- WelshDragonWarrior
- 12/25/2020
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I'd like to wish all my wrestling friends a very Merry Christmas!
This year has certainly not been an easy one and in the new year I hope we can meet and wrestle once more.
Until then please remember stay safe!
- WelshDragonWarrior
- 6/15/2020
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Been feeling very down and depressed today.
Spending 3 months in Lockdown and not able to meet anyone.
I can understand how some of you guys feel at the moment.
It's a never ending nightmare.
Try and stay strong!
Wrestle Lockdown
- WelshDragonWarrior
- 4/07/2020
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Hi friends and wrestlers.
It's not been a good time since the total lockdown, everyone's wrestling meets and groups all cancelled due to the corona virus.
I feel for you guys and I hope it doesn't last much longer.
I'm lucky still to work part time as I work in retail, that is important enough.
Please stay safe and best wishes
- WelshDragonWarrior
- 3/18/2020
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Hi friends of the WWWG!
Our meets for April and May have been cancelled which is not what I wanted.
Meets will hopefully be back soon when the virus has gone.
Also won't be travelling or meeting friends until further notice.
I hope that some time soon we can get more members to join.
Best wishes and stay safe, even if your working!
Happy New Year
- WelshDragonWarrior
- 12/31/2019
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To all friends and fans of the Welsh Warrior - I wish you a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2020. Let's hope it brings more wrestling :)