Wrestling Videos on the Net

Fitting For Juneteenth I Suppose

DaveStillWrestles (21 )

6/24/2024 5:21 AM

One guy from BG Enterprise I always enjoyed watching was Vic Silver. So muscular, and sometimes dirty (he did mostly pro matches, and would "poke" his opponents in the eye). When he suffered, he sold it pretty good, too, but he usually won in the end. Then he would always say "The riskiest business in town!"


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

6/24/2024 1:30 PM

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Lol interesting, never heard of this person and that line is funny for some reason lol.


squeeze002 (0)

6/23/2024 6:00 AM

I absolutely love watching a black man squeeze someone between his legs in a headscissors. I've been lucky enough to have a couple experiences with black men and as one said to me after or squeezing session, " damn I thought I was going to pop your head like a grape. " My head didn't pop but I sure the hell I felt those muscular legs is they squeeze the hell out of me it was fabulous and I would do it again and again.



6/21/2024 8:57 AM

Rocky Johnson was always my favorite.


Matwrestler101 (14)

6/20/2024 11:07 PM

Would love to see one of these videos. They were certainly hot guys


fightjunkie (3)

6/20/2024 8:34 PM

Black wrestlers were always my favorites, and it all started with Ernie "The Big Cat" Ladd. Such a stud. Other favorites included Butch Reed, Booker T, Stevie Ray, Ron Simmons, Junk Yard Dog, Big E Langston, Tony Atlas, Kamala, Keith Lee (what a man!), Bad News Brown (so hot and sadistic), Iceman King Parsons, Shad Gaspard, Moose, Pez Whatley, Brickhouse Brown, Shane (Swerve) Strickland, Zuka King, Marcus Anthony, Mustafa Saed, Prodigy PTV, Willie Mack, J. Spade, Slyck Wagner Brown, The Big Cat, George Wells, Adrian Action Jackson, Zulu Warrior, Levi Muir (so hot with his cocky attitude), Kimala (Giant Warrior), and JDX. Many others, as well.


fightjunkie (3)

6/23/2024 4:55 AM

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Two others that should have been at the top of my list: Kano Josh Emanuel and Slyck Wagner Brown.


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

6/20/2024 1:15 PM

Jason Ward from BG! One of the very first BG matches I saw was Jason vs Doug W. Hot, sexy, and real wrestling. I was hooked and bought every tape/disc produced that featured Jason and/or Doug. Jason usually lost, but always put up a good fight.


DaveStillWrestles (21 )

6/21/2024 5:18 AM

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Jason is here on Meetfighters, KOBoxer, I believe. I sent him a letter years ago...back in the late 1990s, challenging him to a match, and he responded by letter, saying if I thought I could beat him, come and try. Never got the chance. There is a great match of him and Keith Sullivan wrestling in a ring, and it is HOT! Jason wins that one–I don't think Keith EVER won a match!


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

6/23/2024 10:26 PM

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I'm a big fan of Keith too and was eager to watch a match-up between two of my favorite jobbers. I think that was the first of two matches I saw Jason win. Win or lose, I never get tired of watching his matches. If you're reading this, Jason, many thanks for the work you've done for BG over the years!

BTW Keith won one of his later matches, but I can't remember who his opponent was.


guywhowrestles (0)

6/20/2024 2:56 PM

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Good comments on Jason ! Yeah he was strong and sexy but maybe didn't have the wrestling skills to win a wrestling fall that often. I sure admired him a lot. Does anyone know what happened to these guys from the 1990's and where they are now?


ks56 (10)

6/20/2024 6:26 AM

Greatest black wrestler would be Rufus R Jones in my book. Best jobber was Frankie Hester. They wrestled in the midwest USA in the 1970's.


NJWoodbridge (143)

6/19/2024 9:17 PM

Shelton Benjamin. Followed him in his college years and thereafter. Great wrestler and easy on the eyes.

Ernie Ladd. When I was a kid and first exposed to pro wrestling, Ernie Ladd had just made the transition from pro football to pro wrestling. He was not the first to make that transition, but his football career was prominent in promoting him and that was unusual at the time. He was a wonder, knew his way around the ring, and could talk the microphone out of Mean Gene's hands.
Still favorites to this day:

AR Fox and Ricochet: I remember when they were kids just starting out and I can honestly say I thought that they had the "right stuff" to make it in the big time.

Don't know why, but Lio Rush always attracts my attention. I remember thinking when he first came up, "geez, even I could kick this kid's ass." In time, I became not so sure about that. This man can take the bumps!

Also, (Lio's HS classmate, I think) is Patrick Clark. Yes, I know he's made himself unwelcome and for good reasons. But I still think he got royally screwed during the first season of Touch Enough because he showed the most promise of all the contestants.

Finally, why you, Al, of course!


fightjunkie (3)

6/23/2024 3:39 AM

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Lio Rush is a hottie. And so is Shane "Swerve" Strickland.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

6/20/2024 1:26 PM

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lol, it’s sweet but you don’t have to include me.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

6/19/2024 6:01 PM

Feel like I haven't done one of these in forever. Anyway, so I wanted to know in the sprit of the obvious title, who who are some your favorite black wrestlers to watch? It doesn't matter what era, just know that it's different age ranges so we need to know names and dates so we can at least look the person up.

You can say what you like about them or you can mention favorite matches. Or of you just want to highlight a black wrestler that you want us to know about you can do that too. I hope folks participate, these could be a fun post. And please be respectful of course.

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