ant-tor's blog
Anxiety question help
Being 32 soon I am so worried about the future.
Is it too late to get into university. Learning math and science (never did well in highschool slacked off before :(. )
To learn a second language (French. )
To get more wrestling in my life and matches. Is this too late. I hope I hear stories about people getting degrees in their 30 , 40s. Or learning a second language fluently
KOFistBoxer (2)
2/21/2023 6:08 PMLearning a 2nd language is great, and can be very helpful in the job market in certain fields, but if also definitely doesn't require attending a school these days. You can do that with a couple of apps, at minimal cost. Just have to practice often. I would suggest 20 to 90 min a day and doing any extras you can (like watching a movies with the new language subtitles on).
As for universities, it really depends on what your end goal is. People can certainly get degrees later in life, though there are reasons people tend to do it more in their early 20s as well. If there is a very specific field you have in mind, I'd say go for the cheapest applicable degree you can (and in a field that really has value).... but I wouldn't suggest people go back to school just to tread water or stall on the big decisions a while they decide what they want to do with themselves. That will just cost time while saddling them with a lot of debt.
Some people will just tell you to follow your feelings, but I always think that's a load of nonsense. It may feel good to them, but feelings can be fickle and untrustworthy. Knowing your specific end goal, figuring out the best way to get there, and having a pragmatic and efficient plan in place is you best strategic bet.
ant-tor (6)
2/21/2023 7:03 PM(In reply to this)
I just hope I can learn and get a degree and learn a second language. I feel so stupid
BamaJDon41 (10 )
2/21/2023 6:20 PMI went back to school at 40 to finish earning a degree. Yesterday was once a tomorrow. Tomorrow will be yesterday soon enough.
Emrys1885 (27 )
2/21/2023 6:37 PMYo. It never too late to start college my friend, and learn something. I'm 38 and still working on my Bachelor's. Don't let your age stop you from doing certain things. And you know where to find me if you need to talk
Cyber Jaw Breaker (0)
2/21/2023 7:20 PMI didn't learn Russian until I was in my 20s, Spanish later still. I got my teacher's certification when I was in my 40s, and after 15 years of teaching ESL, I am now teaching Spanish. It is never too late to do anything that you want, or that interests you. As your schedule permits you can get in as much wrestling and fighting as you wish. It's all about balance and doing what you feel is right for you. Always here to talk if you want.
playfulwrestler (28 )
2/21/2023 9:13 PMIf you have the equivalent of a community college near you, that is a very affordable option, and the age ranges of people in the class is fairly wide. (I have had middle-school and 30+ year olds in the same computer science class.) Also, the faculty there have a primary focus on teaching, as community colleges aren’t research institutions with a “publish or perish“ mentality. Classes are also usually smaller; where I teach, there are no more than 35 people in a typical math class, and even courses like general psychology are capped at 55 or 60 students per section.
Funfightingneil (19)
2/21/2023 9:35 PMYes its way way too late – you should have done all that ages ago.
Tungsten (2 )
2/21/2023 9:51 PMIt is definitely not too late to try new things or further educate yourself. I am in my mid 40's and looking at a career change. I should also start trying to learn Afrikaans again.
bobster (34)
2/21/2023 9:53 PMI had 2 yrs of college, went into the military, then went to work. Returned to college at night and finally graduated at the age of 40. So no its not too late.
Just don't be shocked when the other and probably much younger students might at first treat you a little different. Just remember 18 and 19 yo students have different outlook then when you were 18 or 19.
Good luck.
synxiec (75)
2/21/2023 10:07 PMSo I'm 41. Last year I started learning sign language for fun. A bit before that, it was japanese. I'm about to start learning project management.
I didn't start wrestling for fun via this site until I was in my 30s.
You can learn and have fun whenever you want to. There's no time limit for new things.
olderdesire (14)
2/21/2023 11:14 PMI am 73 and will give you wisdom gleaned over the years. Do not worry about things you cannot control. The only thing you can control is your response to anything that happens in life. Worrying will only zap your energy. The easy answer to one question is this: you can wrestle until you die. Seek as many matches as possible right now and enjoy them. Guys your age will grow old together, so you should always have opponents. You are young. Figure out what you love and find a way to make money at it. I taught for forty years and loved every second. Set up your priorities and start working on the top one. Work on the others in order of importance. Enjoy the process. You won’t be left out in the cold. And find someone to wrestle this week.
olderdesire (14)
2/21/2023 11:16 PM(In reply to this)
P.S. Damn, I’d love to fight you
Shoot (16 )
2/22/2023 4:21 PM(In reply to this)
Good answer!
Merseywrestle (59 )
2/21/2023 11:17 PMIt's never too late to learn anything just go out and enjoy what you want to do.
Funfightingneil (19)
2/21/2023 11:21 PMyeh yeh too late – hope that answers your question.
olderdesire (14)
2/21/2023 11:32 PMAnd, in my opinion (being a teacher for forty years), a college degree in the States means little unless it is in a specific field like medical, engineering, law, etc. students who cannot write a coherent sentence, let alone a paragraph, are currently in college. I often suggest to go into a trade like HVAC, plumbing, electrical, or welding. Don’t assume you must have a degree to be successful. Be determined.
london sub (40 )
2/22/2023 12:07 AMmy partner and I moved to Quebec (Montreal) 3 years ago. My partner spoke zero French or any other language. After a few months he enrolled in a government sponsored French language program. Now he speaks fluent French, as a full time French speaking job. he is 38.
its never too late to learn a second language.
newusername7 (4)
2/22/2023 12:18 AMNever too late to do anything. You might be surprised that you're not the oldest one in whatever prpgram you decide. Lot's of mature students in lots of programs.
roughouser (14)
2/22/2023 1:36 AMNever too late to go to university for sure. If you know something is meaningful for you
suggs (8)
2/22/2023 1:56 AMIt's never too late, hell my grandmother went back to school in her 60's?, I think coulda been her 50's, and got her 4 year degree. It's all about what you WANT to achieve.
2/22/2023 2:51 AMYou are not alone; many of your peers have found situations and past choices having led them to commence an education, even a higher education, later in life.
Your age need not be an obstacle to success; indeed, it may provide a foundation of maturity and sense of purpose that will prove a leg up as you commence and then continue on through your matriculating path. In short, age is more than a number; it is a signal of a state of preparation and readiness to those who know you and for those who will come to respect you for your efforts.
Have faith (in yourself) and do believe (despite what some may say is unbelievable). Rewards and award await you. Now, go! Seize them!
Behold the scholar! I salute you!
BullBoy (9)
2/22/2023 3:35 AMI went to university. It is overrated. If you can go to a college do that instead - saves time and money.
Senior Bear (4)
2/22/2023 5:44 PMLook at it this way. You can go to college now and in 4 or more years have a degree and hopefully a good-paying job in a field you want. Or in 4 or more years you can wish you had made the effort and still be in a quandary. It may seem like an unreachable goal but some big companies will pay for your tuition to attend night/weekend courses. Many colleges, especially the ones with better reputations and endowments will give scholarships. I Know of one near Chicago that will waive tuition, no loans, just grants, for anyone with an income less than $75,000. Many 2-year colleges have excellent staff, low tuition, and partner with nearby 4-year colleges so all course credits towards your major are accepted. Older students often make better students because they know what skills they need, and they've already grown up and learned life lessons that many younger students struggle to handle. Even just a liberal arts degree will open doors and perhaps expand your mind and thinking. You could get a job as an RA (residence hall advisor) which usually includes room and board. They'd love someone more mature. That said, maybe you're not looking for college. Many skilled trades pay as well and you're not sitting behind a desk. They're desperate for workers. It's a matter of what you want. So many possibilities for you. Go for it!
S-Dude (36)
2/23/2023 1:24 PMOver here in the states, I am bombarded with commercials featuring colleges marketing towards older adults to go back to school online, at night, etc.
fgrth4 (0)
2/23/2023 11:44 PMOh, how I relate to your worries being 30 and still being unsure about who I am and want I want to do. Honestly, I feel like I have been frozen in place since 20. There are so many things I wish I had done earlier and experiences I sometimes feel I missed out on. But you're not alone in this. I suspect many people feel this way in one way or another. Regardless of circumstance, lots of people start certain things much later than the "social clock" prescribes.
But nothing is too late! If you are ready to try something, go for it! School, I'm going back in a year to pursue my dream of majoring in linguistics. And language learning is for everyone! Same for fighting/fitness! If you truly like something, there is no reason you shouldn't be allowed to pursue it. And in the grand scheme of things, we are both very young and have plenty of time to still enjoy the life we got. Take a deep breath. You got this!!
Theszlou (0)
2/24/2023 12:06 AMIt’s over until you do something about it. Man up. Get fucking started.