Longtime member omr24 pointed out that the "I am willing to host" label in profiles under the "Travel" section was ambiguous. This checkbox was intended to indicate that you are willing to provide some place to sleep for visiting members, like couch surfing. However, due to the way it was phrased it could be interpreted as "willing to host a match".

This has now been remedied; the checkbox is now labeled "Bed and Breakfast". If you have put this in your profile with the interpretation that you are hosting matches only, please remove it and select "I have access to mats" or "I have access to a ring" under "Interests".

Additionally, I have posted a new page titled "Bed and Breakfast" that helps you quickly search for such.

In other news, I regret to inform you that we are not accepting new submissions to the Events page pending a review of how to proceed with that feature.

Last edited on 7/13/2018 9:27 AM by Admin



ginobear1234 (9)

7/13/2018 9:44 AM

I think there should still be an option to explicitly make it clear if someone is willing to host a match. Not everyone that can host a match has mats or a ring. Plenty of us make do with other things. So I don’t see why we wouldn’t have a match hosting checkbox.


STL promission MO (6)

7/13/2018 9:50 AM

(In reply to this)

Maybe something like 'wrestling space to host' even if they don't have Mats


Kureitondesu (14 )

7/13/2018 3:36 PM

(In reply to this)

I second that. It could be mats, a mattress, or in case of boxing matches just open space.
I've never took "hosting" as sleep over on this or any site.


The Kestrel (47 )

7/13/2018 9:56 AM

(In reply to this)

Then select "I have access to mats"? Regardless of what you have to wrestle on, it does state you can facilitate a match which is the entire purpose of that option.


Long for this (19)

7/13/2018 10:13 AM

(In reply to this)

I agree with that Kestrel. Remember KISS !! ( Keep it simple stupid !!)


Vanman (87 )

7/13/2018 10:46 AM

(In reply to this)

You know Kestrel well then mate! LOL


The Kestrel (47 )

7/13/2018 12:10 PM

(In reply to this)

Cheeky bloody northerner, I'll rip yer head off for that 💪


musclefightsmuscle1 (14)

7/14/2018 12:51 AM

(In reply to this)

That's not so. Some people only want genuine competition using the approved equipment, i.e. mats! Others are fine with a roll on a mattress match. The "I have access to mats" is not the same thing as "I can host a match." The change makes no sense to me at all since this option was always paired with the "how far I can travel" option. The first question for any actual meet-up is where it's going to take place and who can travel and who can host. The changing of this feature means now that instead of fighters being able to determine immediately whether a match is feasible with someone; they will have to inquire. I don't see how this is an improvement at all, particularly since the BandB situation is rare whereas the host or travel issue pertains to every single potential meet-up. Thumbs down from me on this change.


LdnGrapple (64)

7/13/2018 12:25 PM

(In reply to this)

👍Bed and Breakfast option meaning 'accommodate visitor overnight'.
' Host a match' option would be short and sweet.


musclefightsmuscle1 (14)

7/14/2018 12:52 AM

(In reply to this)

Agreed! Much better.


Rassle4Fun (178)

7/14/2018 1:40 AM

(In reply to this)

I agree.
Bed & Breskfast = host over night
Access to mats or to a ring DOES NOT mean u can host a match. It can mean u can own mats or u can borrow mats or u can rent mats.

Where is the


gpau1900 (4 )

7/13/2018 11:50 AM

I think you should also re-label 'I have access to xyz" to "I can host a match". That would make things much clearer.


The Kestrel (47 )

7/13/2018 12:09 PM

(In reply to this)

See above comment, whole point is that you can facilitate a match, does not matter where or what on, details of venue can be brought up when planning a match, so what is the point of creating more buttons for the same thing?


gpau1900 (4 )

7/14/2018 2:51 AM

(In reply to this)

I'm not suggesting creating new buttons. I'm suggesting that since one button was changed to "clear up ambiguity" then the other button should also be changed for the same reason. Net result is the same amount of buttons, or even one less if you get rid of both mats and ring and replace them with a single "I can host a match". I will never tick the box saying I have mats or a ring, because I don't have them, nor do I need them for my style of fighting. A new member could never possibly know that "I have access to mats or a ring" means they can host a match without mats or a ring. The confusion in the comments on this thread proves the point that there is ambiguity.


Zeus (15)

7/13/2018 12:44 PM

I am agree to keep the label “host a match” which is more clear you can have matches at home. “ I have access to mats” no necessarily means I will be at home. I think it is better to keep things clear in the profile to avoid missunderstanding. The option “bed and breakfast” should be additional to make a point you can invite to spend the night in your home for travelers. When more features are added to make clear your profile is better and I don’t think is too complicated. It is still KSS. ;)


Rassle4Fun (178)

7/13/2018 10:09 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree with all said
Bed & Breakfast means can host overnight
Have access to mats means I have or I know where we can wrestle on mats.
Have access to Ring means I know where we can rent a ring. I only know and wrestled 3 guys out of 200+ that actually had a ring of their own.
Therefore for most of the real guys here that can host a match at their HOTEL or at their home there is NO OPTION to pick.

There should be an option that specifically says:


TigerWizard (25)

7/13/2018 1:09 PM

I think removing the events and stopping submissions to events page is dreadful idea it makes no sense at all. People go out of the way to organise these events. Often because they are a small in number the organisers go home poorer or they make back their costs its rare to make a profit. It’s great opportunity for people to group up and meet up and to wrestle in a friendly and positive environment. It’s great for new starters to pick up tips and information and is also great for people who lack facilities to host or have venues not near to them. It’s not for everyone I know but it should be option i do hope you will re consider this and make events page a integral part of the site


Dubblejab (23 )

7/13/2018 1:36 PM

I would like cinnamon scones with breakfast, and a nice, colorful quilt on the bed :)


Magneto (12)

7/13/2018 1:47 PM

(In reply to this)

HAHAHAHAHA! good one! :)


scottimike (26 )

7/13/2018 2:26 PM

Also surprised about the cancelling the organised low cost event aspect , can we know more why not ?? Has something occurred? Have wanted to attend one at some stage.


musclefightsmuscle1 (14)

7/14/2018 4:58 AM

(In reply to this)

I agree with this. Why is this option being eliminated?


Rassle4Fun (178)

7/13/2018 2:52 PM

The idea of bed and breakfast is an excellent idea thank you for that category
I am sorry but having access to mats and have an access to a ring doesn’t mean that I want to host a match.
I have wrestling over 200 guys and I will never say I want to host a match in my hotel or home when I don’t have a ring and I don’t have a mat. So you are leaving guys like me that wrestle in hotels at my house that don’t have a mats with no option.
therefore there should be a category that says explicitly: HOST A MATCH


FlDean2012 (117 )

7/13/2018 3:37 PM

Each person should make it clear exactly what they are looking for in their descriptions. Just like pictures are looked over, so should text that people put on a profile.

I have noticed a lot of the event page info the people really dont want to do them, they just want to advertise it to let the people know that they will be in that area, so they also need to be looked at and okayed before they go on to that page too.



Ironbull (96)

7/13/2018 5:03 PM

Please please keep the events page. Or at least allow us to link to an external site or promote our events in the blogs page. Or have a category in the Forums section.

Surely we are here to meet fighters. Half my past opponents were people I met at meets.


TigerWizard (25)

7/13/2018 7:07 PM

(In reply to this)

I like the way they mentioned oh by the way not very important but we doing this without any discussion to its members on the events. It seems anyone who charges for anything is bad thing and should be banned from the site. Like room hires that has gone just you wait someone will start charging for b&B next and that will be banned


munichsubfight (178)

7/13/2018 5:10 PM

I always understood "Have access to mats" as "Have access to some space suitable for ground fighting".
And likewise "Have access to ring" as "Have access to some space suitable for standup fighting".

Only few guys that "have access to mats" have real professional mats, and even those "real mats" vary a lot in quality and suitability.
A pair of matresses and a plastic foil (the kind you buy at the hardware store if you want to build a small pond in your garden) can be much better than the lower end professional mats.

This "change" is not so much a change, but a clarification of what flag bears which meaning.
The clarification was necessary, because some users interpreted the flags in one way, some in another way, and so for some it feels like a change, while for others it just rephrases in better words what always has been that way.


licyberfighter (8)

7/13/2018 5:44 PM

This is a stupendously stupid change. You really need to add an option that says "willing to host matches." Only particularly old and weird members of this site didn't understand hosting to mean providing a space for the match.


Vice (56)

7/13/2018 7:01 PM

There is nothing wrong about hving something with double meaning. Ppl can actually talk to eachother and ask.

Anyway most ppl i know that can hoat a match have neither mats no ring.



7/13/2018 10:13 PM

how about........?

host match only
host overnight

check one, both,

and maybe add
do not host

as options.
hey, after talking the mat question (if that critical) can be answered, etc.


TBLHockeyGeek (80 )

7/14/2018 5:18 AM

Honestly I think the easiest way now since everyone who had "Willing to Host" is in a new list that states that they are willing to have people stay with them is to keep "Willing to Host" but change the title to "Willing to Host a Match" and start a new thing for people to state they are willing to overnight people.

Because now a bunch of people are flagged as willing to overnight when they dont. Its weird that you guys chose the worst option to fix this by now making it worse.


Scooter (71 )

7/14/2018 7:15 AM

I am usually on board with the improvements you guys make on this site and know that omr24 is a smart guy. But “bed and breakfast” makes no sense. I don’t run a bed and breakfast, but I occasionally host wrestling friends overnight. Keep it simple... “can host a match”, or “can host overnight”.


Vanman (87 )

7/14/2018 11:28 AM

On the events page point, I would be sad to see it go however Admin only said:

"We are not accepting new submissions to the Events page pending a review of how to proceed with that feature."

So I take from that

1 a review is pending
2 the feature may continue

I think it's really unhelpful to start saying it's a stupid decision before that decision is made.

Give admin some slack guys and be part of the review. By this I mean what would YOU change about the events page?

I would

Keep the ability to organise group meets

Stop people suggesting multiple bouts when they are in an area. (E.G. I'm available 18/19/20 of July)

Events should only appear on your profile if the organiser confirms you were there.

Quick review of an event in same way as photos maybe to ensure no one is posting commercially


hephaestion2014 (47)

7/16/2018 6:15 PM

(In reply to this)

I would be sad to see the events go. It's probably through group meets advertised on there that I met many people I wouldn't have which have lead me to make mates and meet other wrestlers in a way that I felt safe and secure.

But as you say. It's under review and it was nearly removed before so maybe the writing is on the wall. I'm guessing there might be issues with it that as a user I don't see in the way that admin does. So I'm not hysterical about it. Change happens. But please no giving us a referendum! 😁

I guess instead of being a separate option, maybe group meets could be incorporated into match requests?

But as you say, let's see what happens when it happens.


Richard (2)

7/14/2018 1:44 PM

I agree with much of what has been said. I had always assumed that 'I can host' meant 'I can host a match,' which from my experience is how other site users I have met interpret that phrase.

I think we should have the following simple categories:

  • can host a match
  • have access to mats
  • can host an overnight stay

I don't care for the phrase 'bed and breakfast,' because that makes this site feel a bit like a dating site.


Rassle4Fun (178)

7/14/2018 3:51 PM

(In reply to this)

I second ur motion 100%


- have access to mat -
it doesn’t mean I have mats in my house and doesn’t mean I can host a match.


Wrestleme (17)

7/16/2018 4:37 PM

Well I took the advice and ticked I have access to mats and people are now asking where the nearby mat room is. So I have unticked that option! Also I unticked able to host (even though no one knew and still appears to know it meant B&B!) I will leave something in my profile comments as easier


Tanker (205)

7/22/2018 7:58 AM

Hope the events page does not disappear. It's a great way for newbies and foreign vistors to a country to meet actual wrestlers.
(As oppose to the fakes and timewasters).
As regards the debate over host and bed and breakfast misunderstandings can occur, it's life. Surely this would be discussed an ironed out before meeting. You can't possibly cover every eventuality .


Tanker (205)

7/22/2018 8:07 AM

Ps can't think of anything I would actually change on the events page


Nalgona (0)

12/30/2018 5:49 PM

why complicate things, isnt life already full of misunderstandings, aint no one have no time for confusion.

why not just ask: 'sleepover' , "quick match" "virtual cam match". "outdoors" "


Rassle4Fun (178)

12/30/2018 6:45 PM

What about if I want to host a match in my hotel room and
- I do not have mats?
- And I do not have mats in my room?
- And I do not want to host the guy over nigh?

What do I mark to host my match?
