rowdyraccoon is recommended by Scrapper147 (3/10/2025)
I had a great match with this man, and he is true to his profile name! To start it was super easy to set up a mash with him and he is a super nice guy on and off the mats. We started off slow slowly, but when we decided to go 100%, he really gave me a nice challenge.
I recommend him highly and look forward to a rematch
Dynamo is recommended by LeeLocks (3/10/2025)
[EN] - My match with Dynamo was intense and enjoyable. He is an experienced wrestler with vast knowledge in Mexican Lucha Libre, which I love, and submission wrestling. Dynamo is a very strong and tall wrestler who fights to win. I’m not ashamed to say that he dominated this match even though I fought will all my strength. His technical wrestling prowess and power are true forces to reckon with. Despite his experience, Dynamo is considerate of his opponent’s level of experience and very respectful of boundaries established. He took the time to teach me a few moves and holds, which made this experience really fun. After a couple of hours of fierce wrestling, we were both exhausted and drenched in sweat. Outside of the ring, Dynamo is a very interesting and intellectual individual with multiple skills beyond wrestling. I truly enjoyed fighting and meeting this great wrestler and would absolutely recommend him if you want to have a challenging, yet fun match.
[ES] - La lucha que tuve con Dynamo fue una gran experiencia, intensa y que disfruté mucho. Él es un luchador con amplia experiencia en Lucha Libre Mexicana, que me encanta, y lucha de sumisión. Dynamo es un luchador muy fuerte y alto que lucha para ganar. No me apena decir que Dynamo dominó esta lucha a pesar de que di el todo para pelear. Sus habilidades técnicas de lucha y su fuerza son de respetar. A pesar de su vasta experiencia, Dynamo es considerado respecto al nivel de su contrincante y respetuoso de los límites establecidos. En mi caso, tuvo la paciencia para enseñarme algunas llaves y contra ataques lo cual hizo la experiencia muy divertida. Después de un par de horas de lucha intensa, los dos terminamos agotados y bañados en sudor. Fuera del ring, Dynamo es un individuo intelectual y muy interesante con muchas habilidades y conocimientos más alla de la lucha. Realmente disfruté el conocer y luchar con Dynamo y lo recomiendo ampliamente para luchas retadoras y divertidas.
LeeLocks is recommended by Dynamo (3/10/2025)
[EN]:I had the pleasure and honor of meeting and fighting LeeLocks. Without a doubt, he is a very strong and skilled man in wrestling. His attacks are powerful and his defense is excellent. From the moment I saw him, I knew it would be a very difficult man-to-man battle (and it was).
We had a wrestling holds session beforehand and it served to create excellent chemistry between us, two strong and stud macho man gentlemen ready to fight. The fight progressed with a lot of sweat and masculine strength, locks and counterlocks, always taking care of each other and respecting the established limits. We ended up exhausted but happy to have met each other. Outside of the fight I was able to get to know the excellent person that this gentleman is, educated, fine, cultured, respectful and with great human qualities. Without a doubt I would fight this champion again many more times. Highly recommended.
[ES] Tuve el agrado y honor de conocer y luchar a LeeLocks. Sin dudarlo, él es un hombre muy fuerte y hábil en la lucha. Sus ataques son poderosos y su defensiva es excelente. Desde que lo ví, supe que sería una batalla hombre a hombre muy difícil (y lo fue).
Tuvimos previamente una sesión de llaves de lucha y sirvió para hacer una excelente química entre nosotros, dos machos potentes y caballeros luchadores listos a luchar. La lucha fue avanzando con un montón de sudor y fuerza masculina, llaves y contrallaves, siempre cuidándonos el uno al otro y respetando los límites establecidos. Terminamos exhaustos pero felices de habernos enfrentado. Fuera de la lucha pude conocer la excelente persona que es este caballero, educado, fino, culto, respetuoso y con grandes cualidades humanas. Sin lugar a dudas volvería a luchar con este campeón muchísimas veces más. Altamente recomendado.
tapoutwresl224 is recommended by Ctguy84 (3/10/2025)
Very nice guy!! Was a great host and I was able to get a few taps out of him. Can’t wait for round 2
Flexforme is recommended by Ninja soon (3/10/2025)
Had the pleasure of locking up with Flex after some chats and banter, and man what a killing beast he is. Incredible strength with powerful moves that'll humble you fast. You will be in big trouble if he ever gets on top of you. Picked up a few tricks from him, and a smart down-to-earth guy to vibe with post-match. It’s 100% true that Flex is the combo of a top-notch grappler and an awesome person. Top recommendation - no doubt!
FitGrappler is recommended by Ninja soon (3/10/2025)
Really easy to arrange a match with FitGrappler last minute and turned out to be a fantastic way to wrap up a workday evening. He's in amazing shape with both strength and endurance, very competitive and don’t back down easily. Took me some real effort to make sure he stayed in his place 😉 Also an excellent host and a laid back friendly guy to chat with after. Fight him if you get the chance – he won’t disappoint!
Ctguy84 is recommended by tapoutwresl224 (3/10/2025)
This guy was so much fun to wrestle with. Much stronger than I expected and did get a few taps out of me. Really can't wait for round 2.
AKgrappler is recommended by GymBro95 (3/10/2025)
I enjoyed wrestling with AKgrappler. This was one of my first wrestling matches, so he helped me learn some moves. He was careful with my knee since I’m recovering from an injury. He is a tough but friendly opponent
Julian Chang is recommended by Ben1500 (3/10/2025)
Julian welcomed me back to the world of wrestling with a great time and good on the spot advice. He’s great with submission holds. Thoroughly enjoyed my first match in years thanks to him!
Saukas is recommended by Smith2477 (3/10/2025)
Good in anything you want him to be nice conversation and very respectful would 100% recommend