MeetFighters News

Last Call for Comments on the New Chat

Hello Fighters,

This is the last call for comments and bug reports on the new chat! The old browser chat is going away, it will not be kept as an option, so please take a minute or two to try the new chat and make sure that it is functioning correctly on your device. I want your comments now, and not after it is deployed and you go "Oh, but it's not working for me, you ruined my internets forever!!11"'.

So what has changed?

  • The avatar pictures on the user list are back. (This was the most requested feature in the previous round.)
  • Some profile info (stats, location and introduction) are shown when you click on a user from the list.
  • Photo sharing is completed. To share a photo with another chatter, start a conversation with them, then find the photo icon near the top right, and then either click on one of your existing photos, or upload a new one to share it instantly.
  • Experimental webcam support. The web-based technologies (that is, those that work without the miasma that is Flash) for video are here, but support for them is spotty. Most notably, the technology will not work with Internet Explorer, and is only available with the newest version of Safari.
  • Choose between modern and classic look. If you want the message list without the avatar pictures, click on the cogwheel icon near the top left of the screen and then check "Traditional IRC layout".
  • Worked around an issue in iOS Safari that would prevent the message sound from playing properly. I would like to make a note here that developing for any Apple product is hell on Earth.

– Admin

Last edited on 1/16/2018 8:09 AM by Admin



AussieBoxer (42 )

1/16/2018 8:17 AM

I have tried using the webcam with the help of other users and unfortunately find it restrictive and user-unfriendly. It seems a user cannot start a webcam on their own, but need to start a conversation with someone else to do so. I think this is very problematic. The webcam should have a more easily accessed icon.
Other features of the new chat are fine.


smokey (0)

1/17/2018 10:24 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree with your complaints. Same here.



1/18/2018 10:46 AM

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I admit I don't understand why you would start the webcam on your own.


Legman77 (9 )

1/16/2018 8:19 AM

It took awhile to coordinate the webcam, but once we connected it worked well!


SileX (204 )

1/16/2018 8:19 AM

I tried the webcam, it worked! Video quality was good. The fullscreen button didn't do anything. The rest seems fine.


In this corner (8)

1/16/2018 8:26 AM



SileX (204 )

1/16/2018 9:14 AM

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I'm happy this wasn't the prevailing attitude when antibiotics were invented. I loathe leeches.


littleforbigg (3)

1/16/2018 8:11 PM

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The kind that attach to ur skin and bite or the human kind, who can also bite and attach themselves to u in a figurative way?


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:19 PM

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I agree. It’s making navigation more complicated, visually as well. Less is more. It’s getting unnecessarily complicated just like Globalfight got over the years. I’m assuming and end-user is designing this but now I’m not so sure. It’s taking up way much more real estate on my iPad then ever before and now is too crowded. I appreciate that Apple is a bitch but it’s not ideal as it was before. Before I thought it was near perfect, now I find it discouraging.


pndfighter (121 )

1/16/2018 4:24 PM

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I have no idea what it looks like on your device, but:

  • navigation and accessibility is actually easier and better on the updated version, because you have the dedicated column on each side. Left for you open channnels, middle for the chat, right for the members' list.
  • The chat has less clutter, better functionality, better overview and easier accessible options (speaking from my 5'' device)

Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:28 PM

(In reply to this)

Then you need to know what it looks like on other devices besides your own because it has more clutter, less functionality less overview and more difficult accessible options as seen on my 12 inch device. I could send you a screenshot if you like. But I’m already sensing that it makes no difference about my input or my satisfaction with this change, as bureaucracy always wins.


smokey (0)

1/19/2018 7:21 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't find the information on Meet Fight, that I had previously.


huge fighting man (2 )

1/16/2018 10:30 AM

I do not care for the new set up. I work a cash computer at work I will figure this out. I do not have to like it and I do not but I will get used to it.
I would of voted no


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:29 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree, I would not vote for it either. Less is more. Why fix it if it’s not broke?


parosfighter (0)

1/20/2018 3:32 AM

(In reply to this)

I'm lost. You can work a cash register. Marvellous. You are a genius. And your point is


StrikeFighter (74 )

1/16/2018 1:06 PM

I think the new chat is great. I've been using it (on Safari and on iOS) since it was made available and I've encountered no problems.

The only thing I'm not sure about is the different colours used for members' nicknames, apparently randomly. I think one single colour for all would look slicker.



1/16/2018 1:11 PM

(In reply to this)

Have you tried unchecking the "Colour nicknames in messages" option? You can find it after clicking the cogwheel icon on the top left.


StrikeFighter (74 )

1/16/2018 1:25 PM

Thanks! :)


pndfighter (121 )

1/16/2018 1:29 PM

I've been using it on Android and on PC through Chrome. It's been working great ever since. Photo share works on both devices as well.
As for the video option, I don't know if I've tried the Webcam option before it was officially supported, but as I started the cam one time I've had lots of feedback and/or whitenoise. Need to check again if that is still the case.
Otherwise, thanks for the ongoing quality improvements.


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:10 PM

On my iPad, looking at the new version, I see three columns. The first one to the left is blank and says meet fighters at the top. The middle column shows the chat and the third column to the far right shows the list of chatters’ names. The first column is blank, is it for anything? It has a little plus sign icon at the top which hApparently toggles “ join new channel. “ it also has an icon to go to settings. Is this column supposed to be useful for something? it’s taking up space and I would like to know how to click it off if possible.


pndfighter (121 )

1/16/2018 4:11 PM

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That column shows you all the chat channels, private chats that you have open at a given time. So yes, it has its uses.


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:26 PM

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You might believe it to be useful but it’s actually interfering with the visual calmness that was there before . I don’t know if you have an iPad but it looks absolutely insane on an iPad and is virtually impossible to navigate easily and is very non-intuitive as opposed to your original version. It is now as difficult to navigate as global fight.


pndfighter (121 )

1/16/2018 4:30 PM

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Could you attach a screenshot of how it looks on the Ipad and what's disturbing, so I can see if there's anything that could solve the issues from a user's perspective? It might just be a simple change in the settings.


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:33 PM

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I will try to send a screenshot but it seems like if you really want to do this properly you have covered all your bases by doing this while looking at an iPad. I’m assuming that you are looking at this on an iPad as well as other devices, or am I incorrect? I know that Apple is difficult to deal with. I’m a fairly sophisticated user when it comes to computer graphics and have worked in the design industry for many years. So I appreciate the complexities of different devices but are you checking them all out as part of do diligence towards developing the final version?


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:52 PM

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1 of 2 screenshots from Ipad Air 2 Please log in to view gallery photos.


HardfightFfm (73 )

1/18/2018 12:16 AM

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Did you work with Windows on your iPad? Your description is very similar to the screen of my windows smartphone.


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:16 PM

So I tried opening a message to someone in the field that opened up completely obliterates the regular list of chatters. There doesn’t seem to be anyway to move back-and-forth between my message and the chat room, as I could before when there were tabs. Is my iPad displaying this correctly?


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:22 PM

It’s making navigation more complicated, visually as well. Less is more. It’s getting unnecessarily complicated just like Globalfight got over the years. I’m assuming an end-user is designing this but now I’m not so sure. It’s taking up way much more real estate on my iPad then ever before and now is too crowded. I appreciate that Apple is a bitch but it’s not ideal as it was before. Before I thought it was near perfect, now I find it discouraging.


pndfighter (121 )

1/16/2018 4:37 PM

Don't get me wrong - I'm not the Admin or anything, so I personally am not changing anything on the chat-layout anyways. I'm basically just trying to find out, why it would look less appealing now than it did before.
I'm generally just interested if it might be an issue in the settings and if it might be changeable on your device or if it's a general issue of the layout for these kinds of resolutions/devices/software.


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:52 PM

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2 of 2 screenshots from Ipad Air 2 Please log in to view gallery photos.


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:55 PM

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As it appears here, opening a chat window completely covers up the rest of the chat, as it does in the original version. But the original version put this into a separate tab so that I could navigate easily back and forth between the private chat and the main chat room. Here, that doesn't appear possible unless there's a way to configure it through Settings I haven't intuitively discovered.


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 4:58 PM

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Ok, I'm now viewing this on a much larger screen on my PC and see I can switch back and forth between a private chat and the main chat room. So it works - but aesthetically it's harsher on the eyes, which might be hard to explain.

If I have more than one private chat going, when one chatter replies to me while I'm chatting with another one, does this get indicated somehow so I know the other guy is still talking to me? Hope this makes sense, it's hard to explain graphic stuff in words sometimes. Thanks for your wonderful patience!


pndfighter (121 )

1/16/2018 5:07 PM

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I just looked at the screenshots and noticed 2 things!

  • It looks exactly like on my phone, so there are no issues with Apple or anything. The only thing that seems different is the actual resolution. (Have you tried using the chat in landscape mode?).
  • for the second one where the "chat window covers the screen". You are supposed to hit the "Send a Message" button. Then the New tab opens. The part you see there is just a brief info about the person you might want to talk to without actually looking up his complete profile (as that sometimes does not work for mobile devices)

Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 5:13 PM

(In reply to this)

Ok, that all makes sense, thank you. But I still emphasize that the new design of the visual presentation is much harsher on the eyes and does not have the nice flow that the original version had. Please pass that info on to the designer. There is too much visual clutter and it's more disorganized structurally.


pndfighter (121 )

1/16/2018 5:15 PM

(In reply to this)

Some of the clutter (such as the colours and the pictures in the "main" chat lines) can be disabled in the settings. This makes it much easier on the eye too!


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 5:36 PM

(In reply to this)

It appears that there is no way to "grab" an edge of a column to widen or narrow it. As you can see, on my PC the column of chatter's names is too narrow and is cutting off some of the names. I would like to be able to widen it and thus also narrow the column where room chat happens. Hope this makes sense. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 5:16 PM

(In reply to this)

Also, is there a way to widen or reduce the size of a column? It appears that I should be able to click on the edge to change it, but I can't. The column that displays the chat is much too wide, while the column the displays the names of the chatters is much too narrow. Is there a way to change their width? thanks!


Animal KingDom (19 )

1/16/2018 5:55 PM

When someone sends me a message to my message box - before I would get a prompt that showed up while I was in chat. This doesn't seem to be happening now - is this something that gets turned on in one of the Settings?


Sanyi (2)

1/16/2018 7:59 PM

i like it everything works OK.


smokey (0)

1/16/2018 8:13 PM

I am one of those that say if it works why change it.


Handysy (0)

1/16/2018 10:51 PM



ImtiazAli (198)

1/17/2018 12:17 AM

I like the joke in quotes. Made me LOL!


matwork21 (14)

1/17/2018 4:24 PM

New chat is good. A couple of notes:
1. In the old chat whenever you got a message in chat it changed the tab on the browser to have an icon that showed you had new messages. In this chat (I'm using Chrome browser with the new chat client) I don't see that any longer.
2. Some people show up with a "+" in front of their name making chat posts, but don't show up in the list of "online" people.



1/18/2018 11:03 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you for your feedback! It is much appreciated.

  1. I will see if I can restore that functionality for the new chat.
  2. It is possible to stay on the chat while letting your session on the site expire. This is not new, but also not a really troublesome issue IMO.

Sean MacGowan (10 )

1/17/2018 7:37 PM

The new chat looks GREAT, thanks for all the work. My only request/suggestion would be a way to hide the profile pics on the chat list. I love that the pics are bigger, but that doesn't work for when I log on to chat from work. ;)

Otherwise, all awesome and my request is minor for sure. Thanks!


LA Stocky Wrestler (18)

1/19/2018 6:34 PM

Louder sound notification on new private messages please in chat. Am using Chrome on a Windows PC now, and the notification sound is not loud enough imo. I hear other notifications like when a favorite comes in perfectly. Can the low thud/knock be replaced with another slightly louder notification sound? Thanks!



1/20/2018 8:32 PM

So, about the new Chat. In its current form it's definitely a beta offering.

1) There are options menus in both the top left and top right corners. This is going to be confusing for IRC non-fluent users.

2) You need to tick autocomplete list for the autocomplete without a list to work. Standard IRC practice is autocomplete is turned on automagically, and ticking that option should instead give you that extra line of matching nicknames as it works now.

3) "Traditional IRC layout", this isn't exactly intuitive, when it just means tighter line spacing.

4) Ticking/unticking any combination of Show Timestamps and Show 24 Hour Timestamps ... shows no Timestamps.

5) Block New Private Messages is a bit of a ... drastic option, isn't it?

6) Messages in scrollback ... what's the limit on this? Some of us will set it at the maximum line limit.

7) Extra formatting < What does this do? I tried to use some BBCode and it didn't do anything.

8) Operator tools should just be hidden, no users will ever use/be able to use this.

9) Ditto for the top-right Channel Options, the whole Topic section will never be used by standard users.

10) Show when people join should be turned on by default. Else how will you know when people join the chat without scanning the whole user list constantly?

11) Extra message formatting doesn't do anything when BBCode is used.

12) I tried to webcam with another user in a PM, and whilst each of us could see ourselves in the bottom right picture in picture on our respective screens, we couldn't see the other person in the main screen area, this remained black. This was attempted repeatedly.

13) Further to 12, when someone sends you a webcam call request & you're using Chrome (current version), Chrome prompts you to refresh/leave the page, as a new frame is generated for the webcam picture, agreeing to leave/refresh the page causes the entire page to refresh, and you disconnect from chat altogether. This is problematic.

I'll edit this or reply to this when I find more stuff.


Sam (203)

1/24/2018 4:33 PM

When I access Chat on my Android phone, it's so easy to tap the Back button and unintentionally kick myself out, thus losing ongoing chats and interrupting our discussion. I do it often! Please add a verification question upon leaving chat (Do you really want to exit chat?). Thanks for your consideration.



1/25/2018 9:35 AM

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This is odd because a confirmation before leaving the page is already implemented on the new chat. It works OK on my android devices. Can you please say which browser you are using?


Sam (203)

1/25/2018 9:38 AM

(In reply to this)

I'm using Chrome.


smokey (0)

3/25/2018 1:40 AM

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I cant find my favorites


smokey (0)

1/26/2018 10:56 AM

I don't understand :cogwheel: Smokey


WeeJimmie (35)

2/09/2018 5:04 AM

The new chat doesn't work for me on android 4.4.2. The kiwi one does. If necessary I could use the new chat on my kindle as it works there okay. I'm not too worried about web cam function. Simply to be able to chat is useful.


leelondon (13)

2/11/2018 2:09 PM

Is the IRC connection to by third party software still supported? I am getting "connection refused". Haven't changed any settings this end and have verified the username and password is correct.


Julian Chang (129 )

3/02/2018 1:40 AM

I know it's late coming in, but one of the little things that's been annoying me is that the "added to silence list" messages keep making sounds. And because they're on the system messages side, changes to notification preferences on the main chatroom don't flow through. I'd rather those system messages be silent by default.

Thanks as always!


scissor fanatic (2)

3/06/2018 4:46 AM

In "beta" chat platform, I very much like the abbreviated user profile that comes up when you select a person to view --- my one and only comment would be that height and weight are reversed from the general format used throughout meetfighter profiles... In the profile, height is listed first, then weight... in the chat function, they are reversed – that is just a slight bit disorienting.... not a huge problem - just a deviation from the norm!

Thank you guys for all your hard work – designing websites and all the editing and debugging cannot be an easy process!!
