alpinisto's blog
A relaxed match in Copenhagen
I had hoped that I would have a wrestling session in the Whitsun weekend when I was vacationing in Dresden, but this never happened. I had planned that I could wrestle a guy from Leipzig on a beach, but he never confirmed. Good that I therefore didn't have to travel to Leipzig just to be let down. Instead I had more invitations for wrestling in Berlin, but those were not before July, so I just relaxed and made the best use of my holiday in Dresden.
But I didn't worry, as I had another wrestle meeting waiting in the pipeline, for there was an English guy who had planned to come to Copenhagen for a conference, and he had asked if he could have a wrestle with me while here. And since there only is a very small number of wrestlers in Copenhagen and none of them had wanted to wrestle me, I am always happy to receive such invitations for wrestling to minimize my need of going abroad for wrestling. So obviously I accepted his challenge, and we agreed that we could meet in his hotel on Wednesday, two days after my return from Dresden.
However, that meeting did not happen, at least not on the Wednesday, for we never managed to meet that day. Apparently we missed each other in the hotel, so a further discussion was needed on mobile phone and internet. Luckily it seemed that this was just a simple mistake and we both still wanted the match. So we agreed that we would try meeting again on Saturday.
While Wednesday had been a calm and sunny day, Saturday was not, as a heavy rain was pouring down over Copenhagen. So trying to avoid the large puddles in the street I ducked and dived into his hotel - and immediately was whisked away from the entrance by another guy. Speaking to me in English I quickly realised that my wrestling mate must have spotted me even before I was starting to look for him.
True to his profile name he was an older guy, and he was in Copenhagen as the organiser of a large conference with close to hundred participants from 30 european countries, so I was a bit baffled that not only he could organise such big event, but also could have time to wrestle me. He seemed to be quite fit for his age, and he accepted that he no longer was the youngest of wrestlers, and also had felt needed to give up boxing not too long ago because of an eye injury. But we were not going to box today anyway - today wrestling was on the program.
It was now more than two months ago since I had had my most recent wrestling session, and I have to admit that I felt a little unfit. So maybe I was a bit equal with my opponent, for I didn't want to add further injuries to him. Safe and sane, as I always say about my wrestling, but also fun for both. Already when we got to his hotel room I had greeted him with a bearhug, and my strength seemed to surprise him a bit, so I figured out that this was going to become a match with a lot of bearhugs and scissors - those few holds I seem to practise quite well. And I could feel that I was superior what bearhugs concerned, for my opponent told me that he had difficulty in spanning around my body to give me a bearhug in return - apparently my shoulders were too wide for that.
The hotel bed we wrestled on was probably too soft for me to turn our bodies, so I found it a bit troublesome to get on top of him, though I am sure that if I really had wanted it so I could have succeeded in getting on top of him. But for the moment I was quite content with the situation, because once I had him in a firm bodyscissor hold with my legs I could move him to the left or right as I wished. What I found quite amusing! I maybe could have put him in a headscissor, but found that this probably would be too risky, thinking of his eye injury. I didn't want any injuries.
Before we had met we had talked about his other interests, and he had told me that he not only was registered on MeetFighters but also on Recon as an excuse for his piercings. And this way I found out that we both shared the same interest in sleepsacks, and therefore I had also brought my neoprene sleepsack with me to his hotel, so once our match was over I was eager to sleepsack him, for he had never tried to feel what it is like being sleepsacked. And he seemed to like it - for in my eyes who wouldn't?
And before I left I also made use of the opportunity to be sleepsacked myself, now it already was warm from my opponent's body, so I enjoyed the last half hour being tightly restrained in my neoprene sleepsack. So while my opponent was checking his mobile phone for messages, which he had received from the conference participants during our recent hours' wrestling match I could enjoy the warm and snug micro-climate in my sleepsack. Certainly without the risk of being headscissored like I had been during another wrestling match fifteen months earlier.
It was a relaxed and cosy match I had had here in my homestead of Copenhagen, only five kilometres by bus from where I live. But I feel sure that the next wrestling match I have will be more serious. For those guys who have challenged me for wrestling in Berlin next month are surely stronger, and will certainly not let me get away so easily.
Lumberjack (42 )
6/19/2019 10:20 PMAlways nice to be put in a sleepsack after wrestling!
BamaJDon41 (10 )
6/25/2019 6:59 PMAnother fine story from your wrestling life. It's like reading a fine short story of the sort Hemingway might have written.