Wrestling Videos on the Net

Question For Gear Lovers

bigt730 (11 )

10/24/2024 1:57 AM

Indeed, the transformation of pro wrestling attire, particularly spandex trunks, offers an intriguing insight into the evolution of this sport. Initially, during the 1950s and 60s, the emphasis in professional wrestling lay heavily on the wrestlers' athleticism and personalities. They typically wore basic trunks and tights that highlighted their physical prowess, fostering a genuine sports-like atmosphere. The simplicity of the spandex trunks allowed the audience to concentrate on the in-ring action rather than the attire itself.

However, as wrestling transitioned into a more character-driven form of entertainment, especially in the 1970s and 80s, the outfits grew increasingly dramatic and colorful. Icons like Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage adopted flamboyant costumes that aligned with their larger-than-life personas. This shift served a dual purpose: not only did it enhance the visual appeal of the wrestlers, but it also became a key component of their branding and marketing strategies. The garb now played a significant role in narrating the wrestlers' stories and setting the tone for their feuds.

In contemporary times, wrestling gear maintains its evolutionary trajectory, encompassing a fusion of old-school and modern styles. There's a vast array of designs to cater to individual preferences, from functional to ostentatious, often including elements like masks and detailed patterns. The integration of technology is another noteworthy trend. Wrestling superstars frequently team up with designers to develop unique outfits that reflect their brand and cater to a multifaceted fanbase.

This metamorphosis of wrestling apparel, especially spandex trunks, echoes the sport's continuous adaptation to societal trends and its deepening entanglement with the entertainment sphere. It exemplifies the importance of visual presentation in captivating audiences and creating indelible personas in today's media-saturated environment.


Heel-eo-trope (7)

10/27/2024 5:46 AM

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Excellent analysis. However, one thing that I think cannot be ignored, is that when wrestling started the transition into the more flamboyant/steroid era of the 80s, a different tone started to emerged and take hold…that of complete physical domination, humiliation of outmatched, hapless jobbers in squash matches which became a common and even highlighted segment of the non-primetime shows (usually on Saturdays)

This is when wrestling started to stretch.into the realm of lighter shade of S&M, or Sado-domination which often rode just under the surface of the good vs evil storyline we were seeing.

I also believe that this tone touched on the compelling homo-erotic aspect of pro wrestling that was pretty much always there and probably picked up on by many but not often spoken about. I think many pro fans get off on this, including gay and hetero men and probably women and it is served up as simple, mainstream pg entertainment.

Along with the hyper developed physiques and amazingly creative and increasingly violent/cruel high impact slams and submission holds, came the very skimpy and revealing trunks that in some cases were yanked on by the heels as they abused outclassed enhancement talent (Red Tyler and Tommy Angel were good examples of this). This added an element of kink and sexuality to wrestling that was never really seen in the “classic matches” of the 50s and 60s for reasons that you stated but definitely was on the rise in the 80s and 90s.

I think this is something that many people feel but maybe don’t want to talk about but based on the comments and conversations we see in this site, we have evidence that it is true and “trunk evolution” :) is very much a part of it 😈


bigt730 (11 )

10/29/2024 7:34 AM

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Hey buddy! You've hit the nail on the head with your take on the evolution of wrestling during the '80s and '90s. It's crazy to reflect on how the introduction of flamboyant characters and the whole "larger than life" vibe shook up the pro wrestling scene. Those squash matches, with the big guys flexing their muscles and wiping the floor with their opponents, had fans absolutely hooked! It's like the drama and intensity were turned up to eleven, with the dominance and humiliation adding this unspoken allure to the whole shebang.

And let's not forget the not-so-hidden homo-erotic undertones that have been a staple in wrestling forever. The way those dudes flaunt their hyper-masculine bods in those skintight spandex trunks, grinding and grappling all over each other, is like a secret sauce that spices things up for everyone, regardless of who you're into. It's like wrestling has its own secret code that gets everyone's blood pumping a little differently, and that's part of its charm.

And speaking of trunks, the evolution from the plain ol' ones to the spandex wonders was a game-changer. It wasn't just about showing off the goods anymore; it was about adding personality and flair to each wrestler. When the heels would get all grabby with the spandex trunks of the enhancement guys, it was like a silent declaration of war. It brought this whole new level of kink to the matches that people just couldn't get enough of.

This whole conversation about the layers of wrestling - the athleticism, the storytelling, and the sprinkle of kink - is so worth exploring. It's rad that people are opening up and acknowledging these aspects of the sport that make it so uniquely entertaining. Cheers to that!


Heel-eo-trope (7)

11/02/2024 4:41 PM

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Here’s a great example of how gear got skimpier and added tantalizing visuals to the evolving humiliation-laced brutality of working a Jobber in the 80s.

Angel’s package is a bit teasingingly noticeable in those tighty-whiteys and Anderson seems to be purposely yanking hard on those white spankies to establish the hot wedgie that persists throughout the match…much to the delight of the middle-aged ladies in the first row there.
What is really hot at the end, is Anderson yanking down HARD on the gear at the top of the vertical lift, slamming Angel to the mat face first on the finishing move, and then very dismissively grabbing the side fabric of the seat of Angel’s trunks to roll him over for the pin.

It’s almost as if Angel used to ask heels to purposely pull vigorously on his gear knowing his ass would be partially revealed as he was getting beat on. This happened quite a bit in his career as he continued to don the skimpy attire he became known for along with a lack of modesty that kept his hot bubble ass wedgied throughout his legendary, one sided beatdowns.

One also has to wonder if this was due to a masochistic impulse he had. Also, it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that many heels (including Anderson) harbored sexually sadistic delight in dishing out humiliating abuse to willing, hot-bodied, jobbers clad in revealing gear in public under the guise of wrestling entertainment…oh and getting paid for it! 😛

It is very intriguing to think that there may be some truth to all that 😈


Heel-eo-trope (7)

10/31/2024 2:17 AM

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“…wrestling has its own secret code that gets everyone's blood pumping a little differently, and that's part of its charm.”

Bingo. Everyone sees it (the sexuality) but some have the insight and self awareness more than others to acknowledge it in different degrees…I mean forever (and I bet even now) old ladies couldn’t get enough of it as evidenced by a look at ringside at many old matches - especially smaller venues - where one would see a lot of middle aged women and grannies “loving” the action, the visuals and the kayfabe cruelty being played out before them.
And teen age heterosexual males like me who had a thing for Fvf wrestling domination (mainly due to scarce hot women’s wrestling production) would also secretly get off on male Vs male domination…and later learn to embrace it. Just look at the ages of the men who join this site (late 30s to 50s) as evidence of that assertion. 🤪🤪 oh yes ALL of this was packaged in mainstream “kid friendly “ entertainment. Talk about free, societal sanctioned, soft porn for all! :) lol


Megawatt (8)

10/25/2024 2:39 AM

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Wow - excellent overview! Almost like a wrestling gear PhD dissertation. Thank you for your insights. :) It will be interesting to see how wrestling gear continues to evolve as the whole wrestling "business" changes over time.


bigt730 (11 )

10/25/2024 3:24 AM

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Thank you for the kind words! It's not every day we get to dive deep into the riveting world of pro wrestling gear. Discussing their role in the sport and their evolution over the years was nothing short of exhilarating.


Npaul (10)

10/24/2024 1:07 AM

Great fight


Nomad (2 )

10/23/2024 3:16 PM

I suppose.elaborate colours wouldn't translate too week over black and white transmission, but I'm a big fan of simple outfits and gear. I think it gives the action a level of seriousness.

Pancrase got the balance right. I'm my opinion. Little bit showy, but all business. 😊


Megawatt (8)

10/22/2024 3:00 PM

I really enjoy those black and white, vintage wrestling matches from the 1950’s-60’s. Over time, I noticed that elaborate wrestling gear, for the most part, was not a big priority. Basic trunks, tights, and singlets with simple ring jackets and the occasional cape seemed to be the norm. (There were exceptions, of course. Gorgeous George comes to mind.) This early match caught my eye because Cowboy Carlson’s gear artfully reflected his cowboy persona – even the ring announcer commented on Carlson’s denim wrestling trunks and “peculiar” wrestling shoes that looked like cowboy boots. What are your thoughts on how wrestling gear has evolved over time?


JobberForDomProHeels (6)

10/28/2024 4:02 PM

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Pro gear is very homo-erotic and has always been a draw for so many, including myself. Back in the earlier matches, the emphasis was on the physical body and their ability, the guys were much more masculine and manly, which in turn made them more attractive (in my opinion). Back then, and even today, the look of a guy, regardless of their size and build) in skimpy trunks and tall pro boots is extremely sexy and erotic. A tight-fitting, high rise singlet with minimal leg coverage and the singlet riding up his ass, complimented by tall pro boots (or even barefoot) is extremely homo-erotic. Then to add a mask to the dominant guy's attire adds to the dynamic of good vs. evil, the mask making him more mysterious as the viewer watches with intrigue and curiosity. To someone's point earlier, the introduction S&M and leather added to the homo-erotic element of the gear. Regardless, for me, there is nothing hotter than a guy in wrestling gear. So much so that i am drawn to any size guy or age, as long as they are in the gear. It is so hot to see a buff muscled guy in tight skimpy trunks and pro boots (whether he be jobber or heel), just as much as it is to see a heavy-set pro wrestler in skimpy trunks and boots (guys like bigT730 - a very homo-erotic look). And in this match you reference, the jean trunks coupled with his cowboy pro boots is a hot look. I often find obscure gear a turn on as well. Bottom line, a guy in skimpy trunks or singlet and boots is a definite turn on and arousal in pro wrestling, and a key factor in our pro-wrestling obsession reflected here in MeetFighters. I love this site and You Tube pro matches!


bigt730 (11 )

10/29/2024 7:30 AM

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Your insights into the seductive charm of pro wrestling spandex trunks are truly appreciated! The way they cling to the wrestlers' bodies, accentuating every bulging muscle and curve, is indeed a sight to behold. It's incredible how these skintight garments contribute to the sport's magnetic draw, highlighting the raw power and agility that fuels the intense in-ring action. The juxtaposition of the sleek spandex with the rugged boots adds a touch of theater to the matches, allowing each wrestler to embody their character with flair.

The evolution of wrestling attire over the years has been quite the journey. From the classic spandex trunks to the more daring incorporation of S&M and leather motifs, it's clear that the industry has embraced a broader spectrum of sexuality and masculine expression. This reflects the ever-changing tides of society, where the lines between mainstream and taboo are continually blurred, offering fans a thrilling visual feast that caters to various tastes.

And let's not forget the delightful diversity within the wrestling world. Whether it's a beefy gladiator or a lithe acrobat, each wrestler brings their unique flair to the spandex trunks they don. This variety celebrates different body types and styles, fostering an inclusive environment that's a testament to the sport's universal appeal. Online communities, like MeetFighters, and video platforms, such as YouTube, serve as hotbeds for fans to revel in their love for wrestling and its audacious fashion choices. Your zest for the sport and its attire resonates deeply with countless individuals, contributing to the thriving and welcoming culture that surrounds it!


Rasslebarefoot (15 )

10/23/2024 3:43 PM

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Great match, thanks for posting. Carlson looks incredibly hot in his gear!

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