Dear members,

From the very start, the creator of MeetFighters envisioned the site as a non-commercial project. The mission of the site was creating a personals site where the main purpose is allowing people interested in fighting to meet. I took over the site with the promise of keeping the site true to its original purpose.

What is wrong with commercial interest? Nothing in principle. Our societies are largely built on "enlightened self-interest", aren't they? On the other hand, too much of it can compromise the original mission of the site. We could put up huge banner ads. We could make deals with video production companies. We could limit what functionality is available for free, keeping basic features locked away behind a paywall. We don't do any of these things. We are not raking in the dough, because we believe that doing so would compromise our goal. Donations keep the site afloat, for which we are grateful to our membership. You guys rule! :)

So, our site's mission is not being compromised by commercial interest on our part. But what about commercial interests of others?

We just had an incident in which our site, a free, non-commercial project, was threatened with litigation by a company that was using our site (for free) to promote certain events and services and were claiming that we were interfering with their business. Some profiles were deleted. We are not at the liberty to disclose any details.

We maintain that the site's purpose is allowing fighters to meet. By its nature, the site is for personal, non-commercial use. My question to the community is this: What shall we do about commercial use? Up until now, we have taken a "live and let live" approach and allowed people to link to their commercial homepages, promote commercial events, offer paid services, etc. We have seen no harm being done to our site and figured that some of our community might find these services useful. So, why not? This is why. We don't want to be sued. We are not set up as facilitators of other people's business and have no interest in it anyhow. We certainly do not have the capacity to deal with the fallout.

(On a related note, the Events page is removed until further notice.)

Open question to all members: what are your thoughts on this? Your votes (multiple choice) and comments are welcome.

Allow commercial activity on MeetFighters?

This poll is closed.
Last edited on 8/02/2015 9:33 PM by Admin



UKSubsFighter (139 )

7/31/2014 12:59 PM

I think use of the site for commercial or corporate gain is not in keeping with the ethos of the site and is potentially exploitative of the site membership


Ironbull (96)

7/31/2014 2:15 PM

(In reply to this)

I am sure few would argue with banning escorts, sportswear manufacturers, commercial photographers etc all of whom have ample opportunity elsewhere to sell their services.

However some commercial activity is surely essential? For example, fighters need somewhere to meet and so it is surely consistent with the ethos of the site to allow mat rooms to advertise.

More importantly, the Events page is part of the lifeblood of this community, particularly in the UK where they play such a large part. It is a great pity to see that suspended.

Having said that I do appreciate that the law can create unexpected consequences and I can't imagine you have a big budget for legal advice (I know enough to know how big a field internet commercial law is - I am sure many clubs and charities encounter similar conundrums). But I am sure you will agree that you need to protect the position of the site and its operators; perhaps some budget for legal advice is inevitable to throwing out the good with the bad. It seems to me that the answer must be to review the basis of site revenue so that such a budget can be maintained.


oldscrapperderby (163)

7/31/2014 7:41 PM

(In reply to this)

I completely agree with what Ironbull says, can't add anything further.


Churd (78 )

8/01/2014 5:03 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree. I had been using the 'events section' to help plan a 50th birthday party for this coming weekend. A little warning of it removal would have been nice!

Agree 100% with Ironbull.


readyforit (96)

8/02/2014 3:04 PM

(In reply to this)

I totally agree with ironbullUk


welshdragon (7)

8/02/2014 10:47 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree with Ironbull uk says and I think its crazy to remove the events page and I hope it is re-instated soon.


Miamigrappler (1)

8/01/2014 5:28 AM

(In reply to this)

I agree with UKSubsFighter, in that membership and ethos of Website could be in jeopardy. As you are aware there are those who like to exploit, memberships and comments of individuals on many social websites. We forget "Outting" remains to be a popular activity in society.
It does not matter about sexual preferences nor likes or dislikes once a individual is open for public display, his privacy could be in jeopardy.


needabust (0)

7/31/2014 1:16 PM

To commercialise the site a bit seems ok for me. It might be possible to generate some money over it and keep the side free generally.
It gets into a problem if commercialing rules and dominates the side.
I don't have a problem, if you make money with the people who try to use the side for making money.


uk submission jobber (7)

7/31/2014 1:24 PM

It's a tough one as to prevent any commercial activity would require a level of policing which kind of feels against the grain here.

Ultimately couldn't this issue be resolved with a site terms and conditions page? a universal code that all registered members need to read and agree upon that absolves Meetfighters of any responsibility and states that it is merely a free and open platform for members to enjoy.

What I love about this site is the freedom it provides, if you want to meet a guy for a wrestle you can, if you want to meet a guy for an erotic wrestle you can, if you want to meet someone who offers paid services you can. It would be a shame to see this freedom go because of one small minded party. It almost feels like the site would be conceding defeat to them.

Anyway, just my view, whatever you decide I'm sure I will continue to enjoy this site and the community it provides

Keep up the good work


readyforit (96)

7/31/2014 3:04 PM

(In reply to this)

I totally agree that setting up terms and conditions that would protect the site would be the best way. Changing anything to this brilliant site would be detrimental to the site's ethos and its users.
I am shocked and angered that you can be threatened in this way and greatly regret you cannot give us the name of the selfish individual(s) who threatened you.
Ultimately meetfighters has to protect itself but I sincerely hope you find a way to do so and keep offering all the current services. The Events page being invaluable long may it last.
Finally, and I think I speak for the majority of the users, please convey to those miserable people who threatened you our utter disgust and condemnation.


Mark uk (293)

7/31/2014 1:30 PM

My view is that we should keep the two things seperate.

Keep the site as a free site to meet and wrestle, box or whatever with others guys on a no fee basis.

Groups and individuals who want to use the site for services etc should have to donate. A fixed of €100 per annum is reasonable in my view. Info on a blog only but you can direct from your profile to your blog.

To be clear for the creative guys. Post a profile without stating your going to expect a fee then ask for money. If you are caught doing it then you should /will be kicked of permanently.


UKSubsFighter (139 )

7/31/2014 1:33 PM

(In reply to this)

Now that sounds reasonable


wetspeedos (28)

7/31/2014 2:03 PM

(In reply to this)

I was about to say something along the same lines so rather than do such I will agree with this entry. That said, I would create a new medal for commercial donors so that everyone else is aware of their reason for using the site etc.


drewwright (1)

7/31/2014 2:20 PM

(In reply to this)

The only problem I would see with this, is that as soon as you charge somebody for something, you are creating a contract with a reasonable expectation of a certain level of service being provided and a continuation of that service.

Being a site that is offered for "free" leaves the owners to operate more freely and make whatever changes they feel necessary. If you are placing content on someone else's website for free, I don't see how you can have expectation of service or continued service.

A bit mind boggling to me that this wonderful site could be sued under these conditions....but just goes to show, you can sue anybody for anything. Doesn't mean you'll win. But unfortunately, sometimes it's the biggest wallet that wins, not the best argument.

My opinion would be that if we ever find uot who is sueing.....the entire community should pledge to never do any busines with those people ever again.


Ironbull (96)

7/31/2014 2:25 PM

(In reply to this)

Naming and shaming can be very effective but there is always a risk of defamation suits which are horribly expensive to defend


Guysmiley (41 )

7/31/2014 3:49 PM

(In reply to this)

I'm with Mark uk on this one and was going to post the same sort of comment myself but since he's already said it, no need to reiterate it again.


Flwresler (38)

7/31/2014 4:41 PM

(In reply to this)

Hey, That sounds like a good compromise! If those parties that are going to be charging for their services and making $$$ from the use of this site agree to and Pay an annual fee to offer a paid service on this site, then I say go for it ! Make sure they also sign a Waiver of realeasing the Site and Providers from all Responsibility no matter what though !


Wrestlfun (6)

7/31/2014 5:10 PM

(In reply to this)

I am not surprised that this issue is actually showing up as i discussed this possibility With a friend of mine already a year ago. Thanks you again for keeping this great site available to us.
I am one of the donors and Will continue to contribute to help keep this site from getting in trouble under commercial pressure, and may be we should "ALL" think about doing it.
Now private compagnies know that they are no free bies when they advertise on Tv or any other net work, therefore as Mark UK mentionned above, iI too believe that they should pay a yearly fee to do so.
as far as Being sued, this is a shame, and I sincerely hope you Will find the right people to advise you against it.


ukwrestler (133 )

8/01/2014 3:09 AM

(In reply to this)

Agree with Mark uk on this one


Zeus (15)

8/02/2014 5:46 AM

(In reply to this)

If someone wants to make business using the site should pay definitely!


Dungeon Master (23)

8/02/2014 7:32 AM

(In reply to this)

The approach suggested by Mark UK makes the best sense to me.


hardpunch (20)

8/02/2014 9:12 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree with Mark uk. Any commercial activity on the part of a member should be kept totally separate, restricted to private messages, and they should have to donate to have that right. This site should remain a free, non-commercial site since this appears to have kept it going for so long so successfully.


frenchprowrestler (126)

7/31/2014 1:42 PM

Promoting some commercial web sites could be good for the members of meetfighters as a way to know new sites and new offers where one can choose to buy or not to buy. As this website (Meetfighters) is free i don t understand how commercial websites could sued Meetfighters website for something they use and don't pay for !
In any case, those who should pay are the commercial websites promoting on Meetfighters !
The company sueing Meetfighters should be ashamed for any legal action like this !


Flexforme (131)

7/31/2014 1:45 PM

Prefer for the site to remain non-commercial. This has in the past given it its friendly ethos and has brought together guys from a variety of backgrounds. It has also made the site welcoming to those who might be new to the fighting scene. The emergence of more commercial guys has in my view changed the feel of the site for the worse. A compromise along the lines suggested by Mark uk seems reasonable.


UKSubsFighter (139 )

7/31/2014 1:46 PM

(In reply to this)

Totally agree!


Spoiler18 (24)

7/31/2014 1:54 PM

I would certainly hate to see any aspect of this site curtailed or removed due to legal action. What you've described sounds convoluted at best and represents the opportunistic sick minds of one organization looking to make a buck at the expense of others.
I thoroughly enjoy this site and the host of wrestlers worldwide who post their profiles here. Further, the fact that the site is free and relies solely upon donations from its members is almost unprecedented in this day and age. Whatever action you can take to maintain the site as it stands now might be best, and as previously stated, perhaps a disclaimer is in order.


JJ Sparks (15)

7/31/2014 1:57 PM

I agree with what MarkUK is proposing.


hardfitsub (89)

7/31/2014 1:59 PM

If the site allows third party commercial activity then my view is that it should be clearly labelled as such to members, and that it is quite reasonable for MF to charge them a fee.

Avoiding any prospect of litigation from another organisation, or just a plain member for that matter, is probably impossible to solve. If MF wants to minimise this risk then I expect the best solution is not to allow any commercial activity at all.


jimmycoco (4 )

7/31/2014 2:02 PM

I totally agree with Mark uk.

I put a blog on here a few months ago about this sort of thing. If some individual/company expects to make money from this site. Then they must surely expect to pay for their use of the site. I must stress that I'm not against guys charging for their 'services', but these individuals/companies should have a seperate section. That way, those who wish to use such services can go straight to that section of the site. The rest of us mere mortals can stay away from it. Anyone using a normal profile to nudge people towards the commercial section would be barred and their commercial operation barred from the site too.

Personally, I wouldn't allow any touting for business in the chat room. It wouldn't be necessary, as comercial guys would have their own section, seperate from joe public. However, if any involvement of commercial operations is going to lead to threats of legal action. Then, I don't think the site would have any alternative than to ban all commercial activity; remove all individuals involved.

Most people on here are not wrestling/fighting promoters. If these commercial operations develop their own sites well enough. Then, they shouldn't need to 'piggyback' this site for their own ends.

This site is awesome! It has good people on here and good people running it. I just wish that my personal circumstances would allow me to contribute, financially, to the running of the site. Although you can rely on my encouragement and support in what you do.

Peace and love


StrikeFighter (82 )

7/31/2014 2:06 PM

I think only limited commerciality on a personal basis (i.e. classifieds in a specific forum) are okay, along with the sale of merchandise by the site itself (if that helps in keeping the site afloat.) Third-party companies should be excluded from using a free, community-based network like this site.


fghtr68 (24)

7/31/2014 2:17 PM

I am in agreement with Mark UK , who suggests that commercial sites should be forced to donate, and keep the two entities separate. I also agree with other comments pertaining to maintaining the ethos of the site and the unsustainable level of policing that would ensue regarding commercial interests. to close, I am in support of a compromise position as outlined by Mark UK.


gpau1900 (6 )

7/31/2014 2:54 PM

Personally I find the commercial profiles annoying. Especially if they use your site for free and then try and sue you. Seems kind of rude. I vote to keep it strictly personal.


leanonme (4)

7/31/2014 2:58 PM

Why not just ban all commercial activities from THIS site and, and create a "Commercial Links" list as a Home page menu item, which anyone with a commercial activity can place an entry for a small fixed fee. The Terms of Use can mention a disclaimer that the list is provided for the convenience of people looking for such services, without any warrant or guarantee or filtering by this site as to the quality or suitability of such services; that it is supported by a small monthly fee from the link provider only to the extent required to defray the time and costs of maintaining the link list for the convenience of members, and not for commercial benefit to this site; that you use the links at your own risk; and by clicking on any link you agree to to hold this site harmless from any actions or damages encountered by going to the linked sites, or by the use of any linked services or events; that the link list might be discontinued without notice if its operation proves to be a problem for this site's operators or site members.

Or something like that.


tigerfuzz (13)

7/31/2014 3:15 PM

I like Mark UK's suggestion but am concerned about this part: "Post a profile without stating your going to expect a fee then ask for money. If you are caught doing it then you should /will be kicked of permanently."

How would incidences be reported? More importantly, how would they be validated? What is to prevent someone from saying that you asked them for money so that your kicked off permanently.

I think this is the true problem:

"We are not set up as facilitators of other people's business and have no interest in it anyhow. We certainly do not have the capacity to deal with the fallout."

The reality is that EVERY company faces lawsuits, usually daily. It's an expected expense. In face, once a company achieves success, the lawsuits start pouring in. (Just look at Facebook)

Additionally, lawsuits of other 'online personals' sites could dramatically change how this site operates.

If this models wins, does that mean that will need to purchase, license, or build face recognition or photo matching software to continue to operate?

So what this topic is REALLY asking, and what we as a community need to decide is:

Who do we want's customer to be?
Commercial Interest or you?

(Every business must make money to keep the lights on, etc. The customer is the one that pays the company money, not the one that uses the product.)

If you want this site to continue to be "free" so that you don't have to pay for it, then the customer will be the commercial interests discussed here and will change.

If you want this site to remain the way it has been, now is the time to step up, give money, and help fund the "litigation defense department" of

Let's stand together and send a clear message to the operators of this site, and those that threaten it, that we as a community support and are willing to defend it.

There are thousands of members on here. If everyone gave just 5 dollars or euros, I'd like to think it will give the operators of this site enough resources to defend this site and keep us as the customer.

The choice is ours to make, but we have to make the choice together.

If you have donated to, reply to this thread. Let others know that you want them to donate too.


7/31/2014 3:28 PM

(In reply to this)

That link points to one scary story.


Ironbull (96)

7/31/2014 5:44 PM

(In reply to this)

The reality is that you can't engineer an exclusion from litigation risks. You need to finance that risk.

To Admin

1. Cancel my existing donation ahead of time and I will donate again now without hesitation.

2. I have some experience of litigation. It takes time. Should ever need a volunteer to help you prepare a defence (thereby cutting solicitors' fees) I will happily donate as much time as I can.

I have no doubt that others on here would readily do the same.


Slookm (2)

7/31/2014 5:07 PM

(In reply to this)

Alright guys, send a little beer money. It makes one really feel apart of this great site. Keep the site simple . Mats room and the like are important to us. What ever is decided ,I'm with you.
Thanks for a great site !


olderguy (12)

8/01/2014 10:54 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes like Slookm i value being part of a great site through which i've met some good guys - i don't know what the answer is though having people agree to a waiver seems wise


heralduk (27 )

7/31/2014 3:21 PM

Such a shame we have lost the events page on here. It has been a great success and has meant I have met new friends as they have been at the same events as me.

There is always someone who spoils it for everyone else.

As soon as it is possible, would you consider putting up another events page please.

Keep it free and clear from businesses!

Thanks to the administrators for all they do to keep the site running.


scrasher (14)

7/31/2014 3:45 PM

This sounds very confusing. Did the company used MF's service for free AND tried to sue MF? Or was it someone else, not the company, who used this site in a way that affected the company? The description in the original post says something like I can sue MF because I use it and it interferes with my life (in a good way). How is that a valid lawsuit?

From the information I've received, I don't see anyway you can lose if you go to court.


Mark uk (293)

7/31/2014 4:05 PM

Be careful guys about asking questions about the issue MF recently had. It was unfortunate but now closed and would be unfair to expect them to be able to discuss in any forum.
The question is, how do we the users want the site to work in the future for us as wrestler or them as businesses.


Guysmiley (41 )

7/31/2014 4:26 PM

(In reply to this)

Yup Yup, no need to reopen a can of worms.


litewt78 (101)

7/31/2014 4:29 PM

I think we should keep commercial activity off of meetfighters. If we allow a paid option for it, there will be countless attempts at dodging the fee, which will simply create more work and annoyance. Folks can advertise their companies, wrestler-for-hire services, and sites elsewhere...


Miamigrappler (1)

7/31/2014 5:46 PM

Meet fighters, in my opinion is and has been a non-commercial identity.
Whatever the original agreements were with the Web industry and Licenses; that is for the developer of this site.
Each of its/us; members have been requested to donate funding to continue the use of this sites services.
There are privacy clauses I believe with this site; so individual members have a reasonable amount of Privacy.
This site provides access to those interested in Wrestling, Grappling, Boxing, MMA, with side venues and interests; that may not be welcomed in a general setting.
There is so much out there in commercial and internet web sites, that privacy could be compromised therefore, I recommend NO Commerical investment; and if so; just have it as a "Commerical page" with a product, without entering into the Main site.


glaliot (0)

7/31/2014 7:34 PM

Threat of litigation is a very current form of blackmail.
Since there is no special category for corporate members, and since the site is not commercial, there is no obligation to cater for the commercial ventures of anyone.
Actually, it is those who abuse the freedom of the site who are "interfering" with the site's expressed purpose. Vampire ventures can and must to be banned.
This is a private site on a privately registered domain, so that whoever "owns" it is at liberty to deny access to anyone as long as it cannot be construed as unlawful discrimination (gender, religion etc.).


RNC81 (12)

7/31/2014 7:58 PM

I don't have an issue with, and am all for, individuals who charge for their services/training etc. I've had the opportunity to train with some great guys that way and is also a way of maybe being able to take on underground/online wrestlers you admire that you wouldn't usually be able to get in touch with.

However I wonder if it's possible to have a 'commercial' or 'wrestle for hire' profile that differs from the normal ones. I do think anyone who charges for their time need to make it clear and show the prices.


jake325 (16)

7/31/2014 8:54 PM

Not sure how those with commercial interests can sue for damages/losses etc when they choose to use the site and do so without payment.

Bloody Liberty!!



matworker (94 )

7/31/2014 9:10 PM

A similar issue regarding Commercial Profiles has been discussed for a while on this site.

I agree with the comments about commercial profiles/companies donating to the site and having a dedicated area for this.

With regards to the removal of the Events Page:
I run a non profit making wrestling club in the UK and we have advertised our events on this site. The costs of the events cover the venue hire and the running of the club.

While I also advertise on other sites most of the attendees have responded on here and a number have contacted me recently to tell me about the events page being removed and asking what will happen. We will all have to "watch this space"

It is a shame that everyone loses out because of the actions of a few inconsiderate people/organisations.

This site has fostered a community spirit and it feels like it's being eroded by these kind of issues.

I hope they are resolved soon and we can resume the excellent features of this site.


Ironbull (96)

7/31/2014 9:13 PM

(In reply to this)


Can you put details on your blog?


matworker (94 )

7/31/2014 9:20 PM

(In reply to this)

Hi Ed
Thanks for the suggestion.
I will do that for the time being and hope the Events Page returns to us soon :-)


Thom (0)

7/31/2014 10:22 PM

If someone wants to advertise an event, product or service for profit on this site, they should be required to pay this site for advertising on it. I think that's only fair.


woodd43 (11)

7/31/2014 11:07 PM

Do what is best to keep from getting sued, if thast means no commercial activity, then no problem!


fishandchips (2)

8/01/2014 4:04 AM

I would suggest that if ANY commercial activity is permitted then it should be restricted to platinum donation. If they are making profit by advertising here then they can share some of that with the site and cough up towards any legal fees that may be incurred if someone does decide to sue meetfighters for any reason. Take care not to allow any commercial activity that would likely result in a law suit though eg keep on top of copyright. Delete any user who is found to be in breach of this


Rovky35Wpt (24)

8/01/2014 6:36 PM

Hi there,
the page is a great pleasure for all real fighters.
It is important that the side continues to be free of charge.
Unfortunately there are always people who want to destroy such a good side and are envious. Or do they want - similar to the company - make hostile takeovers.
I find such behavior as selfish and capitalist.
It would be good if lawyers from the community would find that you support in such matters.
Business have no business here. All who want to make money with this side must be locked.
I'm sure this is a private site where meet people who want fighten.
Everything else out!



8/02/2014 1:32 AM

Really sorry that this has lead to the withdrawal of the EVENTS facility which was very useful. Hopefully this will prove to be temporary if a solution to the misuse can be found.


ausbear (1)

8/02/2014 6:55 AM

keep this site going.keep it free as their are always others who just want to get rid of free sites.i find this very greedy and selfish of these others who want to try and get rid of good free sites such as meetfighters.i hope a solution to this problem will be found.ausbear.


LdnGrapple (64)

8/02/2014 12:45 PM

For me, its about keeping this useful site safe,
and about transparency for users who want to meet in different ways:
1) Guys who can host.. no commercial activity
2) Guys who want to meet but have to commercially pay for mats location/hotel and share costs (1on1/Match request)
3) Guys who commercially hire a place and invite users on a regular basis - a type of club (Event)
4) Someone who has a commercial mats location available to hire: useful for users to know where to go for a meet (Fight venues - usually a link to a website)
5) Someone who commercially trains users: useful for users who seriously want to improve (usually a link to a website)
6) Escorts?: useful for those who want sex (yes we do include that on the site already)
7) Accessories: Is there a classified section? I can't find it. Can you let me know where it is?

So for me its about transparency for users to know who they are dealing with. It's usually pretty obvious for MF which category the provider is in.

Whether you charge or request a donation from some of the later categories may be influenced by legal matters.

Just my ideas...


superal (3)

8/02/2014 2:10 PM

On the commercial issue, I have no problem with MF allowing "commercial" profiles and listings. I would expect there to be a different subscription rate from regular non-commercial members.

On the litigation issue, a martial arts forum I use faces constant emails threatening ludicrous legal action, usually from self-graded 12th dans who can't take a bit of criticism. The folks who operate that site have a neat solution: the site is legally owned by a limited company (registered in England) which maintains assets of £1.00. Threats of litigation are met with a response of "feel free: take us to court and that pound could be yours!". As it is the company which legally carries the liability, the people who run it don't have to worry about risk to their own pockets. Given that most threats are from people motivated by winning money, they tend to go away. Of course. That does not immunize members from defamation claims etc, but it does seem to keep the noise down for the site. Just a thought for you guys :)


readyforit (96)

8/02/2014 10:29 PM

(In reply to this)

Superal's suggestion sounds great. Can meetfighters look into it?


Vanman (87 )

8/02/2014 3:51 PM

Would prefer no commercial activity, but I accept it will come to some degree. Just make sure they pay a decent rate / membership fee to make it worthwhile.

In terms of the events page, I am really sad to see it go but there must be ways round that like a blog or meeting requests facility.

Admin - Well done on the site, if it wasn't a success they wouldn't want to advertise here.


Lincoln Lad (66)

8/04/2014 1:18 AM

I've commented on commercialisation of this site in previous threads, but the debate was closed down - prematurely, it would appear.

I'm totally against commercial activity on this site - as I think once you start it, you're potentially opening the door to a whole host of undesirables. To illustrate the point, which of the following commercial profiles would be allowed if we were to go down this route:

- Paid for wrestling
- Paid for wrestling + sex
- Paid for sex ?

In my view, none of them should be allowed. And that includes those guys currently offering wrestling "tuition" (of varying quality), who haven't even got the courtesy to make a donation in return for their access to the site / "customer base".

If, however, you go down the commercialisation route as some have suggested, please can we have an option to reject all contact from commercial profiles - including them seeing "unwilling" profiles (such as mine) and sending canned messages (aka Spam). This would help reduce the feeling of exploitation that some have raised and that I share. I come on this site to meet fellow fighters, not to be sold to.


passive-aggressive (10)

8/04/2014 8:39 AM

Im promoting The Fightclub in Amsterdam. Although The clubs charges an entrance fee, and one have to pay For their drinks, iT Isnt making money at all. In fact The revenues dont cover The costs. IT would Be a real problem For Us if we have to pay For The promotion... Im sorry but we cant pay For that, this site was a Great forum to promote The event.... But i must say that we dot have huge amounts of visitors, appearantly The gay fightscene Isnt that big ( in Holland at least)


Ironbull (96)

8/04/2014 10:04 AM

I agree 100% with Lincolnlad about escorts charlatans and unlicensed/unregulated/uninsured/unqualified "coaches". They are no different to the "masseurs" you get on the beaches of the Mediterranean. A dangerous menace that adds nothing to the community.

However hard you try, someone somewhere has an interest and you only have to get out of bed in the morning to acquire a duty of care to some other party. The internet is still legally in its infancy and there are lots of uncertainties. It follows that the only way to manage the risk of opportunistic litigation is to create a provision for it in your financials and have access to a good lawyer who can prepare robust and up -to-date agreements, disclaimers, indemnities and waivers. Beyond that, such a lawyer advise you when someone takes a pot shot at you. Mostly it's a case of putting as many obstacles in the way of the claimant (a bit like having a burglar alarm on the front of your house) - it will put off those who are trying it on. I'm sure Admin knows much more about this than I do but it's hard to avoid the conclusion that ultimately this is a matter of money.

For this you need funds and, assuming you cannot insure against this (there may be a packaged indemnity and legal support service out there somewhere), the only way forward is to self-insure by creating a fund for which the very grateful members of this site will, I am sure, happily pay extra subs.


Scunlad1 (18)

8/04/2014 11:35 PM

I agree with the general premise that if commercial companies wish to advertise on here let them, at a very nice fee, keeps costs down that way for site administrators.

However my general feeling is that this site is an excellent way for like minded guys to be able to arrange meets on a site fit for purpose. Lets not get too commercial.

There were certain guys who's profiles were almost becoming like an advert for other sites, Not what this should be about.


nwih (0)

8/05/2014 9:10 AM

My suggestion is to include disclaimer/ release/ indemnifcation at signup to prevent law suits, etc.

Any commercial interest on the site should be clearly labeled as being commercial.


Mutz (0)

8/05/2014 6:12 PM

As Mark UK, and UK Submission jobber, have suggested. These are the rules mate, fit in with the members. Too bad if it does'nt work for you.


wrestlemick (6)

8/05/2014 9:21 PM

It would be really nice to see the events page back again . As a newcommer to meetfighters I had been relying on the events page to find out what was on and where. I am just returned to live in the uk and was hoping to attend some of the various events which have now unfortuneately dissappeared making it very difficult to make contact en-masse so to speak with a whole bunch of people I would like to meet and wrestle with.
Please reinstate it if only for amateur use only .



8/16/2014 10:54 PM

The events page has been restored. Posting rules have been changed!


matworker (94 )

8/17/2014 10:31 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you for bringing back the Events page.
This can't have been an easy time for you and it's good to know you have the support of the users of this excellent site.

Where can we see the new rules so we can make sure our events comply with them?

Thanks again for all the hard work you put into the site.


oldscrapperderby (163)

8/17/2014 11:34 AM

(In reply to this)

great news that the events page is back, group meets are a very important part of what we do for a lot of members, nice one.


readyforit (96)

8/17/2014 12:08 AM

The events page being restored is great news as it allows us to get to know about group meets.
The ethos of free site is brilliant. it is an astonishing and generous concept for which I am truly grateful. It has brought me pleasure, fulfillment and joy. Long may it last FREE from the threats of being sued.
