chain bullrope matches

London Match

Hardcore Fighter (19 )

9/16/2021 10:10 AM

Bring it
would love to challenge you to a chain match or any other type of bloody match at Grove park


Beefyscot (3)

9/20/2021 7:12 AM

(In reply to this)

You and I hardcore would like chain match


Skinhead (0 )

9/16/2021 10:08 AM

Roll on 2022 I'm getting myself back in shape after the covid lockdown in order to have a chain match or more bloodier fight


brilliant n buff (30 )

1/12/2020 10:41 AM

Chain match at Grove Park?


Squashlad (247 )

1/12/2020 4:41 PM

(In reply to this)

Yeah, Iʼd love to! 👍


brilliant n buff (30 )

1/12/2020 9:27 AM

Who is up for one?

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