MeetFighters News

Profile and Picture changes

New profile layout

You’ll probably have noticed that the layout of your MeetFighters profile has changed. In an effort to give our members an instant visual overview of who you are and what you’re into, a big main photo – your Avatar – now takes up roughly a third of your profile page. Your stats, location, the languages you speak and your gear preferences are conveniently located to the right. Below the Avatar you’ll find thumbnails for any other public pictures you may have (more about this later on) and below those, your introduction text followed by your interests, preferred fighting styles and the list of your past opponents.

Changes to Photo Peer Review

Over the past number of years, our admittedly complicated rules regarding photo classification have been the number one cause of complaints and support requests. We’ve listened. Photo Peer Review has been simplified. From now on, there are only three types of pictures on
  1. Your Avatar. This is the main photo on your profile and the thumbnail that will represent you in Chat, search lists and so on. Avatar photos have to show the unobscured face or the unobscured body from the neck down to the waist (or both), they cannot be erotic, they have to be taken from the front and they can only show one person.
  2. Public Photos. Public photos are all other photos that up until now were categorized as profile photos or gallery photos. They can be ‘softcore’ but not ‘hardcore’.
  3. Private Photos. Basically, anything else. Pictures classified as ‘Private’ cannot be viewed publicly but can be attached to messages sent to other members. (Please note that uploading copyrighted images, images featuring minors or images featuring symbols of oppression will get you suspended.)
So how does this work? Simple. From now on, any picture you upload (unless you select ‘Private’) will ask Photo Peer Review to indicate whether it is erotic, and to what degree. Any pictures classified ‘hardcore’ or higher will go straight to ‘Private’, the rest can be shown publicly. - They are no other classifications, we need the erotic classification for technical and legal reasons, we have to do them.
Every picture (except hardcore or private) can be moved freely between your gallery and profile page at any time! You can now move all your cat pics to your profile page!

To set a photo as your Avatar, you’ll have to self-assess your picture by going through a series of questions. The site will then tell you whether the photo can be used as an Avatar or not, and why. After successful self-assessment, your photo will go through our peer review system for Avatar use, where photos that were wrongly self-assessed by their owners will be rejected.
Photo Peer Review is done from all members of Meetfighters, not from the site administration.
If all of this sounds complicated, it’s not. We hope that our new system will mean less classification, less complaints, and a visually cleaner site.
If you open the first time Photo Peer Review or Photo management a short tutorial will give you a quick overview.

Changes in photo management

You can still manage your photos in handy galleries (‘Boxing Gear’, for example, or ‘Action Shots’.) But now you can also drag and drop, which means moving public pictures between galleries (and from your galleries to your main profile pages) has become easier.

HD photos for all!

Soon, all of the photos on our site will be rendered in HD (High Definition) for all members – not just donating members. As there are currently well over 400,000 pictures on our site, this process will take some time, probably about a month. Our aim is to render Avatar pictures first, followed by public and private photos.

Help us grow!

Over the years we’ve found that word-of-mouth marketing is the best way of attracting genuine new members to MeetFighters. For this, we obviously depend on you – our current members. As a thank-you gift, members who recruit new members now receive 90 days of free donor status. Start spreading the word! (Invite a friend.)

Would you like to join our Translation Team?

Last but not least, we’d like to let you know that has recently been made available in Bahasa Indonesia and Thai. Our Translation Team is always on the lookout for volunteers. Fluent speakers of any languages currently MeetFighters is currently not available in are welcome, but we’re specifically interested in hearing from speakers of Polish, Greek, Russian, Chinese (both Mandarin and Cantonese), Arabic and Turkish, to name but a few that are obvious gaps on our list.

Give it a chance

It is our hope that this new system helps by keeping our goal, to show a clear picture of the person you are about to meet but additional allows you to show different pictures on your profile landing page that until now could only be appear in your gallery.
If has still too many picture rules for you, you can visit :)

The system is simple but hard to explain; it really does provide you with a lot of freedom in how you manage your pictures! Before you punch your keyboard to write a comment, give it a chance and try it out!

Best Regards,
MeetFighters Team

Last edited on 2/01/2020 10:12 AM by Admin




2/01/2020 10:25 AM

Thank you. Let's give this a try. Where is the best place to give feedback about the most current changes/updates?


SuppleWrestler (19 )

2/01/2020 10:28 AM

Looks fine to me .


tallfitldn (61 )

2/01/2020 10:29 AM

Love the cleaner layout and more emphasis on the pics. Well done guys!



2/01/2020 10:30 AM

Small feedback can be posted here if you find something bigger, then a Support ticket might be the better choice.


GrappleViking (116 )

2/01/2020 10:49 AM

I have to agree with tallfitldn; love the emphasis on pics, and overall cleaner layout. Looks sleek.
Well done, as always! 👏🏼


Bright71 (9)

2/01/2020 10:49 AM

Definitely a lot better and simpler - great!


Shadow Knight (78 )

2/01/2020 10:52 AM

What section in Photo Peer Review will Action Shots be under?



2/01/2020 10:56 AM

(In reply to this)

This classification does no longer exist!
We only care about how erotic the picture is. like action shot can be 'clean' when both people wear shorts. 'Mild' when they chose to tight gear. Or 'hardcore' when they fight naked.
If the member wants to use an action shot as his avatar some of our additional yes/no avatar questions will disqualify the pic as an avatar.

If it is not an avatar picture we simply don't care anymore about that stuff :)


Shadow Knight (78 )

2/01/2020 11:19 AM

(In reply to this)

Ok thanks for the clarification


wetspeedos (28 )

2/01/2020 11:12 AM

I like the new layout but not keen on the way new members are shown as before you could hovver over them and they would say where they are located. I could therefore quickly and easily determine anyone who was located relatively close to me. Now you have to open up every profile. That to me is a backward step but just my opinion albeit thanks for continually trying to improve the site generally :)



2/01/2020 11:31 AM

(In reply to this)

The hover-over got not changed, you should still see on the What's New page where the member is located.
In the last 2h, a bunch of small bugfixes were done could you try it again, maybe that was one of the side effects.
Does anyone else have similar problems?


wetspeedos (28 )

2/01/2020 12:50 PM

(In reply to this)

Aha yes thank you .......The hovvering over does now indeed reveal the location :)


CY-football (6 )

2/01/2020 11:46 AM

I'm interested in volunteering for the Greek translations.



2/01/2020 11:59 AM

(In reply to this)

I'm very happy to hear that, please open a help topic here:


Ricotewrestler (256 )

2/01/2020 12:03 PM

Wonderful new layout! Kudos to all involved ! I’d love to volunteer for any Spanish translations if needed!


Scotinmanc (3)

2/01/2020 12:09 PM

Am liking all the changes you guys have made - profile pages look so much better.
Photo classification system makes much more sense.
Great work guys - thanks!


musclem8 (30)

2/01/2020 12:20 PM

Too corporate. Easier to get a passport photo approved



2/01/2020 12:30 PM

(In reply to this)

Depends on the country I guess. ;)


lessrepressed (3 )

2/01/2020 12:23 PM

Thanks so much for the investment, team!!!


ruffnhard (117)

2/01/2020 12:25 PM

Much better photo classification... at last we can post pics of standard wrestling holds without them being classed as x-rated!
Thank you!



2/01/2020 12:32 PM

Glad it gets such positive feedback. It was the biggest change to one fo the fundamental features for a long, long time. We really worked hard on it.
So happy it worked out great and gets well-received - mostly. You can't make all happy.

Based on the feedback in the coming days/weeks we are open to fine-tuning the avatar question and system.


nofabio (13)

2/01/2020 12:47 PM

Personally was hoping the re-design would stop blocking the small circular random profile pics on half the screen at the upper right, as it used to not do! Don't understand what benefit there is to it doing that, but just an opinion; otherwise LOVE your site!


nofabio (13)

2/01/2020 12:50 PM

I mean when it pops up notifications; & to see the random circular profile pics you have to manually disable them.


tjenkins948 (17 )

2/01/2020 1:44 PM

I'm still interested to see when Meetfighters is now on as an app. Who is working on an Android and iOS app version. Website is still great to have but app better, and uses less data refresh



2/01/2020 2:00 PM

(In reply to this)

This is one of the major reasons why we need to have an erotic rating for pictures (–> Apple App Store rules)
All previous and future updates we do have in mind preparing the site and its features to be integrated into an app.
Most of the site code is 10y old and got extended over the years.
The new chat in example got created to be easily integrated into an app version. The new picture management too.
Basically, every single feature of the site gets reviewed and modernised. Next big topic is the messaging system.
About the App: Stay tuned!
The site is run by a handful of volunteers. It takes time.


tjenkins948 (17 )

2/01/2020 2:39 PM

(In reply to this)

I'd be interested in being a volunteer developer w/ the app store



2/01/2020 2:43 PM

(In reply to this)

We are currently not looking to extend our core team - only translators are more than welcome and site supporters for the US time zone.
But if you have a lot of experience feel free to drop a message anyway:


ikf (23 )

2/01/2020 3:12 PM

I'm on desktop.

I would prefer the "Interests" section to be up near "Location" and "Stats". In fact the "interests" section is the most important to me, so I would prefer it to be the first one.

For me, the style icons could be put next to each other, and the style names moved from visible text into text that apppears when hovering over the icon, to save screen space. So it would be just one line of icons.

Further space savings would be nice by reducing the size of the "years on site"/"past opponents"/"recommendations" trio.

Generally, on desktop, a number of things are just too big now. Desktop starts to look like if it was small-screen mobile, where you need to make things take up a bigger part of the screen to be visible/touchable. So in the long term, I would welcome a desktop-appropriate theme/sizing.

And maybe I would like an option to swap the two columns: have the avatar on the right, and the textual information on the left. (But I'm not sure about this yet.)


Boxe (5)

2/01/2020 3:50 PM

Well, let's give it a try and give some feedback


Boxe (5)

2/01/2020 3:58 PM

(In reply to this)

The changes looks great so far.


synxiec (74)

2/01/2020 5:16 PM

I was wondering how this would look on mobile and it looks good there, too. I can’t wait to check this on desktop.


Subduded Dude (6)

2/01/2020 5:18 PM

While I appreciate the work you've done to improve this feature, having now reviewed a few peer photos, I have to say the new process is laborious and time consuming – it will reduce my personal participation. Just my 2 cents.



2/01/2020 5:20 PM

(In reply to this)

The detailed questions only appear for avatar pictures, most pics are only required the erotic classification what is one mouse click/tab. What is less than it was before. :)


bobster (30)

2/01/2020 5:40 PM

My only question is in the Photo Peer Review why can we no longer see where the wrestlers or boxers are located? We might like a photo and want to contact them.
Can anyone give me some advise on how to do this? Thank you.
the new layout looks great and you do get a much better photo of the individual in the profile.



2/01/2020 7:33 PM

(In reply to this)

This is because of data privacy.
To classify a picture this information is not needed.


ikf (23 )

2/01/2020 6:12 PM

a potential bug: the chatroom now shows new user registrations without resolving the link code into an actual link, so it comes through as this text (spaces added to prevent translation here): New user has registered: [ [ users/Łukasz|Łukasz ] ]



2/01/2020 7:34 PM

(In reply to this)

This is because of the special character 'Ł' all other names are correctly transformed. It is a minor bug has nothing to do with the picture update.


Didja1 (21)

2/01/2020 9:19 PM

I like the new format, but I agree with bobster. It was nice to see location.



2/01/2020 9:23 PM

(In reply to this)

You can still see recently uploaded pictures here:


Redhead (2)

2/01/2020 9:59 PM

Well done and thanks for the positive update. Avatar photos - could you give us all the options together on one screen? If we know it's not suitable for an avatar photo we can just click 'no' on that option first without having to cycle through all the other questions. It might speed it up the process a bit. The 2/3 taken up by face or body may rule out a lot of otherwise very good photos if applied strictly.


BilBeaux (0)

2/02/2020 12:21 AM

Nice lay-out of profiles.
Change is good.
Have to get a pic up...


PittProWrestler (8)

2/02/2020 2:50 AM

For the new photo review process, I hope there's a "back button". I just misclicked and had to skip a photo.


ikf (23 )

2/02/2020 7:43 AM

a potential bug: when I open up this profile there is no "Interests" section whatsoever on my screen; yet on my profile views list his profile shows 6 fighting style icons.


Cdncplfight (17)

2/02/2020 11:47 AM

nice improvements. Would still be good in photo review to be able to hover over the pic or have a link that takes you to the person's profile. Many of us are interested in the person as part of the photo review process but then can't quickly and easily connect to check them out.


Ringwrestler (35)

2/27/2020 4:39 AM

(In reply to this)



Assasinman (9 )

2/02/2020 4:30 PM

Thanks for this good work. I can be translator to Indonesian


NJWoodbridge (141)

2/02/2020 4:41 PM

Never mind.


edscissors (30 )

2/02/2020 11:43 PM

Thank you yet again, Admin, for working so hard to make our site so outstanding. As ever, it may take a little while to get used to the changes but that's all it'll take. I think the new photo review system is a great improvement. It may take a little longer for avatar pics but it seems clearer and less open to ambivalence.


Tanker (205)

2/03/2020 12:53 PM

Looks good to me!
Welcome the changes to photo classification rules(speaking as serial whinger on the subject😉).
Appreciate the constant work you all do to improve the (already excellent)site🤗
If only everything was as good as Meetfighters!


kimmetje (150 )

2/03/2020 4:50 PM

Loving the new changes to the photo section and the profiles, I think it looks way better and more inviting and also encourages to send better quality pics through as well!

For the photo classification peer review, is it possible for the very useful pop-up helping to determine if we made the right decision to be less on top of the picture? :)


foamfighter (1)

2/03/2020 7:42 PM

Bigger photos is a big improvement. Now we can better see who people are.

Changes that have made the site worse:
- We can now only see that people have been online "today" instead of how many hours ago. Why?
- The photo gallery in the top. Previously if I saw two interesting profiles in the top gallery, I could visit one profile, go back and then visit the other one afterwards. But now that gallery shows new profiles when going back one page, rather than showing the same ones.



2/03/2020 8:34 PM

(In reply to this)

- We can now only see that people have been online "today" instead of how many hours ago. Why?
Data privacy and technical reasons. It is important that this member is still active, the exact hour is not relevant here. Also, it was not very reliable with certain smartphones, the browser is 'always active' in the background.


joeyj 32 (3)

2/03/2020 11:29 PM

It looks good. My only comment is on the photo classification page. You can’t tell who it is in the pic. You might want to check them out and now you don’t know who they are unless I’m missing something thanks.


ChiFight (6)

2/04/2020 3:15 AM

Overall I really like the site and most of the updates have been good ones, including the new layout, but since this post seems open to opinions/suggestions while the simplified nature of the classification system is better, the peer review system is problematic based on its fickle and arbitrary nature, it’s reliance on opinion, the lack of consistency and the stated disregard of precedent.

Under the last system I had multiple pictures declined for showing too much skin when they showed the same or less than my current pictures. Sometimes in the exact same outfit. (Not sex club attire mind you, things I wore on the beach in multiple counties without issue)

I have a current one where it was flagged as a “fragment” when the rules say “must show clear face shot OR body from neck to waist” and mine showed me from top of the head almost down to my knees only exception being the face blurred. (That’s to say it qualifies under the neck to waist requirement). I’ve had two others come back flagged as “too dark” when you could see every body part (down to body hair) and piece of equipment clearly, then when it’s just put through peer review again now it’s “too blurry” (well which is it??) when nothing was blurry but the intentional face blur. It seems some people want to flag them just to flag them, but they aren’t fitting the definition of what the tags likely intend (I assume too dark or blurry means too dark or blurry to make details out or to know what you are seeing...not “I see fine detail, but it was taken in a room with the lights slightly dimmed”).

Although I pointed out exactly how it fits the current rules... the support answer was just to send it through peer review again, meaning it will probably get misflagged again.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the point of this system is because of how many photos you’d have to go through, but what’s the point of an appeal system if it both disregards dozens of other current examples and can’t just overrule the judgement of peer review when there is a solid argument based on the letter of the rules?

The problem with peer review being the final word on it is that you not only have to weigh the opinion of people who misread or misinterpret the rules, but people who abuse the system by tagging pics differently based on their own personal grudges or biases. Attempting to tag pics with a more restrictive rating than it deserves just to get back at someone for turning them down or because they don’t like your attire or complain about pics that don’t show faces, etc. I don’t doubt this happens. Human beings can be petty.

For getting though the bulk of pictures peer review makes sense, but the admins should be able to overrule a poor classification if it makes no sense, strong arguments can be made, or you can point a bunch of other current examples... without just sending it back to the same jury that made a mistake the last time.

Other than that thanks for the site. You do very good work.


PunchingBagWanted (5)

12/20/2020 4:23 PM

(In reply to this)

Notice you don't get a response from Admin. on a clearly logical complaint. I agree with you totally.


wetspeedos (28 )

2/05/2020 8:59 AM

Hi. Today is February 5 and yet each time I switch on Meetfighters and click on the 'join chat' or 'new stuff' buttons there is a banner at the top that says and this is a direct cut'n'paste ......Our site will be offline for maintenance at 12/11/2019 5:00 AM (your local time) for approximately 3 hours.

Surely this should have been removed long ago?

Thanks WS


Funfighter1985 (37 )

2/13/2020 10:30 AM

I used to receive notifications if any of my favorites uploaded new pictures. I no longer receive those updates. Only if they change their profile. But not for videos or pictures. Bug or intentional?


jdindy (30)

2/23/2020 6:03 PM

Love the site personally but not in agreement with the avatar photo rules. Why must an avatar photo be shirtless? Is a wrestling singlet not wrestling attire? And why are some avatar photos in concurrence with the new rules while others are not? If a photo gets approved as not sexually suggestive, why not allow the person the option to use that photo as an avatar photo? Is the avatar photo not the first photo a person sees? Not a fan of this process.


PunchingBagWanted (5)

12/20/2020 4:26 PM

(In reply to this)

Agree totally.


Didja1 (21)

2/27/2020 11:56 PM

I love this site. But, I agree with jdindy.
We need to tweak the process.
