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That's what's up man


LisbonWrestler (39)

7/18/2019 10:25 PM

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